When Yu Junjie reminded them like this, the mother and daughter smiled and suddenly came to their senses!

"Yes, as for Yu Zhengqing, that filial son, shouldn't he have been searching for people in the wilderness long ago? What happened this time? A day and a night have passed, and why haven't they found any of them?"

"Yes, the brothers who brought the three of them back yesterday said that it was quite embarrassing at that time. Several families watched the three of Chen's being arrested. There was no reason for those families to go back. Later, I won’t tell Yu Zhengqing, this is indeed a bit abnormal for my parents.”

Ye Jiamei finished speaking, and Yu Luo thought about what the brothers said yesterday, feeling enlightened.

The three of them felt even more strange when they thought about the memory of Yu Zhengqing clamoring to avenge the Chen family.

"Don't worry about what happened to Yu Zhengqing. Let's go and see how that old witch Chen is doing. After last night, I think she is at her most psychologically fragile now. Maybe she can be cured once we go. Ask your husband about your biological mother from this old witch!"

"Okay, let's go together. In fact, we have the person in our hands. It's not too late to torture him first and then ask questions. I'm not in a hurry anyway."

When Yu Junjie thought of the torture the three original owners had suffered at the hands of Chen, a chill filled his eyes.

Logically speaking, a grown man like him shouldn't argue with an old woman, but Chen is not an ordinary old woman. Not only did she torture the three original owners, she also poisoned her original owner since he was a child, so he targeted this old woman. This vicious side must also let her enjoy the taste of hell on earth in advance.

When the three of them arrived at the city gate, the three women were already dying and motionless.

The rope hanging in mid-air swayed like three corpses, which was extremely desolate.

"Oh, why can't I stand it after only one day and one night? What's going on? It's true that you're used to being pampered, and that's why you're suffering so much. Could it be that you're going to die?"

Ye Jiamei crossed her arms and raised her voice in a sharp and mean voice.

It was extremely quiet outside the city. The three people who had been hanging there for a day and a night finally couldn't stand it anymore when the sky was slightly brighter. They just closed their eyes and fell asleep, but they were awakened by a familiar voice.

As soon as they opened their eyes in a daze, the three of them looked down and saw Yu Junjie leading Ye Jiamei and Yu Luo, watching them leisurely from below.

Especially the sarcasm on Ye Jiamei's face immediately filled Chen's heart with hatred, and her drowsiness disappeared!

"Xiaoluo, do you think they are dead? Do you have a crossbow? How about shooting an arrow at the old witch Chen? If they are not dead, I believe it will hurt to wake her up. If If you die like this, we will shoot a few more arrows at Lan and Yu Meiyao. Especially Yu Meiyao, we must shoot a few more arrows. This damn girl used to bully you a lot when she was in the Hou Mansion. Today we have If you want to complain and take revenge, you’re welcome!”

Ye Jiamei had a loud voice, and with such a shout, the three of them, no matter how confused they were, tried to open their heavy eyelids. Because of their nervousness and fear, the three of them couldn't help but start to shake hard.

But with their movement, and with the help of a little bit of wind, the bodies of the three of them became like a parabola, hanging in the air even more happily!

"Don't, don't shoot the arrow, I, we are not dead, not dead!"

Before Yu Meiyao could plead for mercy, Chen's weak and hoarse voice sounded in mid-air. There was a hint of urgency and flattery in this voice.

"Yes, we, we are not dead, we are just asleep, Yu Luo, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let us go, sir. I swear that I will never appear in front of you to make you sick." You! Please!" As soon as Chen finished speaking, Yu Meiyao started to pray humbly with a tearful tone.

Lan, on the other hand, bit her lip and kept echoing, as if saying another word would consume all her energy.

"Yes, I carry this with me."

Yu Luo looked at the begging for mercy of several people. He didn't mean to be soft-hearted at all, and he didn't pay attention to the three people's begging for mercy. He took out a crossbow from his back and casually stuffed it into Ye Jiamei's hand and said generously. : "Mom, this Mrs. Chen used to be in the Marquis Mansion. Relying on her status, she would tease you whenever she had nothing to do. She would make you kneel in the front yard all day. From time to time, she would beat, scold and insult you like a mother-in-law. Today is the day. It’s a good time for you to take revenge. Let’s attack Mr. Chen first. You’re welcome.”

Upon hearing what Yu Luo said, Mrs. Chen's face turned pale as she was hanging in the air!
Suddenly, a gush of water flowed under her body, flowing out without any symptoms along her two legs floating in the air.

This disgusting look made the three members of Yu Luo's family twitch with disgust!
"Bah, you damn old woman, aren't you very powerful? I haven't fired the arrow yet. Why are you so cowardly today that you still wet your pants like a one-year-old child? Hahahaha! Mr. Chen, you never dreamed that you Will it be today?"

"No, Ye Jiamei, you can't kill me. Please, don't you want to know where Yu Junjie's biological mother is? I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything!"

"No! I don't want to know now. I just want you to be used as a target. Let me shoot a few arrows first to ease my mind."

After finishing her words, Ye Jiamei raised her arm without hesitation, and aimed the crossbow at Chen's legs!


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Ye Jiamei's fair and slender fingers have become whiter and tenderer in the past few months of pampering.

She pulled the trigger quickly and neatly, with systematic support. She ignored Chen's begging for mercy and never missed once. Three short arrows were fired in succession, all heading towards Chen's thigh!

In the blink of an eye, three short arrows were accurately inserted into Chen's legs, which were not too thickly dressed. Chen's howl, like a pig being killed, sounded on the city wall.

The more miserable she howled, the more frightened Lan and Yu Meiyao were next to her.

The mother and daughter were even afraid that Ye Jiamei's arrow skills would be inaccurate. When Ye Jiamei raised her arms, they had to try their best to shake their bodies in mid-air to prevent them from being accidentally injured.

But in this way, they had only a little strength left, and a lot of it was consumed.

"Madam, your archery skills are quite accurate. Not a single arrow missed, but all of them hit! Come on, try again. This time, switch sides of her shoulder blades, and shoot an arrow from each side. I believe you can do it! "

Before Ye Jiamei could boast, Yu Junjie next to him was already full of doting, and he was praising his wife!
Upon hearing this, Ye Jiamei's brows lit up with joy, and when she was about to continue raising her arms, the crying Mrs. Chen suddenly stopped and shook her head, about to continue begging for mercy. (End of chapter)

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