Hearing this, Ye Lu had no choice but to walk to his seat obediently, but looking at Chi Jinchen sitting next to Yu Luo, he felt even worse.

"Go and find out what the origin of that person named Chi is! When I look at him, I seem to be uneasy and kind-hearted. How long have I been back? He is so familiar with Xiaoluo!"

"Okay, Master, leave Fengcheng and let your subordinates do it."

Azan said respectfully, Fengcheng was the organizer here, and Xing Yong still took the stage to host the finals.

Without many fancy words, the ten finalists quickly boarded the competition stage.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces of the ten people, Yu Luo looked suspicious.

None of these ten faces had appeared in their Luocheng martial arts competition. From this, it can be seen that the level of Fengcheng's martial arts competition seemed to be incomparable to their Luocheng.

Those who can participate in the Falling City Martial Arts Competition are more likely to participate in the Fengcheng Martial Arts Competition.

After all, the reputation of Fengcheng is here, and the rewards are much richer than those of Luocheng. Whether it is out of yearning for rewards or wanting to use Fengcheng's fame to make oneself famous in the world, they are all those in the martial arts world. longing.

Unless, those people are either no match for the power of the contestants in this martial arts competition, or these people simply cannot afford such a high registration fee, or they also know very well that they are just cannon fodder, and they will not be able to compete even if they play. You may be emerging and simply give up.

What Yu Luo didn't expect was that among the ten finalists, all were young. The oldest man seemed to be no more than thirty years old, which made Yu Luo even more suspicious.

"Almost these people are the proud disciples of various sects. I just didn't expect Fengcheng to hold a martial arts competition in such a hasty manner. These Jianghu sects would be so supportive that they all came."

Just when Yu Luo was suspicious, Chi Jinchen beside him suddenly spoke quietly, which actually helped Yu Luo clear up his doubts.

"No wonder, I said that in this world, there are no older people who have reached the finals? I see. From this point of view, all the disciples sent by these sects are elites. After all, it is time to help their own sect earn glory. .”

"What Xiaoluo said is true. In fact, Xiaoluo doesn't know. The last martial arts competition was five years ago. It was also because of the election of a new martial arts leader in the martial arts world. If Xiaoluo hadn't set a precedent, the city would have been closed. It won't be like this, but it's a pity that Luocheng is just a fledgling, and he doesn't have much fame or status in the world. The first martial arts competition only attracted some people with little background in the world, but this time Fengcheng almost attracted the most prominent people in the world. The sects are all gathered together.”

Hearing what Chi Jinchen said, Yu Luo was not angry at all.

She also understood that Chi Jinchen was directly pointing out the difference between Luocheng and Fengcheng, and reminded herself that she still needed to work hard.

"Indeed, I just didn't expect that several countries would allow so many Jianghu sects to exist."

The competition stage has already entered a state of excitement. The ten people are fighting fiercely, and it is even harder to determine the winner.

After Yu Luo finished speaking, Chi Jinchen finally turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Yu Luo's face, which was staring at the competition table intently.

He was really right. Even though Yu Luo was young, he could see the overall situation.

But Yu Luo didn't know that her unintentional words at this moment would rise to another level in Chi Jinchen's heart.

And Yu Luo was not familiar with the sects in this continent, and even before he had time to understand these sects, while Yu Luo was worried about the elites on the stage, five people had already left the competition stage one after another. At first glance, the moves of these people were not comparable to those in the Luocheng Martial Arts Competition. Even if Yu Luo held her breath and concentrated, it was difficult to understand the speed and position of these people's moves.

At this time, Yu Luo couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, her skills gained from cheating were really incomparable to those of these real masters.

[Host, in fact, what you lack is not the same as them, the opportunity to practice martial arts since childhood. You now have speed and strength. If you practice the boxing techniques this system gives you more, you will one day become a real master. Besides, this system not only has As long as the host is willing to learn boxing skills, sword skills, and internal skills, this system can give them to you. 】

The system had been dormant recently, but Yu Luo had no idea that the system could penetrate her thoughts and suddenly appear.

"I used to have to do tasks and use points to exchange for those things. You are really generous with the system."

[This system has said that the host is already developing in the direction that the system expects. There is no need for the system to push the host forward. If the host needs it, he can ask this system for it at any time. 】

"Okay, thank you very much. The winter is long and there is nothing to do. I will practice Kung Fu with my dad these past few months."

While chatting with the system, only three of the five people on the stage were left, and among the three there was a girl who looked to be no more than sixteen or seventeen years old.

The girl has a sweet appearance. Yu Luo didn't expect that this girl would reach this point at first.

"Mr. Chi, you are good at martial arts, but can you tell who among the few will win the championship?"

"All three of them are the best in their sects. If I really had to choose, it should be the girl from Bai Tingmen."

Sure enough, after Chi Jinchen finished speaking, the girl from Bai Tingmen forced one of her opponents to fall off the competition platform with a sword.

At this time, almost an hour had passed since the start of the final, and Yu Luo really admired the physical strength of these people.

Unexpectedly, just when Yu Luo thought that the girl was going to swing her sword at her last opponent again, a burst of murderous intent suddenly rushed towards her.

Yu Luo, who had never been on guard, had no time to dodge. She suddenly jumped up from the chair, and then in her ears, there was the muffled sound of iron embedded in wood!

Seeing three hidden weapons embedded in the chair he had just been sitting on, Yu Luo felt a lingering fear.

Sure enough, she was still too hasty. She never thought that someone would take action against her in this closed city.

And the person who took action was actually a contestant on the competition stage, a woman she had never met before.

"Are you hurt?"

Chi Jinchen's voice sounded, and Yu Luo came back to his senses from the panic just now, and realized that he was half-protected by Chi Jinchen at this time, and he was still in full view of everyone!

"Xiao Luo, did that hidden weapon hurt you?"

Just as Yu Luo shook his head at Chi Jinchen, who knew that Ye Lu, who was sitting in the back row, had already rushed to the two of them with a quick stride. The nervousness on that handsome man was even worse than that of Yu Luo, the person involved.

"No problem, thanks to Mr. Chi's quick reaction." (End of Chapter)

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