89 - No whereabouts
Looking at the dignified seven-foot-tall man, Yu Zhengqing had probably never cried so bitterly in his life, but he could no longer hold back his despair at this moment. Everyone around him was silent!
"Zhengqing, Zhengqing..."

Next to her was her eldest grandson, Yu Xiaoran, crying silently, and in front of her was her son's desperate and self-blaming, mournful cry. Chen was completely frightened.

Without words, she realized the bad outcome.

Even at this moment, she felt uncomfortable in her heart, but she was mentally prepared, but it was still difficult to accept it for a moment.

The three members of Yu Luo's family looked at Yu Zhengqing who came back, and suddenly changed into this appearance. Naturally, it was clear that old man Yu had probably been killed.

Inexplicably, Yu Luo's heart felt uncomfortably blocked, as if being pressed by a boulder, and it was difficult to breathe.

And Yu Junjie's hand was already firmly holding on his chest, and he felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

It shouldn't be like this. His soul just came from another time and space. This uncomfortable feeling is definitely the remaining thoughts of the original owner controlling his body. It happened naturally.

"Could it be that old man Yu was really killed?"

Even Ye Jiamei couldn't believe it, the once majestic Marquis of Guoan, now died in a foreign land, on the road of exile.

The legend that Yu Hui single-handedly defeated the enemy army surrounded by thousands of people, and commanded the three armies to defeat the enemy army, finally came to an end at this moment.

It took about a quarter of an hour for Yu Zhengqing to calm down his emotions and calm down his pain after about a quarter of an hour from crying loudly to crying in low sorrow.

And the people around him were cautious, finding it equally difficult to accept this fact, and feeling equally sad.

Ben was somewhat disgusted that old man Yu had become a burden to the descendants of the Yu family, but at this moment he still couldn't accept it.

"Mother, Xiaoran and I have searched around there for a long time, but there is no sign of my father, and there is no clue that wild beasts have haunted or gnawed on the corpse.

I don’t know where my father has gone, and I can’t find him anymore, but my father can’t even move his body. I don’t know what kind of encounter he would face in a dark night like last night.Even if there are no wild beasts, I don’t dare to continue looking in such a cold weather. I still have you..."

No matter how restrained he was, when he thought of his father, unable to move his body, facing danger, facing the cold, and only seeing the scene of death, Yu Zhengqing, who had calmed down a little bit, choked up in pain.

Chen's lips trembled, she didn't know what mood she was in at this moment.

She thought her son was crying so sadly because Yu Hui had been eaten by wild beasts.

She would rather accept that her wife would freeze to death in the mountains, but she could not accept that when he died, he would become food for the wild beasts in the mountains.

"Mr. Sir, so it means that my father is missing and he was not killed?"

Lan recovered from her grief, hurriedly moved her seat beside Yu Zhengqing, and reached out to gently hold Yu Zhengqing's big hand.

Because of practicing martial arts all the year round, even though Yu Zhengqing is the eldest son, there is always a thin layer of calluses on his palms.

Lan didn't dare to use force, she just wanted to give her husband a little encouragement and comfort at this moment.

Hearing this, Yu Zhengqing sniffed and nodded, "Well, there is no sign of my father, but my father..."

"Sir, maybe my father was saved by a kind person?!"

Lan's sudden words made Yu Zhengqing, who was almost in tears again, suddenly feel a little more joyful in his dim eyes!
"You, you said..."

"Father, I think what Aunt Lan said is right. Maybe grandfather was really saved by a kind person. Father, let's not think about it. Since we have searched the scene for a long time, there is no trace of wild animals. There is no trace of struggling, so my grandfather must have been rescued by a kind person, after all, my grandfather can't move at all."

Before Yu Zhengqing finished speaking, Yu Xiaoran, whose eyes were already swollen from crying, once again had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

And his assumption also made Yu Zhengqing, who dared not accept the reality, feel much better.

"Yes, yes, yes! Your grandfather must have been rescued by kind people. It is impossible for the bandits to kidnap him. After all, he is like that. It is useless for the bandits to want him, and since no one can be found at the scene , I must have been saved by someone, saved by someone!"

Yu Zhengqing, who kept repeating the same words, had red eyes. At this moment, he gradually felt a little more self-comforting. Even the Yu family felt much better after hearing these words.

Even if they never see each other in this life, no one wants their relatives to be taken away by wild animals and used as food, nor does they want their relatives to freeze to death on the mountain in despair and loneliness.

Because of joy, Yu Zhengqing hugged Lan Shi tightly in his arms, as if hugging her also gave him a lot of strength.

But I don't know, Chang Huilan on the side saw it with sore eyes, but Yu Yingying was dissatisfied immediately, and her eyes turned cold!
"I think this possibility is quite high, but I didn't expect that Yu Zhengqing is really a filial son."

Seeing the direct descendants of the Yu family regaining their vitality again, Ye Jiamei murmured to herself.

But when the words fell, she realized that no one of the father and son around her responded to her at all. Looking back, she found that the father and daughter were both covering their chests and frowning.

"What's the matter with you two?"

"Mother, I just felt inexplicably uncomfortable and sad, as if the death of old man Yu had a great impact on me."

"Me too! I feel uncomfortable all of a sudden, is it because of the blood connection?"

"Probably, maybe it's because of the remaining thoughts in your body, or maybe it's because of the blood relationship. Are you feeling better now? I'll get you two some glucose to drink, maybe it will be better."

As she spoke, Ye Jiamei pretended to rummage through the basket, took out two sticks of glucose, and brought them to the mouths of the father and daughter.

After the two of them took glucose, the uncomfortable feeling of suffocation in their chests improved slightly, but the sky gradually became brighter.

In the snow-covered mountains, in winter, it is foggy. Even at dawn, you can't see far away. It's all gray, and even five meters away, the line of sight is blocked.

Zhang Yuan asked everyone to eat something quickly and rest for a quarter of an hour at most before continuing their journey.

These tasks should have been done by Yu Zhengqing, but now Yu Zhengqing was in a somewhat uncomfortable mood, so Zhang Yuan took on this heavy responsibility.

Taking advantage of the time when the three of them left, the several families discussed the food to be eaten on the road, and in the future, each household would send out people to cook and eat together, so as not to get points.

(End of this chapter)

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