The three of them walked back to the small courtyard. Zhang Hu and the two called their brothers to eat the packed dishes together as a midnight snack. They were all grown men. After working hard for so many days, Yu Luo didn't interfere too much. He also deliberately gave them a few kilograms of wine to quench their thirst.

The next day, before dawn, everyone got up to hitch the carriage and prepare for the return journey. This small courtyard must have someone to guard it, or to serve as a business contact point. Yu Luo left behind a young man named Xiao Hai who knew kung fu. The boy also left dozens of taels of silver for him to make up for the missing things in the small courtyard, waiting for the brothers to come back at any time.

When Lu Yi saw the movement in the small courtyard, he hurried to the inn and reported what happened here to Ye Lu.

"Are you sure they said they were going back?"

"Yes master."

Listening to Lu Yi's words, Yelu's eyes rolled, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slowly rise!

"Haha, since we have the opportunity to know who that girl is, there is no need to go to Fengcheng again. Anyway, there will be many opportunities in the future. Besides, I don't have much money to spend this time. Let's take care of it. , follow them out of the city immediately, just follow them from a distance, and don’t let them discover you."

Just like that, as soon as Yu Luo and the others left the city, Ye Lu and the others were thousands of meters apart. They didn't even ride their horses, so they followed behind them quietly using Qinggong.

Although it was a return trip, Yu Luo wanted to get home as soon as possible and start preparing for the next delivery. He thought that if the thirty or so people under him were stopped when crossing the border, he might still be able to use his fake identity. , just planning to join everyone, and after passing the level, she would use Qinggong to rush back.

After leaving the city in the morning, the group arrived at the border town in the afternoon. After having a quick bite to eat, they waited for dark before crossing the border.

Everything went well. Although they were almost robbed again, this group of people had already experienced it. As soon as the bandits came out, everyone followed with their bows and crossbows. Without even waiting for the bandits to react, they were put down by Yu Luo's people and passed quickly. .

Unfortunately, Yu Luo was stopped this time when he took out his fake identity.

"We let these people pass the customs last time. You said they were your subordinates. Ha, it seems that your identity cannot be true. You dare to pretend to be a member of the Xiahou family. I think you, a woman, don't want to live. Got it!"

Yu Luo had no idea that he had done such a bad thing with good intentions, and when he was about to spend some money to get rid of these difficult officers and soldiers, unexpectedly a group of soldiers patrolling in the distance came over.

The leader saw about thirty people, including a woman like Yu Luo, and ten carriages, and he immediately became vigilant.

"It's already dark, you still want to go there?"

"Master, we are hurrying and hurrying, and we didn't rush to the border before dark. You see, our group is very tired, and we don't want to rush on the road at night."

"Okay, take out your customs clearance documents."

"The customs clearance document was lost when I met bandits on the road and lost it during the fight. We are all from the Xiahou Mansion..."

Wu Er tried his best to explain that even if he was lying, his expression would not change. Anyway, Yu Luo secretly admired this psychological quality.

Maybe Wu Er also measured the money that these few people had taken that night, and the official who let them pass the customs did not dare to expose them. After all, if they were exposed, their private accumulation of money would be enough for them to be punished by military law.

Looking at Wu Er's calm and flattering smile, the corner of Chief Officer Cha's mouth raised a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, since you lost it, you should go back and find a new one from the government. If you don't have the customs clearance documents, don't even think about going there. Otherwise, we will arrest them all, or those who forcefully break in will be killed immediately without mercy!"

Here, everyone was frightened by the words of the leading officer and soldier. Although they could force their way through, this level would definitely be more tightly guarded in the future. How could they deliver goods in that case?

Yu Luo once again took out her identity as Xia Hou Yuanwei. The leading officer looked at the paper in her hand, his expression changed slightly. He couldn't help but look Yu Luo up and down. Just when he was about to speak, Ye Luo was hiding in the dark. Unable to wait any longer, with one quick move, he landed next to the leading officer and soldier.

"Why, you want to stop my people too?"

Ye Lu also didn't expect that Yu Luo and the others would actually go back to this wild land.

He originally planned not to seal the city, but he actually followed Yu Luo here directly. When he was shocked, he found that Yu Luo and his group were all stopped at the checkpoint.

Thinking that his appearance could help this woman solve the current problem, how could Ye Lu remain calm?Without listening to Azan's dissuasion, he flew over with a Qinggong skill.

As soon as Ye Lu finished speaking, he threw a token into the arms of the leading officer and soldier. He was just thinking about who dared to cause such trouble in this level. When the leading officer and soldier took a closer look at the token in their hands, their expressions immediately changed!
His expression suddenly became humble. He cupped his fists and saluted before kneeling down towards Yelu, "Young man has eyesight but cannot see Mount Tai. I still hope that His Highness will atone for his sins!"

Your Highness? !
Hearing the title of this official, Yu Luo and his subordinates also changed their expressions, and all looked at Ye Lu!

Even though Yu Luo was a little angry at being followed by Ye Lu, he didn't expect that the man he met while being angry was actually a prince from Dongfeng Kingdom!
Before Yu Luo could speak, the officers and soldiers led by him who were kneeling on the ground spoke again.

"I have never seen Princess Yuanwei, and I never dared to think that the princess, who is a woman with such status, would come to this wild place. Since Princess Yuanwei is your highness's fiancée, this will definitely not happen. If there is a mistake, please let me go!"


Night wisp!

The leading officer and soldier stood up in person, trotted forward, and opened the barrier for Yu Luo and his party. At this time, the two opposing men were already facing each other!

When he looked at Ye Lu's slightly surprised eyes, which gradually became a bit more playful, Yu Luo even considered slapping himself!

She went to Fengcheng and spent some money to ask Fengcheng to help her forge an identity that allowed her to enter and exit the level at will.

But she never dreamed that the person who sealed the city forged for her would actually be the fiancée of the man in front of her!

Yu Luo, whose mask was torn off on the spot, was extremely embarrassed. The group of people passed the checkpoint successfully. Yu Luo finally couldn't hold it back and looked back at Ye Lu who was walking beside him.

"I didn't do it on purpose, but I didn't pass the paperwork, so I had someone give me a false identity. Unexpectedly, I became your fiancée."

Ye Lu never dreamed that Yu Luo, who had a bad temper, would take the initiative to talk to him so quickly, and even change his previous fierce and even cold attitude! (End of chapter)

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