When Yu Luo saw the contents of the letter, the expression on his face became so intense that Yu Junjie on the side couldn't help but follow him, his heart in his throat!

"What exactly is going on? What does Master Chi's letter say?"

"Dad, Mr. Chi said that the queen captured the fifth prince!"

After listening to Yu Luo's words and looking at Yu Luo's angry little face, Yu Junjie became even more confused.

"If you catch her, just catch her. Her arrest of the fifth prince at this time has nothing to do with us. Xiaoluo, what does that worried look on your face mean?"

"The fifth prince is the Ah Bai who gave us money, clothes and food when we were in exile!"

Yu hero!
"I see, it seems that the Queen is acting like this because she is certain that her good-for-nothing son is in our hands!

It's just that the fifth prince is also the son of the emperor. If she is so unscrupulous, isn't she afraid that the emperor will be angry with her? "

How did Yu Luo know how the queen did it without making the emperor angry at her?

Yu Luo directly gave the letter in his hand to his father and asked him to read it by himself.

"This letter is the same as the first letter sent by Young Master Chi. It was two days before and after. Maybe this letter was delayed a little, but now the letter says that the emperor is seriously ill again. It is very likely that the second prince's people are still there. Will you come again? But your mother is still pregnant!”

"Yes, the emperor's serious illness has something to do with us. Dad, don't you see the point? Did Chi Jinchen ask me to lead the troops and take the eldest prince to the capital with us?"

"I saw it!"

"Emotional dad, your focus is only on my mother? You have ignored such an important thing! Abai is the first noble person we came here and the only one who helped us in the beginning. I will definitely not let the queen succeed. It seems that no matter how covert we are, the queen still feels that we have captured the eldest prince.

Instead of breaking up sooner or later, let's break up in advance. But I don't know why Chi Jinchen wants me to go in person? "

"Miss, another letter has arrived."

Wang Xiao hurriedly came in from outside, holding a letter in his hand, and hurriedly handed it to Yu Luo's hand.

"Is it Chi Jinchen's again?"

Yu Junjie frowned and looked at Wang Xiao with some displeasure.

Wang Xiao shook his head, "This time it's not Mr. Chi's. He said he was delivering a message to the young lady on behalf of the Queen of the Lanyue Dynasty."

After Wang Xiao finished speaking, the expressions of Yu Luo and his daughter changed. Yu Luo immediately tore open the envelope, and Yu Junjie couldn't wait to get closer and start reading.

"Damn, it's true that this bitch wants to arrest the fifth prince to threaten you. Then it's okay for the father to take her good-for-nothing son to the capital. Luocheng has to live without you. Don't forget, Fengcheng will not give up. If Fengcheng lets those beasts attack the city, without you, Luocheng will suffer the same fate as Fengcheng."

"Yes, otherwise I really want to meet that dog queen. But if daddy you go to the capital, I won't worry!"

"There is nothing to worry about. Your father is not an ordinary person now. Besides, we still have weapons. If it doesn't work, I will break into the palace directly and change the Lanyue Dynasty. Didn't Chi Jinchen leave so many people for us? ? It comes in handy."

"Dad, you really have a beautiful idea. I have to think about how to do this. The queen only gave me five days. Anyway, I can't just watch Abai die in her hands." No. When Yu Luo thought about the best way, Chen Yu came back again.

"Miss, there is someone outside asking to see you."

In the cold winter, and after what happened in the martial arts world last time, the entire Luocheng was almost closed.

Even if there are people coming, they will be in the minority.

The brothers who guard the city will also conduct rigorous interrogations before opening the city gate and letting people in.

But now, the person calling him by name was looking for him. Yu Luo stood up suspiciously and followed him out.

When he came to the reception room and saw two men dressed in animal skins and looking like ancient people, Yu Luo became even more suspicious.

"You must be Miss Yu, the rich daughter of Luocheng, right? We were commissioned by Mr. Chi and came to meet Miss Yu first. This is Mr. Chi's personal letter. Miss Yu please read it."

Another letter from Chi Jinchen? Yu Luo took it suspiciously and opened it in front of the two of them.

When looking at Chi Jinchen's dense handwriting on the letter, Yu Luo's heart was extremely complicated!

Inexplicably, at this moment, there was still a little touch on the tip of her heart.

Did she really not know that Chi Jinchen had done so much for the entire Luocheng behind her back?
Thinking that there were still two people waiting for him, Yu Luo put away the letter, concealed the feeling in his heart, and smiled faintly on the faces of the two people looking at him.

"I didn't expect that you are from the Stone Tribe. This letter is indeed Chi Jinchen's handwriting. But I don't understand. Didn't you, the Stone Tribe, all use it to seal the city? Why are you willing to be loyal to me, Luocheng? ?”

"Miss, my name is Shi Han, and I am also the deputy leader of the Stone Tribe. This is Stone Forest, and I am the third leader of the Stone Tribe. Previously, Mr. Chi led his troops to destroy our Stone Tribe, but finally decided to let us go. Because Mr. Chi told us that the real powerful beast master is Miss Yu, from that moment on our Stone Tribe, Xiao Yao belonged to Luocheng from the bottom of our hearts, and we came today with sincerity. "

Listening to Shi Han's words, Yu Luo was still a little worried. After all, she was not someone who trusted someone so easily.

But she never expected that in order to regain the people of the Stone Tribe, Chi Jinchen would even reveal her identity as a beast master to the people of the Stone Tribe.

"It's true that I know how to control beasts, but I don't want more people to believe it. But now Fengcheng is no longer here. If you truly belong to me, Luocheng, I, Luocheng, will naturally not treat you badly.

By the way, how many people are there in total in your Stone Tribe? "

"Reporting to Miss Yu, there are currently only 123 people in our tribe. Men make up the majority, there are only a dozen women, and there are still more than 20 children remaining."

"In this case, I will accept you. If you sincerely follow me to Luocheng, I will provide you with some food and other things every month in the future. But from now on, your mission is to protect Luocheng and prevent Luocheng from being attacked by those wild beasts. "

Even though he was skeptical, Yu Luo didn't want to waste Chi Jinchen's good intentions.

It just so happened that she was still worried about her father leading his troops to the Lanyue Dynasty. With these people from the Stone Tribe around, she could leave Luocheng with peace of mind.

If at this time, the people who sealed the city once again attracted a tide of beasts, and people from the Stone Tribe helped guard the entire Luocheng, and if the people who sealed the city brought people to attack again, then the weapons my father had studied were not in vain. (End of chapter)

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