How could someone like their master be despised by such a woman?

When did the master take the initiative to touch any woman? This woman is actually so ignorant and so ignorant of her master's initiative!
"Can Luoyi come into the palace with us?"

After getting on the carriage, Yu Luo asked Chi Jinchen directly.

"My uncle is not allowed in without the emperor's summons. Just let him and the coachman wait outside."

Yu Luo just asked casually, she knew it would also end like this.

"Should we go directly to the palace banquet later, or"

"The female family members will go to see the Queen and the concubines first. After entering the palace later, someone from the palace will take you. Ling Xue will accompany you first. When the palace banquet is about to start, the Queen will take you there. "

Yu Luo nodded, never expecting to meet the queen alone.

Thinking about the eldest prince who was still in her hands, she wanted to see how the queen would embarrass herself today.

Thinking back to the palace fighting dramas he had watched in the past, Yu Luo suddenly felt eager to give it a try.

"By the way, Chi Jinchen, I entered the palace with you, and in what capacity?"

At this point, Yu Luo stopped talking.

After all, she and Chi Jinchen were just friends, similar to a relationship that could bring women into the palace. It seemed that apart from family members, there were only husband and wife.

Yu Luo was curious.

Seeing Yu Luo's hesitant expression, Chi Jinchen seemed to have seen through what she had not said and couldn't help but curl up his lips and smile.

"Of course you are my wife, otherwise Xiaoluo would think, how could I bring you in in this situation?"


Sure enough, she guessed it!
"Why didn't you tell me earlier? If that's the case, wouldn't I be able to come in together as your maid?"

Yu Luo thought that he was overthinking it, but he didn't expect that Chi Jinchen was really brave!

She is a modern person and a child of the world, and she doesn't care about these so-called reputations.

Even if she and Chi Jinchen pretend to be husband and wife, after today's incident is over and she returns to Luocheng, everything will return to calm, but Chi Jinchen is different.

Seeing Yu Luo being so angry, the maid sitting outside the carriage felt even worse.

Not to mention a fake couple, even if she was to be her master's fake concubine, there were countless women who could only ask for it. The fact that she still looked so reluctant made her feel aloof.

"The left and right are just fake, why should Xiaoluo care so much? Even if you see the queen about today's events, don't be impulsive, otherwise it will affect today's layout."

Knowing that Yu Luo wanted to rescue the fifth prince, Chi Jinchen had to warn him in advance.

But Yu Luo just smiled coldly and nodded, "If she is not too excessive, then I will bear with you for a while. If she knows that I am the Yu Luo who fell into Luocheng and wants to take the opportunity to get rid of me, then I will still bear with it." ?"

"If she wants to deal with you, then Xiaoluo doesn't need to endure it, just come to the front hall to find her husband."


"Are you really addicted to pretending? You haven't even entered the palace yet!"

Seeing how familiar Chi Jinchen was, and looking at his handsome face, Yu Luo suddenly realized that Chi Jinchen was just like those prodigals.

Looking at the somewhat aggressive Yu Luo, Chi Jinchen smiled and was not angry. "I'm just practicing it in advance, I'm afraid I'll make mistakes in the middle, and Xiaoluo should slowly adapt."

Yu Luo frowned and stopped talking to Chi Jinchen.

She gently opened the curtain of the carriage window and looked outside, but she didn't know that the side face fell into the man's eyes, and she could hardly move her eyes away.

He was about to ask how this woman did it and take away all the gold in her cave. She also wanted to know where did this woman get those weapons for him?
I thought I would be able to see those weapons when I arrived at Luocheng, but I put so many people in, haha
This woman is really capable of escaping from his heavily guarded private mine!
Fortunately, he made an immediate decision to abandon the private mine that he had been working on for many years. He disguised the mine workers and his subordinates as refugees and infiltrated Luocheng.

Or maybe Yu Luo had doubted their identities at the beginning?

But this girl just stayed calm, made mistakes, and made full use of his people. In less than a year, she built a city like that in the wilderness!

Yu Luo was the person who amazed him, and he was also the person he wanted to possess more and more after getting in touch with her.

Until this moment, he had already secretly made up his mind. If he succeeded today, he would definitely tell her what he meant!

The carriage swayed and finally stopped in front of the palace gate.

Looking at this majestic palace, Yu Luo felt many emotions in his heart.

Obviously the original owner was born in the capital and grew up in the Marquis Mansion, but he had never entered this place.

And today, she finally came in instead of the original owner.

Many officials' carriages had arrived one after another. Chi Jinchen fell down and stepped out of the carriage.

And his appearance also made the officials who had just arrived at the palace gate come towards him one after another.

"Mr. Chi!"

The person who came was the Minister of the Ministry of War, and behind him was a second-grade general. Seeing that several more people were coming, Chi Jinchen smiled and nodded slightly to everyone.

"Everyone is well, my lords."

"Haha, I heard that Mr. Chi brought Mrs. Chi here today. I and your lords have never heard that Mr. Chi has married a long time ago. I don't know which noble daughter of the family is so lucky to be able to join hands with Mr. Chi. ?”

Listening to the people outside chatting with Chi Jinchen, Yu Luo, who was about to get out of the car, suddenly sat back down.

She was a little confused. From the names these people called Chi Jinchen, it was not difficult to see that Chi Jinchen had not yet held an official position in the court.

How could such a man make these officials respect him so much, and yet still be qualified to bring his family to such a palace banquet?

Yu Luo was once again confused by Chi Jinchen's identity. Only now did she realize that she still knew very little about Chi Jinchen, even at this time.

Facing the pairs of curious eyes, Chi Jinchen just continued to smile, turned around and took the initiative to open the curtain, and his white hand took the initiative to reach out to the carriage.

"Madam has been away from the capital for a long time. She only returned in the past few days. You may have never seen her before."

Seeing that Chi Jinchen had already stretched out his hand, it would be too pretentious for Yu Luo to refuse at this time.

She had no choice but to put her hand gently on Chi Jinchen's palm, slowly stretched out the upper half of her body, lowered her head slightly, and walked out of the carriage.

And at this moment, a gust of wind blew.

The smell of Chanel perfume on Yu Luo's body also instantly blew into the nostrils of everyone present.

People who got off the countless carriages in the distance couldn't help but cast curious glances towards this side. (End of chapter)

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