Shihan couldn't wait to share the good news with the leader. When the leader heard this, he nodded happily.

That day, Tao Ming took the fifteen most powerful men from the Stone Tribe and left the Stone Tribe for Luocheng.

When we arrived at Luocheng, it was already midnight.

But the men of the Stone Tribe looked at the houses that Luocheng had arranged for them in advance, as well as the hot kangs, and their eyes were filled with gratitude!

"So, you Han people can sleep in such a warm big bed in this snowy day? We all sleep on wooden boards. The wooden boards are covered with animal skins. We are also wearing animal skins and covered with animal skins. This bed is so big and good. So soft and so warm.”

A man from the Stone Tribe touched the big kang that had been hot for a long time. He felt that he had never been so warm in winter in his thirty years of life.

Unexpectedly, after a while, these stone tribesmen wearing animal skin clothes gradually felt a little hot and breathless. Tao Ming and others walked to the window, pushed the window open a gap, and pointed to the wall. fireplace.

"The coals are burning here, and the room is warm. If you are in the room, there is no need to dress so thickly. It is late today. We will go get some sets of cloths for you tomorrow. We will be in the room then. If you wear it, you don’t have to be so hot.”

After Liu Can finished speaking, the men in the Stone Tribe were grateful again and again.

"Okay, okay, tomorrow we have to personally thank the city lord and the lady. Our Stone Tribe has never experienced such a warm winter in more than a thousand years. This is all thanks to your falling into the city."

After settling down the people of the Stone Tribe, Tao Ming and Liu Can went to reunite with Yu Luo.

Even in the middle of the night, Yu Luo didn't sleep.

At this time, she was still making preparations to go to the capital.

She didn't know what kind of trouble Chi Jinchen had encountered in the capital. She was asked to take his private army there. Yu Luo, who was still a little hesitant, was weighing whether to take such a risk. Who knew that Chi Jinchen's personal bodyguard was there? In the evening, I came back.

Looking at Xuan Qi, Yu Luo was shocked. Fortunately, Xuan Qi said that he was coming back to lead the private army, so Yu Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

Leading a private army to Beijing would definitely be a serious crime of rebellion, but Xuan Qi didn't say much, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Xuan Qi even told her not to go, which was specifically requested by Chi Jinchen. But thinking about how Chi Jinchen had saved her life several times and what happened to A Bai in the Queen's hands, Yu Luo decided to still go.

After leaving the lucky things with Xuanqi, Xuanqi led his private army that night and left Luocheng without a trace.

That night, Yu Luo also carefully selected a hundred musketeers and three hundred archers, brought some equipment, and prepared to set off in the middle of the night.

"During my absence, I must guard Luocheng. I will use Qinggong all the way. I should be able to arrive in the capital in a few days. If things go well, I will be back in ten days at most. During this period, if Luocheng is "Jiang, please try your best to help my father and defend Luocheng. Even if the situation is difficult and we cannot defeat him, we must defend the city and protect the lives of our brothers first."

Yu Luo gathered several of Luocheng's capable subordinates together and explained.

Next to her, Yu Junjie, who had not slept all night, also sat.

When Zhang Hu heard Yu Luo's words, he responded to the order with a solemn expression, "Don't worry, Miss, we will defend Luo City to the death, and we will also protect the city lord and his wife. Just go ahead, Miss."

"That's right, Xiaoluo, just go ahead. Why are you worried about us? The people who can summon those wild beasts are all living here now. Even if the city is closed, or other countries choose to attack our Luocheng at this time, your father Don’t I still have the last trump card?
Just go ahead and don't worry about it! Go early and come back early. "

Although Yu Junjie was worried about his daughter, he knew that there were some things that Yu Luo should face.

He originally wanted to go in place of his daughter, but Yu Luo said that he had no system, no space, and couldn't even bring much supplies. It wouldn't make much difference if he went there, so he had to give up. "Okay, Dad, you should take care of your health at home. I won't go and say goodbye to you two. I will come back safely."

Yu Haojie led a group of people and personally sent Yu Luo and others out of the city lord's palace. The group immediately crossed the city wall and all used Qinggong to rush to the capital of the Lanyue Dynasty.

Also taken away was the eldest prince who was tortured into a human shape.

The eldest prince was fully armed the whole time and was in a coma.

And now Yu Luo is no longer a criminal. Her customs clearance document has been prepared long ago.

When we passed Pingyang City, everything went smoothly.

After crossing Jiuchong Mountain, it is no longer as cold as the wilderness.

Hundreds of people rushed towards the capital day and night. They were really exhausted and found a tree to rest. After sleeping for an hour or two, they continued on their way.

It was already three days before we arrived outside the capital.

Yu Luo immediately sent out a signal, but Chi Jinchen hurried to the outskirts in less than a stick of incense.

Seeing Yu Luo's haggard and tired look, Chi Jinchen felt indescribably uncomfortable.

"Didn't you tell Xuanqi to rush back and tell you that you don't need to come in person?"

Chi Jinchen said as he took off his fox fur cloak.

The black cloak covered Yu Luo's body naturally without waiting for Yu Luo to react.

Yu Luo was so frightened that he was about to retreat and reached out to take off his cloak. Unexpectedly, Chi Jinchen was even more powerful and quickly tied the cloak around Yu Luo's collar.

The group of subordinates behind Yu Luo looked at the scene in front of them and felt as if they had eaten a big sweet melon. They all suppressed laughter the whole time, but they did not dare to really laugh!
"It turns out that this is the reason why Miss is so anxious. Why did Miss stay in Luocheng for so long? We are your closest subordinates and you didn't notice it?!"

Luo San's tune was small, and Yu Luo's little face couldn't help but turn red!
She frowned and turned back, staring at Luo San!
"It's no longer in Luocheng. Does this mean that I can't cure you?"

Seeing that Yu Luo was angry, Luo San was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly and hurriedly admitted his mistake!

But there's no hint of acknowledgment of a mistake in the look on that face?

Yu Luo calmly looked away from his face, took off Chi Jinchen's cloak, and threw it to him.

"Don't do this, it will cause people to misunderstand."

Chi Jinchen.
Holding his cloak, the smile on Chi Jinchen's beautiful face grew wider.

He didn't feel the slightest embarrassment because he knew Yu Luo's temperament too well.

"Well, Xiaoluo doesn't like it, so I won't do it next time. It's cold outside. I'll take you to Zhuangzi first. It's not far from the place where you enter the city. If you use Qinggong, with Xiaoluo you Come to think of it, it’s only half a stick of incense. I think you need to take a good rest first.” (End of Chapter)

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