"Don't be afraid, mother, I, I will treat your wounds!"

Looking at Mrs. Chen who woke up from the pain, Mrs. Lan was so frightened that she hurriedly coaxed him softly, and her attitude became submissive from the bottom of her heart without even realizing it.

These people didn't want Chen to die at all, and Chen woke up on his own when he pulled out the first short arrow. Lan had no choice but to lower his posture and hurriedly coaxed him.

When she heard Lan's voice, Chen closed her eyes and screamed, gasped, raised her hand, ignored Sanqi 21, and slapped Lan's cheek.

Facing Chen, Lan hurriedly turned her head to the side, but she overestimated Chen's ability. At this time, Chen still had two short arrows stuck in his shoulder blades, and wanted to slap her. , and couldn’t lift my arms.

Her evasion was completely useless. Although Chen didn't succeed, the involvement of the wound and Lan's evasive attitude made Chen more and more angry.

"How dare you hide, you bitch, you made me hurt so much!"


It was obviously Chen who couldn't raise his own arm, so it didn't matter if he didn't hit himself, but he still blamed himself?Lan's heart was also filled with pain and he couldn't express it.

Faced with Chen's arrogance, Lan had no choice but to swallow her grievances.

"Yes, I was wrong. But mother, you can't use too much force now. You still have a short arrow stuck in your shoulder blade. I have to pull out the arrow for you and bandage the wound."

Seeing Lan's cautious look, Chen's thoughts gradually returned to his thoughts, he rolled his eyes and looked around.

Blue bricks and black tiles, this is actually in a courtyard.

Thinking of the journey of exile for more than half a year, a bright light suddenly appeared in Chen's eyes, and even the excitement at this moment overshadowed the pain in his body, as well as his feverish and hungry body.

"I, we have gone back? Are we no longer in the wilderness? Why is there a yard here? Lan, is the second prince coming to save us?!"

How could Mrs. Chen, who was so excited, bother to blame Mrs. Lan for causing her pain?She grabbed Lan's arm with her backhand and struggled to sit up from the ground.

In the past half a year, not to mention Chen, an old woman in her sixties, even Lan and Chang Huilan, who had maintained their youthfulness and beauty in the past, seemed to have aged ten years.

Mrs. Chen, whose face was full of wrinkles, was so excited that the wrinkles on her forehead and eyes became deeper. However, when her happy look fell in Lan's eyes, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Mother, don't move around yet. This is not a place to go back to. This, this is still in the wilderness."

Lan had no choice but to tell the truth, but as soon as she said these words, Chen's happy face suddenly changed!
"What? Are you lying to me? How can there be such a courtyard in the wilderness? No, that's not right! We were hung up on that city wall by Yu Luo before. There seemed to be a lot of green grass in Yu Luo's city. A house with black bricks and tiles, are we really still in Yuluo's territory?!"

Seeing Mrs. Chen changing from joy to fear, Yu Meiyao sniffed and hurriedly came forward.

"Grandma, we are indeed still on Yu Luo's territory. You, you have just been sent here. Grandma, please take care of your injuries first. They only give you one day to rest. If your injuries are not treated tomorrow, there will be no chance of tomorrow. Can’t do the work.”

"Work?! What kind of work?! I've been pampered and pampered for more than thirty years. At this age, I still need to work?"

Upon hearing Yu Meiyao's words, Chen, who was already shocked that she was still trapped in Yuluo's territory, looked shocked again, and her eyes were full of fear.

"Well, grandma, we won't be able to leave easily this time when we fall into Yu Luo's hands. Yu Luo didn't let us hang on the city wall, so we saved our lives. She wants us to live, so she must be Those who want to torture us, grandma, we just have to survive and hold on until father comes to save us." "Yes, mother, I thought we were all going to die on the city wall. Fortunately, Yu Luo put us down. Mother, please bear with us. Be careful, Yu Luo's subordinates sent over golden sore medicine, which proves that she won't let us die. I'll help mother take care of these arrow wounds first."

"What? Leave us to work? Is it possible that Yu Luo's evil spirit has not given up on torturing me, an old woman?"


Chen's sharp voice sounded angrily in the courtyard.

That sharp face and wrinkled eyes were full of anger.

But as soon as she finished howling, the sound of a whip being struck on her body suddenly sounded.

Chen, whose whole body was already hungry, cold and covered in wounds, was in so much pain that she could only breathe her last few breaths. Because of this scream, she spent a lot of energy.

"Haha, you are still so full of energy, so I don't think you should rest today and go directly to me!"

Zhang Xiaoliang, wearing a high-end outfit and holding a whip in his hand, suddenly appeared behind the three of them.

The three of them looked back together and saw the sinister smile on Zhang Xiaoliang's face. When they heard Zhang Xiaoliang's words, the three of them were so frightened that they shook their heads hastily, just wanting to beg for mercy.

"No, no, no, brother, we were wrong. We stopped shouting. We will take care of the wounds immediately and rest. We will work hard tomorrow!"

When Lan saw this, he quickly squeezed out a flattering smile and prayed to Zhang Xiaoliang.

"Ha, if you don't want to continue to be whipped, just be more honest with me."

After Zhang Xiaoliang finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the yard.

"Is this Yu Luo a ghost? Why are you still not going to let me go after you tortured my old bones like this? Oh my god, come and collect those three bitches, old woman. I'm going to be beaten to death by them!"

Yu Luo, who was standing outside the courtyard, couldn't help but smile as he listened to Chen's helpless cries inside.

"Later, bring a bowl of white porridge to Mrs. Chen. She hasn't eaten for two days, but we can't let her starve to death. The fun is about to begin. Mrs. Lan and Yu Meiyao don't have to rest today. They can't grind two thousand kilograms of cornmeal. They can't sleep."

"Yes, my subordinates remember it."

Three days later, the convoy led by Zhang Hu went through many difficulties and finally arrived at the border of Dongfeng Kingdom.

The borders of adjacent wild lands are naturally not as good as the borders of other countries, and strict checks will be carried out when crossing the border.

None of them had official customs clearance documents, so if they wanted to pass through, they would definitely not be able to do so.

On the afternoon of the third day, Zhang Hu and his party arrived at a place only one mile away from the border crossing, but they did not dare to go there rashly until it got dark. Zhang Hu took Hu Liu directly there to cross the border. place and observed secretly for a while.

They did this because they saw where they were resting. There were several people dressed as gangsters who had come from the wilderness. They seemed to have no customs clearance documents and were waiting to go after dark. (End of chapter)

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