Hearing his subordinate's words, Xing Yong's lips curved into a meaningful smile.

"Oh, the price is not high, go ahead and reply to the letter."

In order to hold the food festival, Yu Junjie trained the chef again, and Luocheng also selected a street as a snack street.

In addition to these preparations, he also brought many new things from the annual meeting in his previous life to ancient times. Thousands of Luocheng brothers were busy again, waiting for the day of the food festival to open the city gates to entertain visitors from all directions.

Theater troupe, grass dragon dance, stilt walking, ring making, pot throwing, bow shooting, and sandbag throwing

Just these fun games take up more than half of the snack street, and a lot of various snacks from the previous life have also been moved out.

Just three days before the food festival, Zhang Hu hurriedly found Yu Luo, his expression a little solemn.

Seeing Zhang Hu like this, Yu Luo immediately knew that something unexpected had happened.

"Miss, Fengcheng is following our example. There will be a martial arts competition in three days, which happens to be the same day as our food festival."

Hearing this, Yu Luo's cold little face was slightly startled, but then she suddenly raised the corners of her lips, with a few points of light shining in her eyes.

"Miss, what do you mean by this? My subordinates believe that the move to seal the city is probably aimed at our city. The lady personally sent them invitations, and they had the nerve to ask someone to send them to the lady and the city lord today. The invitations have been sent, and it is clear that they are going to compete with Luocheng."

"Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of even if they rob us. It started to snow two days ago, and I was worried that not many people would come to this food festival. It's just right."

After Yu Luo finished speaking, Zhang Hu opened his mouth slightly, as if he suddenly understood Yu Luo's intention.

"Miss, I understand!"

Zhang Hu's usually calm voice suddenly became louder due to excitement. When Yu Luo saw the smile in his eyes, the corners of her own mouth also rose higher and higher.

"It's good to understand. Sometimes things that seem to be bad for us may not actually be bad results. Have the invitations for their lockdown competition been sent? Let me take a look."

"Miss, please take a look. I wanted to send it directly to the city lord. Just because my subordinate was angry, he came to tell the lady about it first."

Yu Luo took the invitation handed to her by Zhang Hu, opened it and looked at it, the smile on her face became wider.

"Oh, even the opening ceremony is on the same day as ours. You are really thoughtful. Go and find out when they released the news about the martial arts competition. If it was released after they knew about our food festival, then we also There’s no need to attend.”

"Okay miss, I'll go right away."

Zhang Hu left for a day before returning to Luocheng. As Yu Luo expected, the news was only released on the second day after she went to Fengcheng. Yu Luo wrote a letter directly to express his father's apology. Unable to attend the opening ceremony of the martial arts tournament, someone sent him to the city to be sealed off.

The food festival, which had been prepared for almost a month, finally arrived on this snowy day.

After more than a month, many new inns have been opened in Luocheng, and Yuluo's family of three has made a small profit from rent and shop sales.

The city gates were wide open, but very few outsiders entered Luocheng until noon. Occasionally, people from the Jianghu who pass by Luocheng, and brothers from Luocheng, will always greet them enthusiastically and hand out a leaflet about the food festival and Luocheng.

But until the afternoon, there were less than a hundred outsiders entering Luocheng.

The food court, which had been prepared for almost a month, was extremely deserted at first. Except for a few locals living in Luocheng and brothers from Luocheng, there were almost no outsiders. Yu Junjie saw that his hard preparations had reached such a result, Suddenly his face was filled with sadness.

"Xiaoluo, the reason why the city is so excessive is because we don't want us in Luocheng to be recognized by outsiders! I heard that the entry fee for the martial arts competition in this city is three hundred taels of silver per person, which is thirty times higher than ours. , and I heard that there are tens of thousands of people going to seal the city today, how much money do they have to charge!"

"Dad, don't worry, the desertion should only be temporary. However, I don't think the number of people who can participate in the competition will be more than the number of people who can participate in the competition this time. I have already sent people to watch their opening ceremony. He should be back soon."

The father and daughter sat in the teahouse facing the city gate and sat there all afternoon. They watched the city gate open but no one came in. Yu Luo was calm, but Yu Junjie couldn't sit still.

Although Yu Luo was so comforted, the sadness on Yu Junjie's face still did not fade away.

The snow on the streets has been swept away, and the entire Luocheng has been covered in silver, turning it into a white world. Even the local Luocheng people rarely left their homes in such a snowy day. .

In addition to the greenhouses, there are still people guarding the wasteland in Luocheng. Those Luocheng brothers who are busy in the fields have also entered the period of rest in the cold winter.

And Xiaoyi lived up to his expectations. In just ten days, he managed to build a dungeon for Chi Jinchen that could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Even if it is just a prototype, Chi Jinchen and his people can completely complete the underground city and put it into use within two months during this winter.

Just when Yu Junjie couldn't help but sigh again, several figures rushed in from the city gate.

When she saw the person coming back, Yu Luo's lips curled up slightly and she jumped out of the window. Yu Junjie was so frightened that he almost couldn't hold back and jumped with him.

When Yu Luo landed smoothly on the ground, blocking the way of those people, Yu Junjie, who was throwing himself at the window, realized that his daughter was already a person with Qing Gong.


"Replying to Miss, more than 10,000 leaflets were distributed along the only routes to seal the city. As Miss expected, the number of participants was not as large as when we had the Falling City Martial Arts Competition, only four to five hundred people."

"How come there are only so many people? This is a martial arts competition in the city!"

After Luoliu finished speaking, Yu Haojie, who jumped down from the window, looked surprised, but couldn't hide the excitement on his face!

Yu Luo looked back and saw the smile on her father's face, and she knew that her father had something wrong.

"Dad, don't be too happy too soon. Although there are only four to five hundred people participating in the martial arts competition in Fengcheng, the people who may have spent three hundred taels of silver to enter the competition are probably the real masters in the martial arts world, so there will be no shortage of spectators. , if my guess is correct, those spectators must have paid the admission fee."

Yu Luo finished speaking, and as expected, the smile on Yu Junjie's face suddenly froze.

"Young lady knows things like a god. They sealed the city and really didn't miss any opportunity to make money. Everyone who wanted to go in to watch the game had an admission fee of ten taels of gold. Many people complained that it was too expensive, but This is the style of flattery." (End of chapter)

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