You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 24 I think what you said is very good, but

Chapter 24 I think what you said is very good, but...

Qi Xiao looked at Feng Xi with a little surprise, the sharp indifference brought about by the slight upturning of the eye tails and the shallow pupil color, softened a lot at this moment.

Not for anything else, just for a certain princess who is really good at coming up with ideas...

What's more, this idea seems funny, but it's surprisingly fair and practical.

And on the basis of fairness and practicality, it also disgusted two families at the same time.

Of course, such disgust is not inevitable, as long as one party is willing to suffer, reconciliation is also very easy to reconcile.

But neither of these two families wanted to suffer. Qi Su, who had already been recruited, agreed on the spot, and then looked at Xie Lian with warning eyes.

And Xie Lian was an accomplice after all, and he didn't want to completely tear himself apart with Qi Su, so he gritted his teeth and nodded.

This new concubine is better than the one in front of me, right?

Seeing that the two reached a consensus, Feng Xi's smile became even brighter:

"It's said to help people to the end. This palace will send someone to Jingzhao Mansion to report this matter. Miss Chutao's life is hard, and she must live a good life in the future."

Making waves is a must-have skill for a little wife, you should be good at it, right?
After everything is handled properly, it is inconvenient for everyone to stay in the backyard of the Hou Mansion.

As for Xie Lian's family, who had suffered a lot, they left without even eating.

But before he left, he was stopped by Qi Yu, who stuffed him with a beautiful and shrewd skinny girl that he specially picked out as a spare.

Feng Xi gave full marks to this wave of maneuvers of dying together.

Sending off the four members of the Xie family, the Qi family lost their interest in entertaining other guests. They were sensible enough to get up and leave one after another soon.

At this moment, Qi Yu patted Qi Xiao on the shoulder and whispered in his ear:
"Let Feng Xi go first, you stay. If you don't obey, Bai Yi's mother and son will have a difficult life in the mansion."

After all, Qi Yu bumped Qi Xiao's shoulder hard, and then arrogantly saw off the guests.

Obviously, they are not fools, so they naturally know that today's plan has gone wrong.

And at the banquet, who else could use this to turn their backs on them, except Qi Xiao who is familiar with the Qi Mansion?

If he, Qi Xiao, doesn't give them an explanation today, he can't even think about walking out of the Marquis Mansion safely.

Raising his hand to caress the secret letter in his sleeve, Qi Xiao, who didn't intend to hold back anymore, turned his eyes cold, and only took Qi Yu's words as fart.

Because when he dealt with Qi Su and the two, he had already ordered people to enter the mansion after the banquet and secretly take away Bai Yi and Qi Zhuo.

It can be said that the moment he decided to kill Feng Xi and take control of the entire Princess Mansion, he already had the capital to resist.

As long as he wants to...

"Princess, are you and uncle leaving soon? When will you come to the house to see Xiaozhuo again?"

Qi Zhuo, who has gotten to know Feng Xi well through peanuts and nursery rhymes, is looking at Feng Xi without fear of death.

Although the princess was not as kind to him as Aunt Xie, she helped him talk to his mother, and she was very aggressive!
"Xiao Zhuo, don't be unreasonable to the princess!"

Raising her hand to hold her son, Bai Yi glanced at Feng Xi apologetically.

She is not a person who pushes forward, Fengxi has already helped their mother and child a lot today...

On the other hand, Qi Miao, who was in an extremely bad mood and had never been used to Bai Yi, sneered and said:

"The princess is busy. She doesn't even want to see your uncle, let alone you?"

And her brother has already warned Qi Xiao, Qi Xiao, who has always been sensible, will probably ask Feng Xi to leave immediately.

Once Feng Xi's big trouble is gone, the three of them will suffer in this mansion!

On the contrary, Feng Xi, who was crazily robbed by Qi Miao, rubbed her eyes, and rarely agreed with Qi Miao and said:
"That's right, it doesn't matter whether it's big or small. I'm your elder. I'm so lazy. After you go to the Princess Mansion, you must be the one who came to see me at Wutongyuan!"

Qi Miao: "?"

Bai Yi: "?"

Everyone: "?"

Princess, do you know what you are talking about?

At this moment, even Qi Xiao who can keep calm in front of Feng Xi couldn't help but say:
"Feng Xi, you mean to..."

Feng Xi nodded, her main point was to be honest and said:

"I even said that I love you so much, you're welcome to do something to show off, it's a small problem,"

Qi Xiao, who would never admit that he was slightly touched just now: "..."

Standing by the side, wishing to cover the mouth of her own princess, Tianxi who wanted a good name: "..."

Sitting quietly on the side, she didn't know what to say. Good client Bai Yi: "..."

Only her silly son Qi Zhuo blinked, and only grasped the point he wanted to grasp:

"Wow! So my mother and I can go to the princess mansion with the princess and uncle!"

Feng Xi snored on the child's head with appreciation, turned to Qi Xiao and said:

"Your nephew is so smart!"

Qi Xiao: "..."

I'm so...

And when Feng Xi talked about this matter with Qi Xiao as if nothing had happened, the face of the Qi family sitting opposite turned green.

Did they hear it right?

Feng Xi actually wants to take Bai Yi's mother and son away?
And is it for show?
Is she sick?

They have been keeping this orphan and widowed mother in the house for more than a year, not just for Feng Xi to show off!

"Princess, since you said that you are doing it for show, you don't really mean it, why don't you reward Bai Yi and Xiao Zhuo with something so that they can continue to live in the mansion. Although our Marquis mansion is not as good as your princess mansion, But two pairs of chopsticks are still affordable."

Qi Su felt that what he said was quite to the point, so he looked at Bai Yi's mother and son and added:
"Besides, the mother and the little girl have a gentle temperament, and they are the most suitable companions for their mother and child. Benhou thinks that they should also be willing to stay in the mansion."

Feng Xi was just on the spur of the moment, he said so, she should let go, right?

"Is this true?"

Seeing that Feng Xi really spoke, Mrs. Qi nodded quickly:
"Really, Bai Yi and Xiao Zhuo have been taken care of by the old man for more than a year. Even if there is a mistake, it is because the evil servant is stupid and despised the master."

In terms of appearance, Mrs. Qi felt that they had already helped Fengxi ten percent, and even if word got out, outsiders might not be able to find fault.

No, people and children were so angry that their eyes turned red, and they wanted to open their mouths to refute.

However, because of his small strength, his mother covered his mouth directly, and could only stare at Old Madam Qi viciously.

On the contrary, Feng Xi nodded in satisfaction after listening to their words.

"Bengong thinks what you said is very good. So when will I get a carriage for me and send a few people to help pack things? I'm tired and hurrying back home."

Qi Su: "?"

Mrs. Qi: "?"

"Princess, since you think what we said is very good, why do you still..."

Qi Su was puzzled, Feng Xi was surprised:
"I already gave you a candy date, what's wrong with giving you a stick?"

The Qi family was dumbfounded, but they still argued:

"Princess, Qi Zhuo is of the blood of the Qi family, so he should stay in our Marquis Mansion. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for him to go to the Princess Mansion with a son-in-law?"

Bai Yi doesn't need to be there, but they will keep Qi Zhuo's trump card no matter what!
Then I heard Feng Xi say:
"I don't listen to you. Those who refute me are barking dogs!"

Qi Su: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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