You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 4 I am not active in adding blocks, I have problem thinking

Chapter 4 Timing is not active, thinking is problematic~
At si o'clock the next day, snow had fallen all over the ground.

Qi Xiao stood beside the car in brocade clothes, with a slender figure and beautiful eyes.This is the time since he entered the princess mansion for more than a year, he looks the most like a son-in-law.

What's ridiculous is that Feng Xi actually ordered his subordinates to buy these clothes overnight in order to cause trouble for him and forced him to change into them.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and get in the car!"

On the carriage, Feng Xi, who was dressed in red, raised the curtain and strongly condemned someone for not staying still for a long time!
Timing is not active, there is a problem with thinking!
"Get in the car?" Qi Xiao's eyes flashed a sneer and said: "What? The princess didn't even want the rules she set for me when she entered the house, just to make things difficult for others?"

As we all know, Feng Xi seldom goes out with him on the street, even if he goes out, he is not allowed to get in the carriage...

In the words of this vicious woman, letting him run beside the carriage is already a great reward.


He's nothing more than a piece of trash that can't even be compared to a plaything.

Seeing the young man's peach blossom eyes gradually dimming, Feng Xi obviously wanted something wrong again.

But she is tired.

She wanted to "die", really.

So she didn't care what the original owner was, and she didn't intend to win Qi Xiao's favor at all, so she said straightforwardly:

"The rules are dead, but you are alive! Since you know that Bengong is rushing to make things difficult for others, why don't you hurry up and help!"

Qi Xiao: "..."

He endures.

Give him some more time, and he will definitely kill this woman!

Ningguo Duke's Mansion has been famous for a hundred years, the men are high-ranking officials and generously paid, and the women are in charge of the noble family.Therefore, the annual winter solstice family banquet is the busiest time in the mansion.

"It's great how many people there are. The more people come, the more embarrassing some people will be in a while."

Walking through the corridor in the mansion, Xie Lang was wearing a fine attire with jade hanging around his waist, and was just listening to his cronies talking about Feng Xi taking someone out of the mansion, obviously coming to them.

"It's still you who predicted things like a god. You predicted that Princess Zhaoming would not be obedient. Don't worry, I'll dispatch some people right away, and I will definitely keep the gate of the house for you!"

Xie Lang was also very proud of the flattering words of the confidant:
"Look, Feng Xi, a bullying idiot, will eventually compromise in order to get in, and obediently apologize to my young master and second sister."

After all, this is not the first time~

At the same time, in the carriage of the Princess Mansion, Feng Xi was boringly reviewing the love and hatred between the original owner and Xie Wanyin, Xie Lang and others.

As the control group for the heartthrob heroine Xie Wanyin, the original owner had a total of [-] times of disagreement with each other in the first half of the book, including but not limited to Qi Xiao, Ning Guogong, and her own face...

In short, if you are a demon, you will be slapped in the face, and then become angry and ridiculed by the crowd.

So in the eyes of Xie Lang and others today, she is probably a paper tiger that anyone can step on.

But it's a pity that she, Feng Xi, is rebellious, and she likes to embarrass others from birth!
"Yes, yes, turn the car across, how can we not block them more tightly?"

Leaning gracefully against the car window, Feng Xi directly asked Tianxi and others to block the intersection, cutting off the only way for all the guests to go to the main entrance of the Duke's Mansion.

And when someone came forward to ask her why she was like this, thinking that she would give a reasonable explanation, she raised her chin and said:

"Some people are small-minded and temperamental. When others don't allow her to go to the banquet, she decides not to let all the guests go, so that the banquet cannot be held."

"Hey, do you know who this palace is talking about?"

The slender fingers gently pressed the table top, and the girl's eyebrows and eyes were as beautiful as roses under the scorching sun.

"That's right, it's my palace~"

As the carriages on the avenue became more and more blocked, the Duke's Mansion, which had not received any guests, finally noticed, and immediately sent a steward to negotiate.

"Princess, this banquet is a big day in the mansion, so don't get angry with the Duke! If it goes wrong, it won't do anyone any good, will it?"

Manager A blushed with anxiety, but Feng Xi remained calm:
"It's just a banquet that I can't attend, and it's no good if I can manage it~"

Steward A: "..."

"Princess, you also know the temper of the Duke. Have you forgotten how you asked for forgiveness a few days ago?"

Steward B is moved with emotion, Feng Xi understands with reason:

"Remember, it's not like crying and crying doesn't work, so I plan to use force?"

Steward B: "..."

Seeing that the stewards were listless, Xie Lang, who was reprimanded by his father to solve the problem, finally couldn't bear it anymore, rushed up and said angrily:

"Feng Xi, you are shameless and our Duke's Mansion is shameless! In a word, you can say whether you will let this way!"

Feng Xi: "No."

Xie Lang: "..."

Left and right are just a matter of being soft and easy to get in, he never thought that Feng Xi would choose to fight hard.

Now it's all right, his father scolded him for his ineffectiveness, and his grandfather still suppressed him and didn't dare to report it.

So no matter what, he must solve this matter!

Thinking of this, Xie Lang rolled up his sleeves and rushed to the carriage, ready to scare Feng Xi, who was always stern.

Seeing this, all the stewards hurried forward to cooperate, while pulling this master back, they said to Feng Xi:
"Princess, you'd better get out of the way, we're going to be unable to hold back the little grandpa..."

"You also know the temper of the young master. After a while, if we can't hold him back, he will really be rude to you..."

Then, seeing Feng Xi, who were performing hard, they nodded approvingly and said:

"Come on, it's okay. As far as our relationship is concerned, you don't need to be polite."


Xie Lang was furious and was about to scold again when he heard Feng Xi say:

"I know you are angry, but don't be angry, because the angrier you are, the happier I am."

As soon as the words fell, the old stewards changed from helping in acting to pulling carts, dragging their little father-in-law's hands to the point of dislocation.

But the person sitting in the carriage was a princess. This verbal attack could be said to be a sibling play. If they really took action, how would it be different from provoking the royal family in public?
The steward: "My lord, the princess is a golden branch and a jade leaf, calm down, you have to calm down!"

Xie Lang: "How can you tell me to calm down!"

Just watching Xie Lang and the steward arguing outside the car, unable to come up with a solution for a long time, Feng Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore and said to the people around her:

"Husband, do you think they are mentally ill?"

Hearing the words, Qi Xiao drooped his eyes and drank tea without saying a word, his peach blossom eyes were long and narrow and restrained, pressed under the sharp browbones, making it impossible to see happiness or anger.

Feng Xi thought about it, she wanted to "die", so she still prefers to watch Qi Xiao angry.

So she directly snatched the tea cup from the young man's hand, splashed it on Xie Lang and others with her backhand, and said in a very fierce tone:

"You don't want to lose face, I want to save face. Be obedient, go over there and don't hinder me from showing it to my son-in-law!"

Qi Xiao: "?"

Xie Lang: "?"

All the stewards: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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