You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 14 Should I eat this peanut or not?

Chapter 14 Should I eat this peanut or not?

"Return the title? And pick a star? Why don't we get the moon for that loser?"

In the front yard of Jingyuan Marquis Mansion, Qi Yu frowned and couldn't help but laugh after hearing the boy's report.

"Brother Yu, why do you care about a waste that even his father said he was stupid and could not support the foundation of the Hou Mansion?"

"That's right, don't look at Zhaoming's kindness to his son-in-law these days, I heard from Young Master Xie and Brother Su that it's all to please the one above."

"Don't forget, Princess Ren likes the one from the Mu family..."

Qi Yu's sneer did not avoid others, so when the young men who were friends with him heard it, they immediately started teasing him.

Reminiscent of Feng Xi's embarrassment when he entered the school, the gaze that fell on Qi Xiao was disgusting enough, not to mention a knife.


Standing alone beside Qi Xiao, Qin Zhui, who was already used to being ridiculed and ridiculed, couldn't help but clenched his hands at this moment.

Because he knew very well that their master cared about two things most.

One is that in order to protect him, Lord Hou had no choice but to call him useless and cruelly pass on the title to others.

The second reason is that in order to protect himself and paralyze the enemy, he had to comply with the push of some people and enter the princess's mansion.

It can be said that these people deliberately brought up these two matters, deliberately stabbing their masters with knives!
However, just when Qin Zhui imagined that his master was so bleak and strong, thus strengthening his determination never to betray, he heard Qi Xiao say in a complicated tone:
"She really said that she wants them to return the title and give me the stars?"

Qin Zhui: "?"

No, master, they are piercing your heart!

At the same time, in the backyard of the Hou's Mansion, Feng Xi saw that the old matriarch Qi and Qi Miao were misfired again, and she also found it meaningless.

Coupled with the winking ladies at the side who rounded up the scene, everyone's eyes quickly focused on the stage not far away, and they listened attentively to the famous play "Peach Blossom Falling".

As if afraid that her own princess would be bored, Tian Xi who was at the side quickly introduced the play to Feng Xi.

The Xiaosheng Huadan who can sing this play are all well-known actors in various places.

Why is that girl on the stage with eyes like silk and voice like an oriole at the moment is the pillar of the Li family class.

Why is she famous, her name is Hatsumomo...

"What did you say her name was?"

"Call, it's Hatsumomo..."

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows.


The actor in the book who is deeply involved with Qi Yu and is willing to sacrifice his life to frame Qi Xiao for him?
No, isn't this guy Qi Yu's killer move? Doesn't it appear just when the Qi family and his son are about to fall?
Could it be that……

Just as Feng Xi was thinking about it, she suddenly felt the sound of breaking wind, and raised her hand to grab it, good guy, a peeled but somewhat dirty peanut.

So does she eat it or not?
Thinking that she was here to celebrate her birthday, of course the birthday star should eat this kind of good food first, so she raised her hand and stuffed it into the mouth of Old Madam Qi who was talking to her granddaughter Qi Miao before she could shut her mouth in the future.

Mrs. Qi, who was suddenly stuffed with peanuts and still felt like there was sand in her mouth: "?"

"Hey, you kid, how could you hit the princess with a peanut! Huh?"

Before Feng Xi and Old Matriarch Qi could make trouble, a voice came from the side.

When Feng Xi raised her eyes, she saw that she had cleaned up very decently. She didn't see Su Yu, who was in a state of embarrassment in the past few days, or Xie Wanyin, who stood beside her and instantly became the focus of all the ladies.

Those words were said by Su Yu, and the peanut was held by Xie Wanyin, and dropped by a small dumpling that was not as high as the table in front of Feng Xi.

Before Feng Xi could think about who this dumpling was, Mrs. Qi, who had suffered a serious crime but was unable to attack her, said with a stern face:

"Qi Zhuo! If you don't stay in your own room with your mother, what are you doing here! Where is your mother!"

As soon as Mrs. Qi said this, the wives around suddenly realized, and then whispered:
"Is this the five-year-old son of the late prince? He looks pretty good, but his upbringing..."

"Hey, don't talk about it. My late concubine has great medical skills, and her appearance is even more outstanding. If she hadn't insisted on carrying this oil bottle, the old lady might have remarried her."

"If you want me to say that you should marry, it's somewhat inappropriate for an orphan and widow to live in the house?"


With the reminder from this group of people, Feng Xi almost immediately recalled the plot about the dumpling in front of her.

Qi Zhuo.

Qi Xiao's eldest brother who died in battle was the only son of Qi Shen, the former eldest son of Jingyuan Houfu.

Since Qi Shen's death in battle, the Hou Mansion changed hands, and Qi Xiao got married, he has been living with his mother Bai Yi in the backyard of the Jingyuan Hou Mansion, living a life under the fence.

It's not that they don't want to leave the Hou Mansion, but as a bargaining chip to manipulate Qi Xiao, Qi Su and others have no intention of letting him go.

Qi Xiao naturally wanted to take them away, but why would a younger uncle who is a married man want his nephew and sister-in-law from the house?

Of course, it's not that Qi Xiao didn't ask the original owner during the period, hoping that the original owner would take the two of them out of the Hou's mansion in the name of the princess.

He didn't ask the original owner to accept them, he just wanted a legitimate reason to save people.

However, with the temperament of the original owner, not only did he not agree, but he also spoke harsh words to Qi Xiao, and even danced in front of Bai Yi and the child to scold them for being shameless.

Feng Xi: "..."

In short, the character design of this vicious princess should not be too stable...

No, she didn't need to speak at all, Qi Zhuo just stared at her, his white face wrinkled like a bun.

Of course, some people didn't even intend to give her a chance to speak, and directly pulled the child behind them.

"Old Madam, if you want to blame it, you can blame me. I was the one who went to visit Sister Bai Yi and insisted on bringing Xiao Zhuo here to watch a play."

Xie Wanyin looked directly at Old Madam Qi, her tone was soft and courteous, coupled with the little movement of biting her lower lip from time to time, I felt pity for it.

Who can bear to blame such a beautiful woman?

As a result, a group of ladies who had been looking at Xie Wanyin for a long time and were very satisfied with her hurriedly said:

"Wan Yin is a kind girl. What does it have to do with you if Mrs. Bai doesn't teach her children well?"

"Xiao Zhuo, your Aunt Wanyin is so protective of you, why don't you quickly apologize to the princess?"

"That's right, is the princess still your aunt? If you apologize, she will definitely not punish you."


However, listening to the comfort of the people around, Qi Zhuo looked at Feng Xi not only did not restrain his eyes, but became more fierce.

Especially when Su Yu said that Feng Xi was his aunt, he almost blurted out:
"She is not Xiaozhuo's aunt, she is a bad woman who bullied my mother and uncle!"

The moment Qi Zhuo said these words, Su Yu immediately looked at Old Madam Qi and Qi Miao, and there was joy in his eyes.

Feng Xi hates Qi Xiao, so naturally she also hates Qi Zhuo.Now, although she can tolerate Qi Xiao in order to please the emperor, it doesn't mean she can tolerate Qi Zhuo scolding her in public.

And once she conflicts with this child, her disguise will be exposed, and her face will be even more embarrassing!
They were looking forward to this, and then they saw Feng Xi leaning on the Grand Master's chair and answering confidently:

"Nonsense, how could a bad woman like Bengong only bully the two of them!"

Qi Zhuo: "?"

Everyone: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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