Listening to his master's words, Azan resisted the urge to refute and nodded repeatedly.

"In that case, let's go. After all, that girl is not a good person. Has the master forgotten what the girl did to the master when he was in Fengcheng?"

He didn't want to be okay, but when he thought about Ye Lu, he couldn't help but feel his crotch tighten. He would never forget that kind of unforgettable pain.

"Hey, why do you think she came to Yueyang City? Then could she be from our Dongfeng Kingdom? Also, I think, why do we have an inexplicable fate with her, or what? It's such a coincidence, this world is so big, why do we meet again? And those..."

"Master, haven't you forgotten her?"

Azan really couldn't listen anymore. Seeing his master's duplicity and imaginative expression, Azan interrupted Yelu's eloquence with a direct sentence.

Ye Lu shouldn't be angry at being interrupted, but Azan, who had no eyesight, exposed his little thoughts, and Ye Lu's face immediately darkened.

The beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole person approached the somewhat guilty Azan next to him.

Seeing his master's appearance, Azan suddenly regretted it.

"No, the master's subordinates know that the master, who has been married for a long time, will definitely keep his integrity for the princess. Naturally, he will not be interested in a random woman outside! The master must be angry, angry This woman took revenge on the master last time!"

Seeing Azan's panicked look in a hurry to explain, with a dog-legged and flattering smile, he squinted his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a dangerous look, then gave up and snorted coldly towards Azan, "No way. Talk, say less next time.”

Seeing his master's evacuated body, Azan nodded repeatedly with relief!

"Well, I understand, and I won't talk nonsense next time."

After Azan finished speaking, the graceful figure in the small courtyard appeared again. Yelu immediately looked happy and hurriedly disappeared his figure again. Azan, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, was caught off guard and turned aside. He was immediately dragged away by his master and hidden.

After waiting for a while, Ye Lu carefully leaned out half of his body and headed towards that graceful figure. Azan couldn't help but also stuck out half of his head and looked at Yu Luo's back.

"Master, why don't we follow?"

Judging from the expression written on his master's face, Azan shouldn't quite understand what he was thinking.

Empress Dowager Yelu waved her hand and followed quietly.

"Master, we don't have to act like thieves. Master can actually go up there and pretend to have met the girl by chance."

"What do you mean by pretending? It's just an encounter, but let's see what she does in Yueyang City first. Maybe we can find a chance to get acquainted with her."

Looking at his master's longing and expectant look, Azan's lips twitched, "Master, what do you want to know this girl for? Master, don't forget, the master is a person who is engaged, even if you can marry more, master There are a few, but this girl doesn't look like the kind of woman who makes others look younger. Master, you can't tame her."

There was a "pop", and as soon as Azan finished speaking, his master slapped him firmly on the back of the head.

Although this slap only hurts a little bit, my master sometimes gets angry and the method of punishing people is not just to suffer a little physical pain, Azan doesn't want to!


Looking at the aggrieved eyes of his family members, Ye Lu snorted coldly, "As promised, if you can't speak, I'll ask you to speak less. Can't you stop saying such disappointing things when I'm in my mood? "

"I'm just telling the truth. If the master doesn't like to hear it, then I just won't tell you anymore." "Oh, but you are indeed telling the truth. I am already engaged, otherwise I would have to consider this little pepper." That’s all.”

"Master, maybe this isn't something you don't consider in the exam. Maybe this girl doesn't like you at all."

"To shut up!"

Azan's straightforward words hit Yelu's pain point again. He was speechless and had no choice but to use his identity to suppress poor Azan.

When Azan saw his master's angry look, he completely obediently shut his mouth.

Yu Luo took several of his subordinates from a quiet alley to a busy street. The subordinate beside him was dragging a passerby to ask for the way to Dongshi. Yu Luo, who was waiting aside, suddenly saw someone next to him. In the restaurant, several quarrels sounded.

Looking sideways, he saw several waiters pushing a man out of the restaurant, cursing.

"Go away, come to our restaurant to sell things again, see if I don't break one of your legs!"

Behind the waiter, a middle-aged man in rich clothes walked out. He looked condescending, pointed at the man at the foot of the steps, and cursed loudly.

Seeing the man swallowing his anger and protecting the bag and fruits in his arms, Yu Luo walked up quickly.

"If you don't want to buy it, you won't buy it. Do you need to recommend it like this?"

Hearing this familiar voice, the man looked back in surprise, and his expressionless face lit up with joy!

"Oh, it turns out we are in the same group. You look like a pretty girl. If you come in and have a drink with me, I will buy all your fruits today."

"Azan, come on!"

Before Yu Luo could get angry, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

As soon as Yu Luo turned around, Ye Lu had already finished his instructions. Before the shopkeeper standing on the steps could react, Azan had already stepped forward and kicked the shopkeeper standing at the door of the restaurant. Fei entered the restaurant.

It had just arrived at noon, and there were many guests dining in the restaurant at this time.

The shopkeeper flew in unexpectedly and hit a large table where the guests were dining.

The table was full of dishes, some of which had just come out of the pot and had to be boiled. The smashed dishes even caused a lot of pricks on the back of the shopkeeper, which made his face contort in pain!

"Damn it! You dare to come and destroy my place. Why are you still standing there? Why don't you let me kill them? I'll catch that stinky bitch and see if I don't play with her to death!"

Before he could get up, the shopkeeper suddenly felt that he was surrounded by everyone in the restaurant. Such a humiliating moment made him even more embarrassed.

Immediately, he put his hands on the table and ordered angrily to the waiters in the restaurant!
"Haha, you are simply overestimating your capabilities. Azan, I will destroy this person first, and then I will destroy the restaurant!"

A slender figure suddenly appeared and stood beside Yu Luo. His arrogant look made Yu Luo frown! (End of chapter)

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