"I just came back, and I planned to visit you and your mother. After all, I didn't ask anyone to escort you when you left, so I was a little worried. Who knew that when I got to Luocheng, I heard about the things outside the city, so I He came here with people."

"So, you're here to help us?"

Yu Luo still asked coldly. Yu Zhengqing took a deep breath, knowing that the resentment in Yu Luo's heart towards him could not be easily resolved, but he could only try his best.

"Xiaoluo, it seems that my worry is unnecessary. Since you are fine, I will visit you another day. As for what happened last time, I still have some things that I want to explain to you, and I also want to talk to your mother in person. Sorry."

After that, Yu Zhengqing waved his hand and left with his people.

Watching the group of people leave, Yu Luo swallowed the words he spoke.

In addition, she doesn't care about Yu Zhengqing's apology, and her mother doesn't need it either. Isn't it nice for everyone to just be strangers?

But why was he walking so fast? Are you afraid of being ruthlessly rejected by yourself again?

Yu Zhengqing left, and Yu Luo's thoughts were still in her own world. A "Xiao Luo" brought her back to her senses, and she raised her eyes to look at the figure.

But when he saw this, Yu Luo's expression changed, his eyes full of surprise!
Yelu, Chi Jinchen, and their subordinates behind them, a large group of people.
"Good guy, why are you all here?!"

"Miss Yu, when our master learned that you were leaving the city, he immediately brought thousands of people here. Unexpectedly, it was only when he got here that he discovered that we were overly worried. Miss Yu is so powerful, how can we be used?"


Xuan Qi said excitedly. He was always cautious about his words. At this time, he was not sure if he was afraid that Ye Lu's people would grab the credit in front of Yu Luo. He didn't care about that much anymore and hurriedly established an image for his master. .

Who would have thought that after saying a lot of these things, their master would actually still hold on, despising him for talking too much? !

Xuan Qi shut up, feeling extremely speechless.

Hearing this, Yu Luo smiled gratefully at Chi Jinchen, raised his hands and clasped his fists as a salute, "I made you worry."

"Xiaoluo doesn't need to be so polite. Don't listen to Xuanqi's nonsense. You are doing this for the whole Luocheng, and so am I."

Chi Jinchen entered the scene with a gentle smile and a calm expression, which negated his worries about Yu Luo. The subordinates beside them even looked at him.

"Xiaoluo, am I late? I don't seem to be of any help."

Yelu's voice interrupted the two people's gaze and broke the somewhat awkward atmosphere.

Looking at Ye Lu who was full of self-blame for not helping, Chi Jinchen suddenly regretted stopping Xuan Qi from talking.

"I can't thank you enough for showing up to help me at this time. Fortunately, I can still control these beasts and they haven't caused an irreversible situation. Everyone should go back first."

Thinking about the news she got while communicating with those beasts, Yu Luo was already furious. She had more important things to do, and she couldn't bring down other people.

If she said that these beasts were all because the people who sealed the city were causing trouble behind the scenes, and it took them more than ten days to remove a gap in the city wall bit by bit before letting them in, Yelu and Chi Jinchen would definitely fight with her together. Go to lockdown.

When the time comes, it won't be Yu Luo and Luo Cheng who will seal the city and hold grudges, but also Ye Lu and Chi Jinchen.

Even though Chi Jinchen's identity is mysterious, the fact that he wants to raise a private army is enough to show that Chi Jinchen cannot provoke Fengcheng for the time being. If Chi Jinchen's grand plan is ruined because of herself, then she will Sinful.

After all, they can only be regarded as friends, not to the point of sacrificing so much for each other.

Not to mention Ye Lu, he is not a very powerful prince in Dongfeng. If Fengcheng is provoked, even the prince of Dongfeng may not have a good life.

"Xiao Luo, aren't you going back?" Ye Lu was puzzled. The matter had been dealt with. Although he didn't know how Yu Luo persuaded these beasts to retreat, everyone should not return to the city together at this time. ?
"I still have some things to deal with, so you should go back first."

After saying that, Yu Luo looked at Luo Yi and said, "Find my father and take him back together. I'll go to the city wall to have a look."

"Okay lady."

"Xiaoluo, the city wall is so strong that it cannot be broken open by this group of wild beasts. As I thought, maybe someone deliberately did it to attract these wild beasts."

Chi Jinchen did not leave, but he reminded him a little uneasily.

Yu Luo naturally knew that even if she didn't hear what those beasts said personally, she would have guessed that Feng Cheng was responsible, but she had no evidence.

Now that she has sealed off all these beasts, she feels at ease.

"Thank you Mr. Chi for reminding me. I have already guessed who it is. Mr. Chi, you should go back first. If you are here, I really can't go to see the excitement."

Chi Jinchen is a smart man. From Yu Luo's words, he vaguely guessed why those birds went directly towards Fengcheng.

Thinking of Yu Luo's ability to control tens of thousands of beasts, Chi Jinchen had nothing to worry about.

"Okay, then Xiaoluo, be careful, don't be reckless in anything, just give up when things go well."

Yu Luo nodded with a smile and gave him and Ye Lu a fist-cup salute. Ye Lu still didn't want to leave. Chi Jinchen looked at him and said, "Master Ye, it's better not to stay, so as not to ruin Xiao Luo's good deeds."


"Chi is self-aware, Master Ye shouldn't force Xiaoluo to speak."

After saying that, Chi Jinchen tapped his toes and left gracefully, followed by a group of subordinates he brought with him.

Seeing the sound of Chi Jinchen leaving, Ye Xuan was extremely angry!

"Xiaoluo, does he mean that I am thick-skinned?"

"Well, go back quickly, I really have something important to do."

Seeing that Ye Lu was so stupid and insisted on breaking the casserole to ask the truth, Yu Luo was not polite. As soon as she said these words, Azan on the side couldn't help but burst out laughing, which made Ye Luo even more angry. Lu looked at him angrily and coldly!
"Xiaoluo, you are really straightforward. Just take care of your own safety. Then I will go back to the city and wait for you."

Finally, they were all gone, and the only ones left were the brothers who had fallen into the city.

"How many casualties were there?"

"Miss, seven of our brothers died and hundreds of others were injured."

Seven people died. Although it didn't sound like a lot, Yu Luo couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

If these brothers died on the battlefield with Fengcheng, everything would be worth it, but they were injured by these beasts!

"Fengcheng, I remember this account!"

Momo made up his mind in his heart, Yu Luo took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Hu, "Take the brothers back and bury them alive. If the family members can be found, each family will be given a thousand taels of silver to relieve their worries. "(End of chapter)

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