After hearing this, how could Baofeng remain calm?
Coming to a wild land, they could provide food, drink and accommodation for more than 1 and nearly 2 people. In the eye of the storm, Yu Luo's family of three was already incredible, and now Yu Luo actually took out such a sketch and told him, To build houses for all his brothers?
Oh, a house with nearly 2 people. How big of a house can it accommodate?

"Small, Miss, are you sure you really want to build a house for nearly 2 people?"

"Of course, how can brothers survive this winter without building a tent? Even if there is coal for heating, the tent is nowhere as good as a brick house? Besides, now we have our own brick kiln, but it's just a little difficult to cut wood. Fortunately, it's in the northwest More than 100 miles away, our people discovered a large forest, which is enough to build a house. When the track is laid, transportation will not be a problem."

"But, this, this salary is also paid by the lady, but the work is done for ourselves, this..."

Even if Baofeng didn't say it completely, Yu Luo knew what he meant.

She waved her hand indifferently, "Now during the city construction period, brothers will be used as long-term laborers. When the city construction is completed and the entire city is put into profit, there will be a group of brothers who will be used as city guards. They are not here. They will only stay here for one or two years, but they may stay here for three to five years, seven to eight years, or even longer. Naturally, this place must be prepared for them.”

"What the young lady said is that if you lead your brothers and work hard, the young lady will certainly not treat you badly."

Seeing that Baofeng was a grown man and a mother-in-law, Zhang Hu didn't want to hear him continue to be polite, so he took the conversation and said calmly.

Baofeng naturally nodded repeatedly, and Yu Luo continued to the next topic.

"Ask your brothers if there is anyone who knows how to blacksmith. It will be necessary for everyone to have weapons when the time comes."

With one weapon in hand, the weapons stolen from the gold mines were enough, but what Yu Luo wanted to do was something else.

People who originally didn’t want to use Storm, but now they can only choose from this group of people.

The city is now completely built, and security matters need to be planned.

There is no shortage of materials on the shelves now, but there is still a shortage of available talent.

"There should be. I'll ask later. It's just that for making weapons, you need to use bronze or pig iron. We don't produce these things in this area. Miss, do you have a solution?"

"Why do you ask so many questions about Miss? From now on, we will obey unconditionally whatever Miss asks us to do. There are capable people behind Miss. To do this, there will naturally be someone to help Miss solve it. You, Baofeng, are a little out of line."

Hearing Zhang Hu's deep warning, Baofeng nodded repeatedly and looked at Yu Luo with a remorseful expression, "Yes, yes, my subordinates have overstepped their bounds. I don't dare to do that anymore."

Yu Luo's expression changed slightly, but when he lowered his eyes slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly curved in an imperceptible arc.

Therefore, you can really feel at ease if you have your own people.

At least Zhang Hu has done it now. Baofeng's performance in the past month has been good, but she is still a little uneasy.

That's all, he and his father plan to make the parts of the musket structure diagram separately. The people in Baofeng need to smelt iron and make the loose parts. When the time comes to actually assemble the musket, they will still need their own talents. OK.

Besides, the most important thing about a musket is gunpowder.

The method of making gunpowder must be completely in their hands.

"If you don't understand anything, ask Zhang Hu. He's right. There are some things you shouldn't ask. It's best not to ask." Yu Luo's understatement made Baofeng feel a sense of pressure.

The next time is to enter the next round of busyness.

Yu Luo looked at the brothers working under Baofeng and even had some doubts about how hard these people worked.

"Mom and dad, have you seen it? They don't need supervisors at all, every one of them is doing their best."

More than ten days later, the foundations have been dug one after another on the two main streets in the main city, and the construction of walls has begun. In some places, the construction of beams has already begun.

In the countryside, this kind of thing would be a big deal, but in this wild land, everyone wants to build all the houses that need to be built as soon as possible before the heavy snow comes.

Even if it is damp, it must not delay their eagerness to move in.

Yu Luo looked at the brothers who were sweating profusely from exhaustion and had no intention of resting for a while. Many of them were taking turns to fight, and they would never cheat or cheat. There was no need for the stewards to tell them what to do, they could do it themselves. Take the initiative to find work to do.

It was the hard work of these people that made Yu Luo feel vaguely uneasy.

"Not to mention, I have never seen so many people working, and no one wants to be lazy."

Not to mention Yu Junjie, even Ye Jiamei noticed something was slightly wrong.

Ye Jiamei rarely went out before, but now that the house has been built in the city, she inevitably takes Yu Xiangxiang out for a walk every day, which is regarded as a walk.

After Ye Jiamei finished speaking, Yu Junjie also frowned solemnly, "I always feel that they seem to have been trained, they are very compatible with what they do, and they actively cooperate. Maybe I am overthinking it, after all, mining in a private mine is so difficult After years of being oppressed by those people, I may have gotten used to it."

Yu Junjie didn't want to think too complicated about these people, but his words made Yu Luo fall even more suspicious of Baofeng and his party.

Yes, it was as if she had been trained. This was what she noticed was wrong before, but no matter what she thought, she could not imagine the breakthrough. Sure enough, his father was still the best.

But when he turned to look at his father, he had returned to his normal expression. Looking at the shops that were slowly being built, and the expectation in his father's eyes, Yu Luo suppressed his thoughts.

After two months, many crops in the fields can be harvested.

This year was originally a year of rush to plant, and the timing was quite late, but fortunately Yu Luo spent a lot of money to buy the accelerating medicine on the shelf, and hurriedly and slowly caught up. At the end of July, the rice finally turned yellow, and the corn It’s getting old, and the sweet potatoes in the fields can be harvested. Those winter melons, pumpkins, potatoes, and other miscellaneous grains have all entered the harvest period.

All the shops here are being built one after another, and only a few carpentry jobs are still being carried out.

There are also dormitories that more than 1 people need to live in, and they have all been built. Not only that, Xiao Yi has also dug a lot of wells in various places in the city.

On this day, Yu Luo went to the fields in person, picked a few watermelons, and returned to Fucheng with a basket of tomatoes.

Tomatoes didn't exist at all in this era, so Yu Luo bought its seeds on the shelf and planted a lot of them, hoping to use tomatoes to have a big harvest this year. (End of chapter)

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