"Be honest! Run! Where are you running! Fortunately, you are still alive, otherwise we wouldn't be able to serve our Lord Prefect!"

In the second hall of the Mingzhou government office, Sanqi and a group of officers pushed Deng Chaodong who had just been arrested, and walked step by step towards Zhou Zhiyuan who was sitting in the hall.

For Deng Chaodong, this scene was like a nightmare, but for Sanqi, it was a clear path.

Because as a dumb guard, he is at the bottom of the organization, and he will die if he dies.

But it was different now, because he had someone to help guide him along the way, and now he was almost more shameless than his boss in front of Zhou Zhiyuan, his bright master.

Now that he helped the other party catch Deng Chaodong, the culprit, people around him looked at him differently for a while.

"What's your name Sanqi? Forget it, let's call you Sanqi. It's not easy for you today, so just sit next to me and rest for a while."

Although Zhou Zhiyuan hated Deng Chaodong and others for killing his son, he was still kind to Sanqi, who had saved his life.

Sanqi just nodded to this, and then went to sit down in his seat.

After Sanqi sat down, Zhou Zhiyuan turned his attention to Deng Chaodong in front of him.

"You deserve to die! You Deng family dogs deserve to die! Give my son's life back! Give my son's life back!"

Grabbing Deng Chaodong by the collar, Zhou Zhiyuan wished he could strangle him to death right now.

But he still had something to ask, so he just shook Deng Chaodong desperately.

In the eyes of Feng Xi, who was in the dark, this scene looked exactly like that crazy stickman emoticon.

"Stop shaking it, stop shaking it, if you shake it any more, the flowers will fall apart~"

Feng Xi was dubbing the voice, while Qi Xiao couldn't help but look at her several times, and even added smoothly:

"Isn't it just right if it's shaken apart? Anyway, all they have in their minds is mush."

"That makes sense," Feng Xi nodded and said with rare approval, "You have a sweeter mouth."

Qi Xiao: "?"

Do you call this a sweet mouth?

He really wanted to learn to draw what was written in the book, so he came up to the little phoenix in front of him to tease her, and asked her if she wanted to taste it for herself.

But obviously, he felt that other girls might look at him shyly, or stare at him in shame and annoyance, but the little phoenix in front of him...

He felt that she might talk nonsense to him, or even hit him directly.

It is difficult for him, but he is willing to do so and even finds such days very interesting...

"why are you laughing?"

Feng Xi suddenly approached Qi Xiao, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her clear eyes filled with obvious confusion.

But looking at each other at such a close distance made Qi Xiao's heart skip a beat.

In the end, he could only turn his face away, his ears stained with a suspicious thin red color and said:

"It's nothing, just think I'm sick..."

"So you are also sick?"

Feng Xi didn’t take it seriously:

"It's a small matter, don't you think I'm crazy, so together we can prevent others from suffering."

Qi Xiao: "..."

Well, I have a disease, and the name of the disease is you.

While Qi Xiao and Feng Xi were interacting blindly, Zhou Zhiyuan and Deng Chaodong were already arguing outside.

That's right, one was furious because of the death of his son and the fact that he almost went to see the King of Hell. The other knew that he could not escape this disaster, so he simply broke the jar.

"Teacher? Have you ever considered me to be your student? Have you ever considered me to be a useful subordinate of the Deng family?"

Deng Chaodong sneered and glared at Zhou Zhiyuan:

"In your eyes, I am a dog, and all of us in the Deng family are your dogs. You let us be arrogant and domineering outside, because if we don't do this, how are you going to handle us? The more we act like this, the more we need your protection. , you will be able to control us more, right?"

Zhou Zhiyuan wanted to say that Deng Chaodong was talking nonsense, but that was the truth.

The reason why the Deng family has been able to run rampant in Mingzhou in recent years is because of his support.

"Since you know that you are a dog, why don't you just be a dog? Even if you are a dog, I have never treated you badly, right? Ah! If you hadn't betrayed me and joined a rebel army like the Green Forest Army, I wouldn't have treated you like a dog. …”

Unexpectedly, before Zhou Zhiyuan finished speaking, Deng Chaodong sneered and said:

"No? Why not? My good teacher, haven't you already united with Qingquan County to give Song Yichun the food reserves of our family and the government office?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Zhiyuan was horrified, but Deng Chaodong's smile did not diminish and he said:

"What do you mean? It won't be long before my good teacher, you will give our family to Song Yichun and let him do whatever he wants, right? And what can our Deng family do? We are just attacking first!"

Here, Deng Chaodong talked more and more enthusiastically, but Zhou Zhiyuan felt cold from the soles of his feet to the top of his head after hearing this.

Because he had no idea what Deng Chaodong was talking about.

What food?

What Qingquan County?

What Song Yichun?

He had indeed planned to push Song Yichun into a desperate situation, and then secretly recruit him to deal with Princess Zhaoming.

But Song Yichun is also capable. He has been holding Qingquan steadily for so long, so that he can't carry out his original plan at all. He was still waiting for the Green Forest Army to sneak into Qingquan to inquire about the news before taking the next step. How could this matter be so fast forwarded that he had joined forces with Song Yichun?

