Yu Zhengqing was not embarrassed, as if he had thousands of words and feelings, he spoke slowly after a long time: "It's my fault that I have caused my brothers and sisters to suffer this time, and made you worry too. Fortunately, my brothers and sisters and Xiaoluo are all safe." is back."

"I don't want to delve into what happened before. Fortunately, both my wife and Xiaoluo are fine. I understand that you are anxious to clear the Yu family's charges, but this is the only time you acted well, and I forgive you this time. It is not because of our blood relationship, but because of your behavior in protecting us for more than a year that I forgive you this time. I said that we can no longer be brothers. Today you are here If you have any business here, you might as well get straight to the point and don’t beat around the bush.”

I thought that the gap between the brothers would be alleviated today, but Yu Zhengqing underestimated Yu Junjie's determination to hate them.

Well, there were some things that couldn't be undone, and there was nothing he could do to help. But it was an accident that they could sit down calmly today. How could Yu Zhengqing dare to ask for more?
It's fine that Yu Junjie doesn't recognize him, as long as he has this brother in his heart.

"I came here today to tell you about my return to Beijing. I also want to take the Lan family back."

"Lan Shi? Lan Shi, didn't I let her leave long ago?"

Hearing Yu Zhengqing mention the Lan family, Yu Luo, who had been silent until now, finally showed some surprise on his face, and then his eyes fell on Yu Xiaoxuan behind Yu Zhengqing.

Yu Xiaoxuan looked confused, looked at Yu Luo, then at Yu Zhengqing, and shook his head hastily.

"No, but then I found opportunities to go there several times, but I didn't see Lan's figure."

As soon as Yu Xiaoxuan said these words, both Yu Zhengqing and Yu Luo looked solemn.

"Really, I went back to Luocheng that night to see if there was any chance to take Aunt Lan away, but there was no one there at all. Two days later, I looked for an opportunity and went there again. Once, in the past, Aunt Lan would be working in the yard during the day, but when I went there that day, there was still no sign of Aunt Lan."

"I said that someone was making trouble that day, and you took advantage of the chaos to pick up Chen and Yu Meiyao. I knew that, and I didn't let anyone chase her. Instead, I let someone let Lan go that day. As for where Lan went. ,I do not know then."

The conversation between Yu Luo and Yu Xiaoran made Yu Zhengqing on the side more and more uneasy.

After all, she is his own woman. Even if she is just a concubine, she is still a woman who has given birth to a pair of children and has been with him for more than ten years.

"Xiao Luo, do you really mean what you said? And Xiao Yun, is Xiao Yun in your hands?"

Yu Zhengqing was anxious and visibly worried.

Although he was angry with Lan and Chen for the stupid things they did together, Lan and his youngest son disappeared together. How could Yu Zhengqing not be anxious?
Because he had other things to deal with in the past few days, he thought that Yu Luo would not hurt Lan's mother and son, so he was not so anxious to ask for someone, but now
In fact, Yu Zhengqing almost believed him as soon as Yu Luo spoke. From his understanding of Yu Luo, Yu Luo would not bother to lie to him.

And even if Yu Luo wants their family to die, he should want his mother to die the most, not the unimportant Lan clan.

Yu Luo's face darkened, and his cold eyes looked directly into Yu Zhengqing's anxious eyes, "Xiao Yun is a child, why should I arrest him? Yu Zhengqing, do you think that I am too despicable?"

Over the past year or so, Yu Zhengqing had some understanding of Yu Luo's temperament.

Now that Yu Luo is denying it, it means there is absolutely no one. Now Yu Zhengqing is completely panicked. "What on earth is going on? Xiao Xuan, you are the second brother, how can you not even look down on a younger brother? You have been lost for such a long time, this, this!!"

The angry Yu Zhengqing, perhaps because he was too angry, suddenly turned pale, and even unconsciously covered his chest with one hand, as if he was feeling very uncomfortable.

"If a person has been lost for a long time, it is really unsafe in this wild land. After all, Yu Xiaoyun is so young, and there is no doubt whether he is still alive. But for the Lan family, if she wants to go back to Shishan, she can. She's walking along the road that delivers coal, and it's still within the long wall of Luocheng's outer city, so there won't be any danger. Unless she hides on her own or is taken away by others."

"No, wait, I remember."

Just when several people were confused about the disappearance of Lan's mother and son, Yu Haojie suddenly seemed to have thought of something and immediately interrupted the conversation of several people.

Hearing this, several people looked sideways at him.

"I think I heard Zhang Yuan and the others mentioned the first two, saying that they met the Lan family in Luocheng. At that time, the Lan family was still having a meal at their blacksmith shop, and it was the second son of the Zhang family who sent them outside the second-fang tea shop. Yes, you can ask the second son of the Zhang family to ask about this matter."

"Father, I think I'd better go there myself to avoid wasting time."

After Yu Junjie finished speaking, Yu Xiaoxuan took the initiative.

When Yu Luo heard this, he sneered in his heart, maybe he was not afraid of wasting time, but he was just afraid that when their people asked the second son of the Zhang family, they would collude with the second son of the Zhang family, right?

Yu Zhengqing didn't think much about it, and immediately stood up and planned to join them.

"I'll tell you about the capital city later. I think I'd better go there myself."

Naturally, Yu Luo and the others wouldn't say much, let alone treat the father and son as guests and send them out.

After the father and son left, Yu Luo looked at his father in confusion, full of doubts.

"Dad, I noticed that your attitude towards Yu Zhengqing has changed."

Hearing this, Yu Haojie smiled sadly, "Yu Zhengqing is actually not a bad person. To be honest, sometimes I really admire his shamelessness. We have looked at each other coldly so many times, but he is still unmoved and wants to keep this relationship." It's a brotherhood, but it's a pity that he doesn't know that his brother is just a family, damn it's the Chen family, Xiaoluo. Sometimes we have to look further away. I believe Yu Zhengqing is not hypocritical. He is hypocritical. Seeing that we are now I want to ease the relationship only because of my achievements.”

"Father, you are right. Although Yu Zhengqing does not deserve to die, it is the Chen family that deserves death, but who makes Yu Zhengqing the son of her Chen family? So you just treat him as an acquaintance, and you don't treat him as a brother, right? ?”

"It's my daughter who understands me. Yes, who makes him the son of Chen? But Chen has been back for so long, and I don't know what's going on now. It's just that Yu Zhengqing's reaction just now seemed to be a serious one. He suffered internal injuries, and this time he brought someone with him back to the wilderness. I wonder what he will gain from going to the capital this time?" (End of Chapter)

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