You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 40 This Princess Can Bend and Stretch, She Can Sleep Anywhere!

Chapter 40 This Princess Can Bend and Stretch, She Can Sleep Anywhere!
There are four prefectures in the Northern Land of Dazhao, Liangzhou, Quzhou, Liaozhou, and Yanzhou.

Among them, Liangzhou is the most difficult, and Yanzhou is the northernmost. Qi Xiao's hometown, Hanyuguan, is just outside Yanzhou.

To be honest, even Qi Xiao didn't expect that the team could reach the Northland within seven days and have a good night's rest before entering Liangzhou.

After all, the [-] elite soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army and the camp in the suburbs of Beijing can march quickly, and he and his men can march quickly, but what about those high-ranking officials and imperial physicians who stay in Beijing all the year round, as well as the most delicate Princess Zhaoming in the team?
Qi Xiao's positioning for them is very simple, he doesn't ask them to march in a hurry, just ask them not to slow down the team's original speed.

As a result, as soon as he made this request, Feng Xi met with merciless opposition.

"Running so slowly, are you going to rescue the disaster or collect the corpse?"

Qi Xiao: "..."

After Feng Xi's rebuke, the other officials who originally wanted to say that the speed was a bit fast and could it be slower, immediately shut up obediently.

As a result, the disaster relief team where the majestic princess is sitting in the town has never stayed in a hotel since leaving Beijing. Whether it is a princess or a soldier, sleeping in a carriage with a carriage, or sleeping in a shack without a carriage, they arrived three or five days earlier than originally planned. destination.

"Hey, hey, slow down, slow down, my old waist..."

"Quick, quickly help my lord to lie down in the house, my bones are about to fall apart this day."

"I can count on a good night's sleep tonight. When did you not rest for two or three hours before you had to go?"


In the small square in front of the inn, all the officials and doctors who got off the carriages were as white as paper. Those in worse condition were supported by their own servants, while the better ones still had some strength to chat with their colleagues.

"Old Lin, who do you think our emperor should send to provide disaster relief? Is Princess Zhaoming really good? We haven't even entered the Northland yet, and Mr. Li Ge and Judge Shi are almost defeated by her..."

Liu Wanshi, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, quietly pulled Lin Qiandao, the servant of the Ministry of Households.

The two of them are Jinshi in the same discipline, so they have a good relationship. It just so happened that the old Duke Xie Boyuan took the imperial examination that year, so they can be regarded as the old Duke's disciples.

They also knew that the reason for the emperor's selection of them this time, besides their abilities, was probably the reason for their relationship.

After all, no matter what Zhaoming said, she was also the granddaughter of their teacher. If they didn't help her well, not to mention their official career, their reputation would be bad after they returned to Beijing.

"Who said it wasn't? Before we left, all the colleagues congratulated us, saying that we had received a good job. But who doesn't know that Princess Zhaoming is just a show, and this time she just blocked the way of the crown prince and the fourth prince?"

Lin Qian, the servant of the household department, sneered while directing people to count the supplies.

Yes, such an errand that even the crown prince and the fourth prince are going to grab, if they follow Princess Zhaoming to take care of it, then they will have half a foot on the position of Shangshu, and the future is limitless.

But no matter how unlimited the future is, it must be enjoyed with life!

Liu Wanshi lowered his head and lamented, what can he do?

Honest people like them who were born in the imperial examinations, their foundation is still shallow, and they are not willing to stand in line, don't they just have to do what the emperor arranges?

"But you don't have to be dejected, the princess's body may be worse than Li Ge and the others."

Lin Qian gestured to the largest carriage over there with his eyes, and his tone was unusually teasing.

That's right, Princess Zhaoming hid in the car almost every day when she was on the road, and she hasn't come down yet.

Not only Liu Wanshi and Lin Qian were looking over there, but even the imperial physicians were not in a hurry to enter the station, for fear that if they sat down on their front feet to rest, the princess would call for someone on their back feet.

It's no wonder that such a pampered princess is having a good time these few days!
They even suspected that the other party had wanted to slow down a long time ago, but they didn't dare to say it out of shame.

Just like now, perhaps it was because they were afraid that they would see her embarrassment that they refused to get out of the car.

And when Qi Xiao, who was dressed in black clothes, jumped out of the carriage and stood in front of the carriage with a complicated expression, the officials watching the excitement became more sure of their thoughts.

Look, look, the princess is really trying to be brave~
As a result, they saw Qi Xiao rubbing the center of his brows, his sharp and cold facial features softened with a smile and said:
"Feng Xi, are you sure you don't want to spend the night at the inn?"

"do not want!"

The girl in the car said categorically:

"It's just one night, why do I have to climb up and down? Is it because I feel uncomfortable in the carriage? Or do I have nothing to do?"

Qi Xiao moved with emotion:

"But it's cold in the carriage."

Feng Xixiao reasoned:

"I am not afraid of the cold."

Qi Xiao: "..."

God knows, Princess Zhaoming, who was originally spoiled and could not bear the slightest hardship, now wants to continue sleeping outside in the carriage because she is afraid of trouble...

If they were in Shengjing, Qi Xiao would let her go, but they were in Beidi, and they didn't know how many pairs of eyes were staring at them.

"Tomorrow we will enter Liangzhou City. Tonight I will arrange for someone to clean up all the carriages, including yours. Feng Xi, didn't you agree to listen to me?"

Feng Xi in the carriage tilted her head:

"Is there? If there is, I will withdraw it."

Qi Xiao: "..."

The people watching the excitement around sneered, thinking that a certain princess was probably staggering and unable to walk. When they asked Qi Xiao to hug her, Qi Xiao stopped trying to comfort Feng Xi and turned to Qin Zhui beside him:
"Except for a few adults and the imperial doctor, everyone else set up camp around the princess's carriage and vowed to protect the princess's safety to the death."

Feng Xi, who was slumped in the car like a salty fish, wishing she could stay outside as a target: "..."

So, before Qi Xiao took a few steps, the girl in the moon-white brocade skirt put on a maple-colored cloak, and got off the carriage refreshed.

"How can this be done? I am serving the country and the people, and you are a courtesy corporal. How can you hinder others and prevent them from having a good rest just because you want to sleep in the carriage? Where is my room? You lead the way!"

As he spoke, he trotted to catch up with Qi Xiao, which was in sharp contrast to the adults limping beside him.

A doctor with sharp eyes could tell at a glance that not only was she not being shaken, but she was also well rested with a rosy complexion.

Officials: "?"

Aren't we going the same way?

Feng Xi naturally didn't know what they were thinking and didn't care. She just felt that compared to the carriage surrounded by soldiers, the post room seemed more suitable for the enemy to attack.

After all, there is only so little space outside the room, so Qi Xiao Dingtian asked two big men to guard the door for her.

Of course, with Qi Xiao's prudence, there will definitely be a large number of defenders outside the station, but compared to being directly surrounded by the center of the defenders, there is more room for maneuvering in the station.

With this in mind, Feng Xi ate and washed early, and then quietly lay on her bed.

Unexpectedly, at three o'clock, the house was full of flames, and the orderly defenders under Qi Xiao quickly became chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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