In the past few months, Yu Zhengqing has become more taciturn than before. His appearance of not letting strangers in made Yu Xiaoyun scared. Not to mention the young Yu Xiaoyun, even Yu Xiaoxuan was becoming more and more afraid of this. Father.

In the past few months, life for the heirs has become increasingly difficult.

The food was almost eaten one after another, and Yu Zhengqing, who had been to the city for several times to be sealed off, also spent almost all the money he had left.

I thought that good news would come from the capital soon, but it had already been half a year since they came to this wild land. Let alone the news, they hadn't even received a letter from his eldest daughter.

After spending all the money he had, the few letters sent back to the capital were as if they were lost in the sea, with no response at all.

The desperate Yu Zhengqing even made plans to live in this wild land for a long time, and even gave up hope of returning to the capital.

Now that the second prince has become the crown prince and has great power, even if he does not plan to find an opportunity to get them back, he should at least send some supplies, but who knows...

"This place is safe now. What are you worried about? Haven't you seen that our father and brothers use Qinggong to go far away when hunting? There are so many people here that even wild beasts don't dare to come. Why are you still worried about these adults?"

After several months of recuperation, Yu Yingying had recovered from her injuries and broken arms. She was a disabled person all day long, and she still had to live with clothes on her hands, food on her hands, and mouth to open.

Now, she can be considered a broken person. Although she is still timid about the majesty of her father, Yu Zhengqing, after thinking about it, she has become more and more wanton.

In Yu Yingying's eyes, she was her father's daughter anyway. Even if her father blamed them, he couldn't really abandon them.

No, Yu Yingying, who just took the opportunity to say a few words, also said a few sensible words, which was rare. Unexpectedly, Yu Zhengqing's mood had just relaxed a little, and she spoke again.

"Besides, these three people are also useless. They just went out to collect some firewood and didn't come back for a long time. If they really died outside, our family would be able to eat food for a few more days."

Yu Zhengqing...

Sure enough, he still overestimated his daughter's twisted psychology!
"Yu Yingying, don't be so vicious. No matter what, there is still our grandmother inside. Even if you don't want to see my aunt and sister, then you shouldn't curse them like this! How come I have such a vicious sister like you? "

"Ah, you little bitch, do you deserve to be my brother even if you are a concubine? You are just like them, a bitch. Now our family has no money left. Just in time, we can put you bitches and trash like you into lockdown. Sell ​​some money to survive the winter."

"You, you, you, you are the waste. You are the waste with a broken leg. You sit and wait for food to be delivered to you all day long. Do you still think that you are the second daughter of the Hou family? You are the only one. It’s trash!”

After walking outside the cave, Yu Zhengqing squatted in front of the big stone and sharpened his sword. Hearing the quarrel between the two siblings in the cave, his face became darker and darker, but he had no intention of going in to stop it.

The long sword in his hand was polished until it was very bright, and he had no intention of stopping yet.

After repeated inspections and confirmations, he put away his long sword, took out a sharp dagger, and continued to polish it... It was getting dark, and the quarrels inside had long since stopped. Chang Hui Lan worked in the vegetable field all afternoon. Watching her two sons coming back from a distance each carrying a large bundle of firewood and a wild animal, Lan hurriedly put away the farm tools and returned to the cave.

"Father and mother, look, my eldest brother shot an antelope. This antelope is quite big. Our family can eat for several days."

Yu Xiaoxuan's excited voice could be heard far away from the cave. If it weren't for the generosity of the Yu Luo family, it can be said that among the more than 100 people in exile, the life of the direct descendant would have been the most nourishing.

After all, three members of Yu Zhengqing’s family knew kung fu, and Yu Zhengqing still had leadership skills and some money. But who would have thought that their family would be isolated in the end?

Ever since the Chen family got out of that gang, the people who were exiled together have gradually alienated them. Only Liu Lan and Yu Qiang occasionally came to hang out in front of their cave door. The others got up early in the morning and went to work. I came back after dark, so I probably didn’t have the energy to interact with their family.

"Oh, isn't that awesome? No wonder you two brothers have been out for a long time and turned out to be hunting again. I have to say that as long as you want to hunt in this wild land, you will never come back empty-handed. It's winter now. , it’s better to beat some more, if you can’t finish the meat, I’ll smoke some and save it for winter.”

Putting down the farm tools, Chang Huilan hurriedly stepped forward and took a pile of firewood off her youngest son's shoulders.

Now, what they do every day is to go out to find firewood. After all, if they wait more than two months, it will snow in this wild land, and when it is covered with heavy snow, it will be even harder to find firewood.

"Eldest brother, second brother, have you seen my grandmother, my aunt, and my third sister?"

Ignoring the cheerful voices outside, Yu Xiaoyun ran out of the cave, with a burst of sadness on his face. Without stopping, he grabbed the corner of Yu Xiaoran's clothes, raised his head and asked.

"No, haven't they come back yet? Or did they come back and go out after we left?"

Before Yu Xiaoran, who was being dragged by the hem of her clothes, could speak, Yu Xiaoxuan shook his head in confusion and answered first.

"Grandma is not that diligent. It is impossible for her to take the initiative to go out after she comes back. She must have gone out early in the morning and hasn't come back yet."

Leaving the antelope behind, Yu Xiaoran glanced at Yu Xiaoxuan indifferently, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth was obvious. Obviously, he was a little worried about his younger brother's IQ.

"Ah, then, will something happen? Brother, let's go find it immediately!"

Regarding Yu Xiaoxuan's nervousness, Yu Xiaoran was obviously more impatient, but the three of them were his relatives no matter what. If something really happened, he might be afraid of himself in the future because of his negligence in not looking for it. regret.

Faced with the fact that Chen and his whole family had conspired to deceive him and his father, Yu Xiaoran was equally angry, but the family was already in such chaos, and he couldn't really abandon it. After being angry, he still had to stir up trouble in the family. Burden?
This was what Chen had expected when he took his whole family together.

The trick used by Mrs. Chen was to seize the weakness of her son and grandson's soft-heartedness. What she was betting on was their filial piety and family affection. After all, even if Yu Zhengqing really killed the three members of Yu Luo's family, Mrs. Chen would still return. In the cave, Yu Zhengqing will also know everything about their plan. (End of chapter)

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