You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 42 Princess, you know how to reward!

Chapter 42 Princess, you know how to reward!

Pang Hua looked at Feng Xi in shock, unable to believe what he heard.

Not only him, but also Li Gelao and others beside him.

Who is Pang Hua?

He is the only military general here, equivalent to the team's last hope!
Nonsense, isn’t this nonsense!
"Princess, the enemy is in front of you, don't be arrogant!"

Mr. Li Ge was so anxious that his back hurt, and he almost wanted to say, princess, aren't you digging your own grave?

However, Feng Xi who heard the words didn't even look at him, and the two subordinates behind Qi Xiao immediately took a step forward, making a gesture to arrest him.

This scene also caused several guards behind Pang Hua to put their hands on their waist knives and look here with unfriendly expressions.

"Princess, I, Pang Hua, respect you as a golden branch and jade leaf, and escort you all the way here. If you don't talk about rewards, at least you can't kill donkeys and add crimes indiscriminately!"

Pang Hua sneered, this idiot princess really lived up to her reputation.

Regarding this, Feng Xi smiled happily and said:

"Did I say that you are guilty? Besides, why is beheading not considered a reward?"

Pang Hua: "..."

Officials: "..."

Listen to yourself, is what you are talking about human?

Li Ge wanted to persuade him, but Pang Hua couldn't hold back and said faster:
"You're talking too much!"

Feng Xi nodded:

"You are right. For the sake of your intelligence, I will give you another thin coffin to collect the corpse."

After all, he said in a cold voice:

"What are you doing standing there in a daze! Why don't you let me capture it quickly?"

Almost the second after Feng Xi opened his mouth, the two extremely skilled guards rushed to Pang Hua, snatched his knife from Pang Hua's disbelieving eyes, grabbed his throat with one hand, and kicked him with the other. Kick him hard in the crook of the knee.

In just one round, he, who had always been proud of his strength, was kneeled on the ground with his head pressed down.

What's even more frightening is that the opponent used only one person to restrain him, and the other person's target was the few guards behind him from the beginning.

After a few bangs, several people who originally wanted to protect the lord fell to the ground one after another, and their weapons plunged into the soil in front of them.

Seeing Qi Xiao drawing his sword and walking in front of him step by step, with a pair of peach eyes staring at him as if he was looking at a dead object, Pang Hua had no doubt that he would listen to Feng Xi and cut himself.

But he is not reconciled, he does not want to die...

So he said almost immediately:

"I said, I can say anything, the princess spares my life, I was also forced, as long as you don't kill me, I, I will tell you everything..."

Feng Xi: "?"

Officials: "!"

Now, no matter how stupid Li Gelao and the others were, they could tell that there was something wrong with Pang Hua in front of him.

To be honest, under such a critical situation, Pang Hua, as a commander, should have gone out to lead troops to kill the enemy.

But they are all officials from Shengjing, and they more or less know that there are ostentatious things in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. Even if they are not ostentatious, a large part of them like to hide behind the soldiers and command.

In their words, this is called looking at the big picture.

Considering that Pang Hua originally wanted to take them away, they assumed that Pang Hua stayed inside to protect their safety.

But now, considering what he said...

With a quick swipe, the officials headed by Mr. Li Ge looked at Feng Xi in shock again, but it was different from the previous questioning, this time they were all approving.

Liu Wanshi, who had vaguely noticed something was wrong before but couldn't figure out what was wrong, said directly:

"Princess is wise! If you hadn't seen through this villain's identity at a glance, the rest of us would have been tricked by him!"

Hearing this, Feng Xi's head was full of question marks, and she opened her mouth and said sincerely:
"Who saw through his identity? Bengong didn't. I just think that generals who can't fight more with less are trash. In front of you, You Qi, who is afraid of even a thousand bandits, killed him directly so as not to waste the royal treasury. "

Pang Hua who exploded nervously: "..."

Liu Wanshi, full of admiration: "..."

Qi Xiao, who is used to it but still wants to cover Feng Xi's mouth: "..."

"Okay, you can say who ordered you."

Ignoring the complex expressions of other people, Feng Xi directly said to Pang Hua, who was completely remorseful.

By now, Pang Hua knew that it was meaningless for him to hide it, so he directly accepted his fate and said:

"It's the Mighty General's Mansion. They asked me to take the opportunity to lure you up the mountain."

As for what will happen on the mountain, it is nothing more than a dead end, or something more painful than death.

Feng Xi was not interested and said:

"Okay, I know, let's get on our way."

Seeing that Qi Xiao was really about to kill Pang Hua, Mr. Li Ge quickly stopped him and said:

"Princess, since he has already been recruited, why don't you escort him back to the capital and let the Mighty General Mansion give you an explanation?"

Although the princess had said before she came that she would not hold others accountable for their words regardless of life or death, but you don’t have to be so honest, right?

"Escorted back to the capital? Is this palace crazy enough to send so many people to protect the life of a prisoner? You still have to spend time arguing with that den of thieves. Just kill him, start with him, and kill them until their flesh hurts."

She, Feng Xi, is most afraid of trouble, really.

Upon hearing this, Qi Xiao's thin lips curled up slightly, and he raised his sword and directly put an end to all Pang Hua's thoughts of begging for mercy.

The smell of blood filled the lobby, and at the same time there were killing sounds outside the post station.

The escort team, which had been retreating steadily before, realized that there were traitors in the team and cleared them out immediately, and finally restored the original order.

Soon, they began to use the outer wall of the inn as a barrier under the leadership of their corporal leader to defend against the bandits who wanted to rush into the inn.

Perhaps in order not to be blamed in the future, these gangsters mostly had big knives and iron swords in their hands, and did not have long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows. In this way, although the guards were small, they temporarily guarded the post by relying on the outer wall.

However, due to the traitors and some of the casualties caused by the traitor's raid, the original team of a thousand people has now been reduced by nearly half...

Five hundred versus one thousand, and when the side with fewer people has to protect people and the side with more people doesn't have to take care of anything, even the civil servants feel that their chances of winning are slim.

Thinking about Pang Hua's meticulous work and the mighty general's ability in the area, I am afraid that even if they defend until daytime, they may not wait for reinforcements.

"Princess, you should bring a group of people to break through. If you can reach Liangzhou smoothly, maybe everyone will be saved. Those of us with old arms and legs, I'm afraid we can only confess here."

Old Li Ge sighed again and again, and some people were even more discouraged:

"Pang Hua is a spy from General Weiwei's Mansion. It's possible that these bandits outside are also from General Weiwei's Mansion. That's the General's Mansion..."

In their view, if those people outside were sent by the mighty General's Mansion, they might have to rely on gambling to even break out of the encirclement.

Is it that great?

Feng Xi blinked, what a God-given opportunity!
Grabbing the corner of Qi Xiao's clothes, Feng Xi solemnly handed over the badge to him and said:
"Did you hear that? It's the General's Mansion outside. You run, I will stay here and cut off your heir. Oh, it's not a pity for Bengong to die, as long as you are well, you don't need to come to rescue if you run away."

Qi Xiao: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Just now who said that the person who was going to be killed was in pain?

(End of this chapter)

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