Chang Huilan's words made Yu Yingying stunned on the spot!

If Yu Yingying was crazy just now, then Chang Huilan is completely crazy now!
Yu Yingying, who was beaten, listened to the words from Chang Huilan's mouth, her mouth wide open the whole time, covering her burning cheeks, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

There was still that arrogance in her eyes, but the arrogance seemed to be wrapped up with infinite hatred and anger towards her biological mother.

She couldn't believe in her dreams that these words of disdain for her would actually come from her biological mother!

Yu Xiaoyun, who had long been frightened by Chang Huilan's sudden outburst, huddled beside the fire with his small body, his face as big as a palm, and his eyes as wide as eggs.

The pottery bowl he held in his hand was trembling slightly, and a wave of fear was released from his body without warning. It was the fear of Chang Huilan, his aunt.

It can be said that even though he is just a concubine, he has never seen Chang Huilan so angry since he was born in the Hou Mansion, and he has never seen Chang Huilan say anything serious to Yu Yingying, his sister-in-law. talk.

Today's Chang Huilan seemed to have changed her core, and her whole person exuded an aura that made Yu Xiaoyun feel frightened.

"Don't stare at me like that. There's no point in staring at me. Just face reality!"

After saying that, Chang Huilan never looked at her daughter again, turned around and walked back to the fire, took another earthenware bowl, and filled herself with a pot of mutton and radish soup.

She had a dark face the whole time and didn't even give Yu Xiaoyun a glance. It was as if Yu Xiaoyun, the bastard huddled in the corner, was completely transparent.

These things are terribly unpalatable. Except for a little bit of salt, the smell of antelope meat is completely overwhelming.

In the past, it would have been impossible for her to eat it, or even look at it.

But things are different now. Even the eldest daughter who became the crown prince's concubine has not sent anyone to check on them once for more than half a year, let alone send some money or supplies.

Chang Huilan figured out that the fate of the world is not as great as that of her husband. From now on, let alone her daughter, even if it is her own son, she will put it behind. In this world, I am afraid that only her husband can do it. Someone who really treats her well.

Yu Yingying's virtues were not developed in a day or two. Such arrogance and domineering were not only due to the halo of her own identity, but also because she was pampered by the Chen family since she was a child.

Even though Chang Huilan had said harsh words to her just now, she was still angry after being shocked!
Even though Chang Huilan said that, when she reacted, she still couldn't hold back the angry roar and scream. After pulling up the quilt, she simply buried her whole body in the quilt and continued to be angry.

Today, Chang Huilan is also determined and unwilling to pay any attention to her. Even if Yu Yingying dies of starvation, she will never be soft-hearted towards her today.

After filling her stomach, she put on a thicker cotton coat and planned to go to the caves next door to ask Chen about their situation.

To be honest, if there is anything wrong with Chen, Lan, and Yu Meiyao, it is all her blessing. She can never ask for such a thing.

At least from now on, she will be the only wife beside her husband, and she won’t even have Chen’s vicious mother-in-law to suppress her. This is simply a great joy in life!
However, her two sons had been searching for them for so long, but there was no movement. She was worried that her sons were in danger.

Just when she was thinking that her two sons were stupid, the night in this wild land was already dangerous, and they went out to search for so long without coming back. Unexpectedly, she was about to go out to find out the news, but as soon as she came out of the cave, she encountered a dangerous situation. Liu Lan rushed over.

Seeing Chang Huilan about to go out so late, Liu Lan grabbed her and took her aside. "Sister-in-law, do you want to ask your mother-in-law about the Lan family?"

Chang Huilan glanced at Liu Lan's face with a complex expression, and her eyes immediately showed a touch of surprise, "How do you know? I was planning to go to your cave to ask, my mother-in-law, the Lan family and my concubine, I went out early in the morning and haven't come back yet. Our two sons have also been out looking for someone for a while. Aren't I worried?"

Upon hearing Chang Huilan's worried tone, Liu Lan clapped her hands on her thighs and winked happily at Chang Huilan!

"You, are you too kind? Sure enough, you are worthy of being a lady. If it were anyone else, you would be happy at this time. Looking at your worried look, no wonder my aunt bullies you for nothing. Twice because you are too weak."

The corner of Chang Huilan's mouth trembled slightly. Fortunately, it was already dark. Although both of them had torches, the light flickered due to the strong wind at night, so Liu Lan didn't notice anything strange about her at all.

Is she kind?

No!She has never been a kind person. If she was really kind, then Lan's concubine would not be the only one in the Hou Mansion.

"Stop talking, this person has disappeared for a day, but human life is a big deal. Do you know anything, Mrs. Liu?"

Chang Huilan suppressed the secret joy in her heart and pretended to be even more worried. She hurriedly took Liu Lan's hand and asked.

She had a grudge against the Chen family. She had been jealous from the moment the Lan family entered the house. Naturally, only she could know about this matter. She couldn't even tell her own children, so how could she let an outsider like Liu Lan know her thoughts?

The worry on Chang Huilan's face became even stronger, making Liu Lan shake her head for a while.

"Oh, is this what I came here to tell you? Have the men in your family already gone out to look for someone?"

"Well, there are only three of us at home, Yingying and Xiao Yun. They have been out for a while."

Of course, you can't tell anyone about your husband's return to the capital. If he is caught, it will be a serious crime of beheading. If it reaches the ears of the emperor, it will not be as simple as just being exiled. Even Liu Lan is also a member of the Yu family, Chang Huilan Still tight-lipped.

"Oh, then the men in your family may have to suffer again today!"

Seeing Liu Lan's attitude of keeping half and half, even though Chang Huilan's mentality had long been trained beyond the reach of ordinary women, she was going a little crazy at this moment.

"Stop being so pretentious and say what you have to say!"

Here, the two brothers searched for a long time, and they also searched around Yuluo's house. They shouted loudly as they walked, but there was still no sign of the three of them.

The two brothers were becoming more and more uneasy.

After all, the three of them, the old, the weak, the women and the children, could not go very far apart from being able to move around in populated areas, and they did not know martial arts. (End of chapter)

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