"Hey, this blind student finally discovered Hua Dian~"

Feng Xi said as if joining in the fun.

Zhou Zhiyuan here also grabbed Deng Chaodong again, and asked with red eyes:

"What grain? What Song Yichun? Please explain clearly!"

"My good teacher, you still have to pretend..."

Before Deng Chaodong could say the word "time", he was frightened by Zhou Zhiyuan's ferocious expression.

At this moment, he seemed to finally realize what was wrong.

He had stayed with Zhou Zhiyuan for several years, and he knew his teacher's temperament and habits very well, so he knew that his words did not seem to be false as soon as he saw the other person's expression at this moment.

So does the other party really not know what he is talking about...

how could be?

"Say! I want you to say it!"

Seeing Zhou Zhiyuan gritting his teeth and thinking that his family might have been deceived, Deng Chaodong finally stopped being sarcastic and told everything that had happened to the Deng family in the past few days.

And when Zhou Zhiyuan heard that Deng Baochang had returned miraculously, that the granary outside the Deng family's city had been stolen, and that Ding Xiang, the fifth commander of the Green Forest Army, went directly into the Deng Mansion to present the facts and reason to the Deng family and his son, his expression could no longer be described as ferocious.

"Okay! Green Forest Army! Good on you, Green Forest Army! Come here, go and see our government office's granary immediately!"

Having said this, Zhou Zhiyuan paused again and said:

"No, someone will bring him to my house. I will take him to see for myself!"

A group of people went to the government granary in a mighty manner, and Deng Chaodong didn't need anyone to support him at all, so he walked there very actively.

Because he also wants to know what is going on.

And when the group of people successfully opened the granary and pierced the sacks containing grain one by one with knives, everyone's expressions changed when they found that there was still rice and white flour inside.

"You are such a traitor, but you still dare to deceive us adults when the situation comes to a head! You should be killed!"

Because the fat master accidentally hit Shangguan before, he didn't dare to speak much on the way. It was only now that he took the opportunity to teach Deng Chaodong a lesson.

"I didn't! What I just said is true. I followed the secret guard to see it in person that day..."

After taking another look at the bags of grain in front of him, Deng Chaodong finally said sharply:

"No, these grains are wrong, they are not the ones I saw that night!"

"How dare you quibble!"

The fat master pretended to go up to scold Deng Chaodong again, but was stopped by a look from Zhou Zhiyuan on the side.

Zhou Zhiyuan was not a fool and asked immediately:

"That night you came with Lilac's people. Did they use a knife to open the bag for you to check? How many bags were opened? There must be more than one bag, right?"

"Not only that, we crossed it randomly. At that time, it was filled with sand, sand and hay. It was not food at all!"

Deng Chaodong's answer already explained what he was questioning. Since they had cut open the sacks with knives that night, why was there no damage to the grain bags in front of them?

This can only mean that the grain they cut out that night was not the grain in front of them at all, or that someone had arranged fake grain in advance to confuse Deng Chaodong in front of him.

Deng Chaodong was just a scholar, so he couldn't do this kind of thing, but there was no problem if Wu Kui Dingxiang and others wanted to deceive him.

"They told you that I gave all the food to Song Yichun and asked your family to figure out who to follow?"

Zhou Zhiyuan finally sneered and asked why they found Deng Baochang's body today. Shouldn't this guy have died in Qingquan County long ago?

Now everything is explained clearly, this is basically a game, a game set by Wu Kui and others for him.

The Green Forest Army men sneaked into Qingquan to rescue Deng Baochang, and used Deng Baochang to get close to the Deng family. At the same time, they transferred the Deng family's food and exchanged it for some fake food to confuse Deng Chaodong, creating the illusion that Zhou Zhiyuan had united with Song Yichun.

In order to protect themselves, Deng Chaodong's family naturally turned to the Green Forest Army...

It happened that the Deng family had served under him for many years and even gave their two daughters to their family, so that he and Xun'er trusted them very much.

It can be said that if it weren't for Sanqi today, I'm afraid he would have gone with Xun'er. By then, he would have directly taken advantage of Wu Kui and others for the Mingzhou business that he had worked so hard for so many years.

Can he be willing to do so?

he can not.

Not to mention that the hatred for killing his son was irreconcilable, just because they wanted his life, he would never let them have an easy time!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Seeing Zhou Zhiyuan analyze everything clearly, Deng Chaodong's mood, which had been calm due to the broken jar, suddenly exploded.

Were they deceived by the Green Forest Army?

Is the so-called alliance between Zhou Zhiyuan and Song Yichun false?

Not only did they become the enemies of the Green Forest Army, but their entire families were about to die because of each other...

Not to mention Deng Chaodong, even Zhou Zhiyuan couldn't accept such a result.

However, Zhou Zhiyuan didn't want to hear Deng Chaodong's screams anymore, so he waved to the fat master beside him and said:

"Take him down, Ling Chi, and show it to those who are interested in the city. This is the consequence of betraying our government."

"Yes." (End of chapter)

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