You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 30 She's Pretty Cute, If You Remove That Mouth Chapter

Chapter 30 She is quite cute, if you remove that mouth

"The emperor is discussing matters with several adults, and I may not be able to meet the two empresses for a while. Besides, Princess Zhaoming and the concubine are still waiting in the side hall. This matter may be..."

Outside the imperial study room, Zhao Xi looked at the two women in Chinese clothes in front of him with a smile, his tone seemed respectful but he persuaded them to retreat.

He would be a fool if he didn't understand what the two of them were thinking at this juncture of discussing who to send for disaster relief.

"Xi'er entered the palace?"

Concubine Fang Gui looked at Zhao Xi in surprise, as if she never expected Feng Xi to be here.

On the other hand, concubine Shu Tang who was at the side frowned when she heard the words.

"Isn't it? The emperor received your letter from your empress yesterday, so he sent this old slave out of the palace to pick him up early this morning. However, the emperor is busy with everything, Princess Zhaoming and the son-in-law are still waiting inside."

Zhao Xi was still smiling, and didn't hide anything.

After hearing this, Concubine Fang Gui rolled her eyes and immediately said with a coquettish smile:
"I thought that the emperor has been ill recently, and no matter how busy he is, he can't neglect his health, so he specially stewed chicken soup and delivered it. Now that it's better, my Xi'er is here, and the emperor is afraid that he can only drink from Concubine Shu. Lotus seed soup."

"Then sister, I would like to thank my sister for being modest..."

Concubine Chu Shu on the side raised the corners of her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes.

It's like this every time. As long as Feng Xi is around, she, Chu Tang, can't get any favors from her.

Because that fool Feng Xi would always help Fang Ying.

And what about Fang Ying?

She was just a vicious woman who got the phoenix seal with great luck after the death of Empress Zhaoyue, and at the same time coaxed a little fool.

It was also her fault that she was busy taking care of her sick Feng Yu, so she didn't snatch Feng Xi into her camp at the first time.

Seeing Concubine Chu Shu unhappy, Concubine Fang Gui didn't talk to her, but said to Zhao Xi naturally:
"I haven't seen Xi'er for a few days, but I'm worried about her. I won't be going to the imperial study room. Please ask Eunuch Zhao to take me to the side hall."

Under the current situation, even if she entered the royal study, she could only hand her some soup and come out.

And there was Concubine Chu Shu who was competing with her for the poor job of delivering soup.

Now that the former court is discussing candidates to go to the north to provide disaster relief, the emperor will not be alone with them at such a critical moment, for fear that the courtiers will be given the excuse.

But how could she not help her family, Feng Jing, to fight for disaster relief, a good job that uses the money from the court to support her reputation?

Whether the position of the prince is stable or not, reputation and popular support are the key!

Since the emperor will go to see that idiot Feng Xi after finishing the discussion, why doesn't she take advantage of Feng Xi's name and justifiably wait in the side hall?
According to the past practice, Feng Xi will help her intercede for Feng Jing when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Concubine Fang couldn't help but look proudly at Concubine Chu Shu behind her, and secretly sighed at the good move she made back then.

"Imperial concubine, it is the emperor's intention that Princess Zhaoming and her son-in-law are waiting in the side hall. If you want to go in and visit, I'm afraid you have to wait for the old slave to send someone to inform you, and the princess agrees."

Seeing Zhao Xi, an old man, doing Tai Chi with her again, Concubine Fang was not angry, but said with an arrogant expression:
"Eunuch Zhao, please send someone to report, Xi'er will definitely agree."

Zhao Xi nodded and sent someone immediately.

He knew that this was an extraordinary period, and their emperor would never want to see Concubine Fang Gui and Concubine Chu Shu in front of him.

If not for anything else, it was because the prince and the supporters of the fourth prince had been arguing with the emperor all morning in the imperial study room, just over who should be sent to provide disaster relief.

However, he is a slave after all and cannot openly contradict his masters...

So even if he knew that Concubine Fang Gui had ulterior motives, as long as Princess Zhaoming agreed, he still had to let her in.

And according to his understanding of Princess Zhaoming, this matter may be suspended...

Sure enough, the little eunuch who was sent to deliver the news came back soon, and Feng Xi's personal eunuch Tianxi also came back with him.

As soon as Tianxi came out, Zhao Xi knew something bad was going on.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness welcomes you."

Tian Xi smiled and bowed to the other noble concubine, and then when the other party walked past Zhao Xi arrogantly, he saluted to the gloomy-looking Concubine Chu Shu on the side and said:

"Concubine Shu, Your Highness welcomes you."

Concubine Fang: "?"

Concubine Chu Shu: "?"

Zhao Xi: "?"

At the same time, in the side hall of the Imperial Study, Feng Xi said to Qi Xiao expectantly:

"They are all good things that have been simmered slowly in the concubine's small kitchen for an unknown period of time. I want to drink the chicken soup, so I can't let this lotus seed soup go away."

Qi Xiao: "..."

Seeing that Qi Xiao ignored her, Feng Xi was not annoyed, but just waited quietly.

Looking at the girl who was obediently sitting on the soft stool and staring at the door with bright fox eyes, Qi Xiao somehow sensed something called cuteness.

Well, if she didn't have that mouth.

Under the leadership of Zhao Xi, Concubine Fang Guifei and Concubine Chu Shu quickly led people into the side hall.

As the second of the three empresses with the most face in the harem, Concubine Fang Gui and Concubine Chu Shu are not young, but they are well maintained.

The former is charming and arrogant, while the latter is cold and reserved, but no matter which one it is, there is a shrewdness in the inner courtyard of the deep palace for many years in the brows.

Well, not a fool.

Feng Xi appraised in her heart.

According to Dazhao's rules, Feng Xi, as Emperor Shengde's only concubine, does not need to salute when she meets a concubine.

On the other hand, most concubines with low status had to bow their heads slightly when they saw her.

Of course, Fang Chu, the fourth concubine, was not among them.

Therefore, among the four people present, the only one who needed to salute was actually Qi Xiao.

It stands to reason that as Qi Xiao is Feng Xi's husband, whether he wants to salute or not is actually a matter of Feng Xi's words.

However, the original owner didn't regard Qi Xiao as a human being at all, so bringing him into the palace is like bringing a dog. What does it matter to her whether the dog behaves or not?

Because no matter whether it is Concubine Fang Gui who has been in contact with Feng Xi a lot, or Concubine Chu Shu who has been in contact occasionally, at this moment, they all tacitly agree that Qi Xiao will bow his head and salute, and wait with peace of mind.

Feng Xi's mind was so full of chicken soup and lotus seed soup that she didn't remember this incident at all.

In the past, Qi Xiao would definitely have saluted. After all, even when his father and brother were still alive, their family had to abide by the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers.

But looking at the reborn Feng Xi beside him, he suddenly turned his eyes and said:

"Feng Xi, do I need to salute?"

Seeing Qi Xiao calling Feng Xi's name directly, and boldly asking such obvious questions, not to mention the sneering Fang and Chu, even Zhao Xi gave him a worried look.

On the other hand, Feng Xi who heard the words looked at him sideways, and said speechlessly:
"You can't do it if you don't want to, it's not a big deal."

Concubine Fang: "?"

Concubine Chu Shu: "?"

Zhao Xi: "?"

Qi Xiao pursed his lips, and his light-colored peach blossom eyes sparkled with amusement:

"Then what if they force me to do it?"

Feng Xi said without thinking:
"Then you beat them!"

Fang and Chu: "..."

Zhao Xi: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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