You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 100 Here comes the question, is the princess reliable?

Chapter 100 Here comes the question, is the princess reliable?

Lin Guangchang looked at Feng Xi in disbelief. He still wanted to argue, but saw more than a dozen princess guards stepping forward. Qi Xiao even raised his hand and pressed his sword, as if he really wanted to kill him personally.

No matter how angry Lin Guangchang was at this moment, he had to suppress the fire in his heart.

Feng Xi is a princess, as long as they don't kill her for a day, she has the right to dominate them.

Yes, he is the general of the Tiger Roaring Battalion, backed by the crown prince and Fang Shoufu, but Fan Fengxi is a princess with a brain, she dare not touch herself...

But this princess is not only brainless, she is also a lunatic...

"Okay, okay, since you have said so, princess, then give these soldiers to Chixiao Battalion. There is no need to hand over them, anyway, the general will not look down on them anyway!"

After saying that, Lin Guangchang started to walk out of the martial arts arena. Even if he was holding back, he still wanted to show off his victorious attitude.

Then he heard Feng Xi, who was standing there, saying to the soldiers:
"Relax, you can't satisfy everyone, because not everyone is human, and that's not a human thing. How can you satisfy him?"

Lin Guangchang: "..."

His fist hardened.

And when he heard the laughter of the soldiers, he felt that he really couldn't help it.

He wants to kill Feng Xi and make this bitch kneel in front of him and cry bitterly!


Feng Xi, just wait for me!

Unlike the disgraced Lin Guangchang and others, the prickly-headed soldiers who were left behind were all youthful, with smiles on their faces that had never bloomed since they joined the army.

Behind the smile were a pair of red eyes that were moist because he was finally out of the sea of ​​suffering.

They came for Qi Shuai's reputation, joined the army for the Qi family's Xuanjia's unyielding spirit, and chose Hanyuguan to live up to their passion.

So they simply couldn't fit in with Hu Xing, who was just waiting to die, and Qixing, who was confused.

They wanted to enter Chixiao Camp. They spent more than 600 days and nights when they were not fed enough to wear warm clothes and were insulted and bullied. Until today, until they met the princess...

Thinking of this, they wanted to bend down and kowtow, and wanted to shout "Princess Thousand Years Old" like other soldiers in Chixiao Camp...

Who knew they hadn't knelt down yet?
The princess had already patted Yuan Xingzhi on the shoulder, saying that everything was taken care of by him, and then ran away with her consort and guards.

Well, the princess who usually is too lazy to walk, she actually ran tonight.

All the soldiers: "?"

"Ahem, okay, the princess has said that you will be admitted to the Chixiao camp, so you can make a fire and cook like everyone else in the camp, and fill your stomach first. This is Yuan Song, you can follow him from now on."

With a light cough, Yuan Xingzhi smoothed things over for a running princess while scanning the little soldiers in front of him.

To say that a certain princess is reliable, she seems to be nothing like a princess except for her title.

She has no etiquette, ostentation, or ambition!
She doesn't know how to be arrogant, considerate, or tactful!
But if you want to say that she is unreliable, she can stop Lin Guangchang from coming down with a few words, and by the way solve the biggest problem facing their Chixiao camp!
What is the biggest problem at Chixiao Camp today?
There is no injection of fresh blood!

As we all know, the Chixiao camp is full of veterans, and it is the Qi family Xuanjia that Qi Shuai left to the young master.

But no matter how powerful the Qi family Xuanjia is, he is still a human being, and if he is a human being, he will grow old, get sick, and be discharged from the army due to injury!
Nowadays, most of the soldiers in Chixiao Camp are in their thirties, so the crisis is not obvious. That is, because it is not obvious, some people in the DPRK advocate that the vicious plan of Chixiao Camp be refined and not filled with new soldiers can succeed.

It's not that these generals haven't been aware of this problem in the past two years, it's just that they have no way to ask for help.

At least during the two years when the emperor's health deteriorated, the other party had no energy to deal with their not-so-critical problem.

He originally wanted to wait two more days to mention it to the princess, and let the princess figure out a way for them in the court, but unexpectedly, the princess directly snatched more than 100 people for them...

Although there are not many of them, they are also the successors of the Qi family Xuanjia if they are trained well. This is a brand new beginning for the Chixiao Camp!

Yuan Xingzhi was still madly grateful to Feng Xi, while Qi Xiao, who followed Feng Xi back to the fire and helped Feng Xi and her nephew roast a plate of pork belly, called Qin Zhui and said:
"Go tell those 100-plus people that since they have joined Chixiao Camp, they must contribute to Chixiao Camp. Our Chixiao Camp is not short of food, but it is short of people."


On the other side, Qi Zhuo was blinking a pair of big eyes, looking at the two pieces of meat on his plate, and the meat on the plate of his princess aunt, who was almost out of place, his little mind was full of big question marks.

That night, everyone in the Chixiao camp ate very satisfactorily, and they didn't break up until midnight.

The more than 100 recruits who had just joined Chixiao Battalion got up after eating and drinking, and returned to their original residence with spicy and delicious breath, and the apples given by the princess.

They went back to pack their things. After all, they would officially report to Chixiao Camp tomorrow.

"Has Chixiao Camp really accepted you? Don't you be lying? I heard that Chixiao Camp doesn't recruit new soldiers."

"That's right, we all came here for Qi Family Xuanjia, but what happened? We were assigned to the Tiger Roar Camp."

"Huxiao and Qixing are like this, how can Chixiao camp be any better?"


It was night, and such conversations were taking place in various camps between Huxiao and Qixing.

The little soldiers who went back to pack their things did not leave in a hurry, but tried their best to contact other thorns, or some soldiers who treated them well on weekdays.

"Princess, she speaks eloquently. She said that Chi Xiao camp will accept people. We have all gone in. You are much better than us. Are you afraid that Chi Xiao camp will not accept it?"

"It's just that if we stay here, we can't even have enough to eat, and we have to be yelled at by those people. No matter how miserable it is when we go to Chixiao Camp, can it be worse than now?"

"They're right. I think Old General Yuan of Chixiao Battalion never cook small dishes. They eat whatever the people below eat. Anyway, I want to try it!"


As the first person expressed his enthusiasm, other prickly heads who were eager to try also raised their hands, expressing their willingness to follow and try.

Anyway, their days in Tiger Xiao Camp and Seven Star Camp were hard enough, even if Chi Xiao Camp didn't accept them, they would just come back and continue to suffer.

What if the Scarlet Firmament Camp is really closed?

So when the first ray of sunlight fell in the morning, both Lin Guangchang and Sun Wenzhong were woken up by their cronies.

"General, it's not good! We, our soldiers have gone to Chixiao Camp!"

Lin Guangchang didn't care about this:

"Isn't it just a few dozen thorns? I knew it last night!"

He got angry when he mentioned this, and before he could curse anyone, he heard his confidant murmur again:

"No, not dozens, yes, more than 1000..."

Lin Guangchang: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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