The excitement on Yu Junjie's face was also uncontrollable. He raised his hand and casually took out the musket from the wooden box, just to demonstrate it to his daughter.

A burst of gunshots caused the white snow on the branches to fall, and the birds looking for food in the backyard dispersed. Yu Luo looked at the broken branches on the treetops and couldn't help but clapped her hands and exclaimed!
"Dad, your marksmanship is pretty accurate. Have you practiced it a long time ago? The branch is a hundred meters away from us. I didn't expect you to be so accurate!"

There was a burst of pride on Yu Haojie's face, he put away the musket and handed it into Yu Luo's hand.

"When we were still half-finished, your father and I started practicing every day. Not just me, I also selected a group of musketeers, consisting of two thousand people. We would practice for an hour at night for the work we were busy doing during the day. , now if you pull them out at will, they can equal the imperial court's tens of thousands of troops. You can also start practicing now, we have offended the city a lot now, and we may not know when they will come in handy. "

Yu Luo was surprised at his father's plan for a rainy day, and immediately started practicing marksmanship in the backyard.

In Chi Jinchen's yard, Xuan Qi got the report from his subordinates and immediately walked into the tea room.

"Master, they are already here. There was a lot of movement from the City Lord's Mansion just now."

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Chi Jinchen's beautiful brows were filled with a hint of joy.

"I didn't see the wrong person. I didn't expect them to really surprise me."

"Master, there is news from the capital. Recently, the Queen's people have been unable to restrain themselves and are about to take action. At this time, do we want to get in the way to make them fight more fiercely? And the Emperor , can already go to court normally, it seems that Mrs. Yu’s medical skills are really not good."

"Leave the affairs of the capital to them to fight on their own. When they both lose, wouldn't it be easier for us to close the net?"
Mrs. Yu's medical skills are different from ordinary people, and her treatment methods are also very different from other doctors. She is a rare talent. Fortunately, you did not act recklessly, which allowed me to have a good relationship with them.

The woman who hurt Xiaoluo was captured? "

"She has been caught. Now she has been sent to the organization to torture her to extract a confession."

Hearing this, a hint of gloom crept up in Chi Jinchen's smiling eyes, and his bloodthirsty pupils could not see his heart clearly, but the fingers holding the tea cup clearly showed a bit of anger in their joints.

"Since she dares to hurt my person, she must die a miserable death. It's too late to find out who is behind this."

"Yes, my subordinates will give orders later. It's just the master."

Speaking of this, Xuan Qi was obviously hesitant to speak, and seemed to be afraid to speak out.

Chi Jinchen squinted his eyes slightly and looked at him indifferently, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes, "I don't like such a temper, but it doesn't matter."

"Yes, I know my mistake!"

Xuan Qi hurriedly cupped his fists and bent down to salute, showing great respect.

Chi Jinchen said nothing and continued to taste the tea in his hand, his expression returning to his usual calmness.

"My subordinates are bold and want to ask the master. Has the master identified Miss Yu?"

When Chi Jinchen heard this, his expression became a little more dazed, and his eyebrows became a little gentler inadvertently, and even the corners of his lips seemed to be raised unconsciously.

"Do you think it would be good for her to be your future grandmother?"

Hearing his master's personal admission, Xuan Qi's always iceberg-like face was also stained with a little joy!
"Master, is it true?!" Seeing Xuan Qi showing his emotions, the smile on Chi Jinchen's face grew wider.

He was only happy for a few seconds, and the smile on Xuanqi's face suddenly froze.

"Master, if Miss Yu becomes our future grandmother, I will naturally be 10,000 happy for you. But what I want to say is, should I confess some things to Miss Yu earlier?"
Based on my contact with Miss Yu for such a long time, I feel that Miss Yu is a very individual woman, unlike ordinary people. If Miss Yu finally finds out that the master has spun such a big web and concealed so many things from her, I'm afraid. Miss Yu will not forgive her master. "

Xuanqi's words also made the smile on Chi Jinchen's face gradually solidify.

When he thought of Yu Luo's appearance when he was angry, he couldn't help but frown tightly.

He never expected that things would develop in this direction, and he never thought that that woman would slowly walk into his heart.

Perhaps, it was when he deliberately took her into the cave, and when she was in his arms after being poisoned, and when she trusted him in the water, his heart strings were teased a little bit by her.

"That's the way it is. I won't hide it, but I've concealed enough. Let's talk about it later."

That night, Ye Lu came to the city lord's mansion, and when he saw Yu Luo, the anger on his face was still there. He sat down in the guest seat angrily and drank the tea brought by the waiter in one gulp.

"What's wrong with you? Looking at you like this, people who don't know would think that you are the prince of a country, and you are being bullied."

The first time he saw Ye Lu like this, the second monk Yu Luozhang scratched his head and joked.

"Xiaoluo, that woman actually disappeared as soon as she left the competition venue. She must have had a guilty conscience and knew she would die in an ugly way. She must have sneaked away somewhere else."

When Yu Luo heard this, he immediately smiled.

"I thought something was wrong. I just ran away. If she wanted to kill me, she would show up again."

In fact, Yu Luo also sent someone to wait at the exit. Naturally, she couldn't swallow this tone so easily. Unfortunately, her people told her the same thing when they came back, so she simply thought about it, just like what she said to Ye Xi. The same.

Seeing how calm Yu Luo was, Ye Lu gave up!

"Xiaoluo, why are you so careless?! Are you anxious to kill me? You were lucky today too, what if you don't have that luck next time?"

"What else? No one can be found, so I have to be on guard at all times."

After saying that, Yu Luo sat down next to Ye Lu and smiled gratefully at him, "But I still have to thank you for caring so much about me."

Seeing Yu Luo like this, how could the angry Ye Lu stay angry?

"Xiao Luo, there is no need to be so polite between you and me. You treat me as a friend and you have made me a lot of money. Can ordinary people do this? Just from this point, I, Ye Lu, know that you treat me sincerely. , but how can you guard against thieves for a thousand days? Recently, I think it is best for you not to leave Luocheng. If someone is really bad for you, at least it is still in your territory."

"Okay, I listen to you. It's snowing now, and I don't want to go anywhere. I can rest assured and complete Luocheng, and wait until spring to make a good profit."

"That's good. The prince I told you before should have received my letter. I believe it won't be long before he will come. No matter what happens in the future, you will still have the care of our two countries, even if you are a seal If the city wants to do something to you, Luocheng, we won’t give up.” (End of Chapter)

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