You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 403: Help people to the end, send Buddha to the West?

"Mom! Dad! Brother! Why are you locking me up? Let me out! Let me out!"

At the same time, in the backyard of the Deng family, the Deng family father and son stood outside the door with solemn expressions. Even Mrs. Deng, who had always loved Deng Baochang, the third son, remained silent.

Deng Baochang suddenly returned last night. The Deng family and his son immediately asked the housekeeper to silence all the insiders, and at the same time, they interrogated him overnight about what happened during his trip.

Deng Baochang thought that his parents and eldest brother were trying to vent their anger on him, so he immediately told all the suffering he had suffered in a rage.

But is this what the Deng family and his son are concerned about?

What they want to know is how Deng Baochang came back!

Deng Baochang described the previous events in great detail, but was vague about how he came back.

Why was he put in a sack while he was sleeping in the prison? The person who trapped him said that the Deng family had exchanged food and clear springs for him, so he was carried all the way. When the sack was taken out, he was already at the Deng Mansion. The back door.

So who sent him here?

How did these people bring him in?

Their granary outside the city is so secretive, how did these people discover it?

Deng Baochang didn't know any of this...

But this morning, Deng Chaodong, the eldest son of the Deng family, went out to see the city in person. The food they had saved was gone!

"It's making trouble! It's just making trouble! Does he know how big a deal he has made this time? Go, go in and comfort him, no, give him medicine, give him some medicine to calm him down..."

Deng Bing hurriedly directed Mrs. Deng who was standing beside her. Mrs. Deng also knew that Baochang and the others were in trouble, so she quickly ordered the kitchen to prepare medicine while she went in to comfort her son.

Only Deng Bing and his eldest son Deng Chaodong went to the study room and discussed countermeasures.

"Chaodong, tell your father the truth. With your teacher's temperament, will you believe that we did not collude with Qingquan, and that Qingquan deliberately framed us?"

After hearing this, Deng Chaodong looked ugly and immediately asked:

"what do you think?"

Deng Bing said nothing, just sighed one after another.

It is said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. As the local emperor of Mingzhou, Zhou Zhiyuan, the prefect of Zhou, is naturally a cautious and suspicious person.

In particular, it is obvious to all that their family values ​​Baochang. It makes sense that they would do such a thing in exchange for Baochang.

"Dad, the key now is not whether we were framed, but the batch of grain that we deliberately hid, but now was taken away by Qingquan."

Deng Chaodong looked at Deng Bing with a solemn expression, saying nothing.

Just like Liu Yin was bound to the teacher Song Yichun, the Deng family had long been inseparable from the prefect Zhou Zhiyuan.

Do you think that teacher Zhou Zhiyuan really valued his talents?

No, what he values ​​​​is their Deng family's family business, their understanding, and their willingness to be his swords.

It can be said that the Deng family is Zhou Zhiyuan's money bag and the lackeys who follow him.

What is the most taboo thing for a dog-legged person?

The most taboo thing is to hide something from the host family, and the host family once asked you to say no, but now you have concealed it again.

"Don't forget, the teacher asked our family for food not long ago, saying that it was to be donated to the imperial reinforcements, so as to express his position as the prefect of a state. But we were also afraid that he would kill the donkey, so we kept this A trump card, I want to use this as a gift to protect my family's life when something unexpected happens..."

Hearing this, Deng Bing sighed again, because his son was absolutely right.

In other words, they have been framed now, and they are unable to explain to the governor Zhou.

Because once Magistrate Zhou knew about this batch of grain, the Deng family would not be able to live well.

"That's all, let's hide Baochang first. If we can't hide it then, we will..." Although Deng Bing didn't finish what he said, Deng Chaodong understood it.

While the Deng family was in a state of distress over the incident involving Deng Baochang and the granary, Zhou Zhiyuan also received news from the Green Forest Army.

"I hope this group of people who went in can find out the truth and let me see what kind of backup Song Yichun has left."

Late at night two days later, the men who went to Fucheng to carry food that day were called again.

The same route, the same process, and a cart full of good food.

Because the honest man hooked up with Li Wu that day, he was honest and willing to work without any thought, so he was quickly appreciated by Feng Xi, the manager.

Since Li Wu had something to do now and in the future, he was lucky enough to be taken by Feng Xi to handle things.

"Sure enough, that gentleman is reliable. This food is much better than what he asked us to get from the Deng family."

"After all, it is the Yamen that stores food, can it be the same?"

"Indeed, how can this wealthy family compare with the official family?"

Feng Xi and Qi Xiao were talking nonsense, but the honest man listened with an honest face.

Glancing at the other party's clear and stupid eyes, Feng Xi felt that she could deceive this guy twenty times more.

It's not that she can't be deceived if there are too many, it's just that she feels tired.

"What do you think that lord is trying to do by contacting our lord like this? While preventing the refugees from going to the capital, he is secretly sponsoring us like this..."

"What do you know? Aren't you afraid that the higher-ups will come to hold you responsible? Only by having some secret skills can you better protect yourself, right? In case someone from the higher-ups gets into trouble with him, he must be tied to the princess. Together..."

Qi Xiao nodded, but the honest man became more and more frightened as he thought about it. He felt that he could not wait any longer and had to pass it back earlier.

He did as he was told. The honest man went to the dark place with the help of a napkin the next day, whistled for the carrier pigeon, and wrote down all the information he had collected.

As soon as the carrier pigeon left the city, it was intercepted by Qi Xiao's secret guards. Among them, the secret guard who was very good at imitating handwriting added a few words to emphasize his suspicion of a certain adult.

Of course, they not only intercepted a homing pigeon, they also read the information sent back by each spy, kept what could be passed on, and supplemented what was not enough.

The main idea is to help people to the end and send Buddha to the West.

In the Green Forest Army's base camp, Wu Kui looked at Wen Xing in front of him coldly.

Middle-aged people have their own courage, not to mention that Wu Kui was a man who fought hard on the battlefield. Such power was something that Wen Xing, a country man, could not compete with.

"Wen Xing, my commander-in-chief tells you once again that since you have entered the door of our Green Forest Army, you must act according to the rules of our Green Forest Army! If you want to shake the morale of the army with your superficial and short-sighted views, I, Wu Kui is the first one to raise his sword and kill you!"

"Grand Commander..."


Wen Xing gritted his teeth and walked out of the lobby, but Ding Xiang, the fifth commander, happened to pass him by with a few notes at this moment.

After reading the notes in front of him one by one, Wu Kui finally understood why Ding Xiang in front of him came to ask for instructions.

"Well, Zhou Zhiyuan! Our Green Forest Army is charging at the front, but where is he? He dares to help Song Yichun secretly from behind, trying his best to leave a way for himself! The old bastard is really a thousand-year-old bastard!" (End of Chapter)

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