You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 411 What is supposed to come will always come?

It wasn't until Su Quan hugged Chen Hua, and the father and son went from being embarrassed at the beginning to crying with joy, and then started talking to each other about the difficulties for both parties, that Qi Xiao came back to his senses from Feng Xi's words.

What father and son?

What mother and son?

Why can his and Little Phoenix's blood blend together?



Obviously, Long Aotian was Long Aotian after all. Even though he was shocked by the scene before him, he did not think that he and Feng Xi might have a blood relationship.

Of course, this is also because he knows the girl in front of him very well and knows that she may go crazy at any time, and he is her best victim...

Finally, Qi Xiao calmed down and said with some uncertainty:

"Is there something wrong with this blood method of identifying relatives?"

Snapping her fingers, Feng Xi immediately showed a teachable smile and said:

"Otherwise? Could it be that we are really half-brothers and sisters? Recognition through blood all depends on luck, and maybe it has something to do with blood type. It's not very reliable anyway."

"In other words, regardless of Yunxiang's words, she can actually use this trick on the Chen family to please both sides?"

Qi Xiao, who learned that dripping blood to identify relatives was not a reliable method, was not surprised for long, and directly speculated on Yunxiang's motives.

However, Feng Xi didn’t take it seriously and said:

"It is indeed possible that she doesn't know who fathered Chen Hua, but this possibility is very small. After all, you all believe in the idea of ​​blood recognition, and she should be the same."

It was rare for Feng Xi to say something fair, so Qi Xiao followed her train of thought.

It is known that Chen Hua is probably Su Quan's son. Yunxiang took him away from the Su family firstly because she took away the Su family prescription and the Su family was destined to fall. Secondly, the Chen family needed a legitimate son and she had to stabilize her family. own status.

As for this third point, it's probably because this woman is really selfish and doesn't want the family fortune she built to fall into the hands of others.

In short, she chose the more valuable of the two families and invested these values ​​in herself and her children.

For example, at this moment, Su Quan cared deeply about Chen Hua, his lost son, and wished he could take him back to the Su family to recognize his ancestors.

"Hua'er, don't worry, dad will definitely let you go back to the Su family in a dignified manner. After a hundred years from dad, all the Su family's property will be yours!"


Seeing Chen Hua plop down on his knees in front of Su Quan, slapping himself and scolding himself for not being a thing, while sobbing and sobbing, Yun Xiang followed suit.

If Su Quan wanted to strangle Yunxiang to death before, now his feelings towards Yunxiang are a bit complicated.

Yunxiang also knew how to watch people's words and immediately stepped aside patiently, completely covering up the ambition in her eyes.

It wasn't until Su Quan finished chatting with Chen Hua and the servants set the table of food and wine that she brought the topic back.

"From now on, Hua'er will follow you as my biological father, and I will also work as an internal agent for you in the Chen family. As long as you ask, I will do anything for Hua'er."


Chen Hua took Yunxiang's hand, but Yunxiang just smiled and held him back, seeming to forgive his heart and seem to strengthen her own mind.

Seeing this, Su Quan also had a hint of emotion in his eyes, and soon brought the topic to Chen Hua's body.

When it came to his own body, Chen Hua's joy just now because he had another supporter was diluted.

He is useless.

That's right, it's useless...

Because he was so mad that night, he couldn't stand up at all now, and he didn't even dare to get close to the woman anymore.    And who gave all this?

Of course it’s Su Jing, that little bitch!

If it hadn't been for him, how could he have gotten into trouble with those gangsters?

Who would dare to do this to him in Qingzhou if it weren't for that gang of elusive evil stars?

"Does that girl Su Jing know those people?"

Su Quan frowned and looked at Yun Xiang and Chen Hua. Su Jing was his niece after all, and he had done a lot for the Su family during his illness over the years.

Yunxiang and Chen Hua, on the other hand, made things difficult for Su Jing who went to help him seek medicine. The misfortune they suffered could not be considered an injustice.

But after all, he is his son, and his heart is really a little bit biased.

"Hua'er and I don't know about this, but my daughter is engaged to a high-ranking family in the capital. The other party said that as long as we can take Hua'er to the capital and try our best to get an imperial doctor to help, Hua'er's illness may not be There is no cure…”

Not only Chen Hua but also Su Quan's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Then why don't you let your daughter help and ask the imperial doctor to take a look at Hua'er? Even if she is Chen Qian's son, she and Hua'er are brothers and sisters, right?"

Unexpectedly, Yunxiang looked embarrassed after hearing this. This embarrassment was not pretending, but real...

"The gentleman said that the imperial doctor is a popular figure in front of the emperor. I'm afraid it won't be easy to handle this matter with the little favor of the Chen family. Unless..."

"Unless you tell me something quickly!"

Seeing that Su Quan and Chen Hua were both a little anxious, Yunxiang finally stopped hiding it:

"Based on the relationship between the Chen family and Wan'er, they will definitely not be able to ask that adult for help, but the Su family, which is now prosperous, may not..."

After all, Su Quan is a businessman, not an illiterate fool.

So when he heard Yun Xiang's words, he turned cold and said:

"What you mean is that the person above asked me, the Su family, to use prescriptions to exchange for the imperial doctor's visit, otherwise he wouldn't be able to help us, right?"

Su Quan said this directly, but Yunxiang answered it smoothly:

"I told you when I saw you today that if it weren't for Hua'er, I would never have come to open this conversation with you. And you don't want to say something so unpleasant. The family status of the person above, Even here in Dazhao, it is one of the best. People are not coveting prescriptions, but they want an obedient and capable money bag."

At this point, even a fool like Chen Hua understood it.

He knew that the Chen family had the backing of the Duke's Mansion, but now this backing was about to turn to the Su family?

"Dad, I know about this. The person above has great hands and eyes. The Chen family has been able to run rampant in Qingzhou all these years thanks to his care. Think about it, as long as you have that fragrant dew recipe in hand, send some to the top. Just be filial to your son, isn’t this simple?”

Chen Hua loved the unruly life he had lived so much, so he didn't feel any burden at all when he persuaded Su Quan.

And after suffering all these years, Su Quan is really tempted to know how desolate it is to have no backing. Although there are new directions but no big trees, it is impossible to say that one day it will collapse again.

Is he the backer of the Chen family?

The Chen family can rely on this support, why can't the Su family?

However, Su Quan was not in a hurry to agree with the mother and son. Instead, he said that he wanted to go back and think about it. After drinking, he quickly returned to the Su family yard.

Shortly after Feng Xi and Su Quan left, the secret guard who was left to keep an eye on Yunxiang came to report that someone had been in private contact with Yunxiang - suspected to be the main room of the Duke's Mansion. (End of chapter)

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