You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 421 Do you believe in miracles?

"Commander Ding Xiang's words are acknowledging that you and others are plotting to kill Magistrate Zhou and Young Master Zhou, in an attempt to seize the capital of Mingzhou?"

The leader of the secret guard narrowed his eyes and spoke very harshly.

He was asking for an answer so that he could go back and tell his master Zhou Zhiyuan.

"You're just following the commander's words, right?"

Ding Xiang smiled and then said nonchalantly:

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you guys who are about to die. Zhou Zhiyuan and the literary sect want to take all the credit? That's a good idea! My martial arts sect is not a vegetarian."

"Commander Ding Xiang, please don't overstate your words. It's not certain that one of us will die tonight."

The leader of the secret guard sneered back, and quietly clenched a pair of daggers in his hands, like a cheetah ready to attack.

Only Feng Xi, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, lacked interest. There was only one big word in her mind - fight, fight, fight!

Fortunately, Ding Xiang didn't waste any more nonsense, and everyone on both sides quickly started fighting.

Among them, Lilac and the leader of the secret guards are going back and forth with each other. The long whip is as fast as lightning and the tiger is like the wind, and the short sword is agile and light. It is an exaggeration to say that it is a movie-like scene.

However, this scene did not last long. Just when the leader of the secret guard seized Ding Xiang's flaw and got close to him, and began to take advantage of the advantage of the dagger, just when he was about to go straight to Ding Xiang's throat, something unexpected happened...

There was a smile on Ding Xiang's lips, and there was an obvious hint of cunning between her rather heroic eyebrows.

"She's going to change her tactics."

Qi Xiao watched the battle between the two with a cold eye, and seemed to have already seen through Ding Xiang's thoughts.

But the leader of the secret guard was not Qi Xiao after all. If he had been him, he wouldn't have embarrassed Sanqi, let alone been sent to protect Zhou Zhiyuan.

So when Ding Xiang gave up the long whip in her hand, suddenly took out a short sword from her waist to block the incoming short sword, and at the same time threw several silver needles with her other hand, the outcome of this battle was already decided.

A scream was heard from the leader of the secret guard. A silver needle had pierced his left eye, and blood gurgled down his eye socket.

On the contrary, Ding Xiang took advantage of your illness to kill you, without any intention of underestimating the enemy or taunting the leader of the secret guards.

At this point, the styles of the martial arts and literary schools of this secret organization have become very clear.

There are many colorful characters in the literary school, and what they like to do most is to put a long line to catch big fish, just like they set a trap for Feng Xi early in the morning to guard against her sudden rise to the sky.

Although the martial arts are rough people, they are all rough and subtle. They like to use force to solve problems and act radically. However, they also have a cautious and even cunning side.

At the same time that Qi Xiao made this conclusion, Ding Xiang over there had pierced the short knife in his hand into the belly of the secret guard commander, with an undisguised smile on his face.

"The commander-in-chief and I will resolve this matter in Mingzhou. I would like to advise him, Zhou Zhiyuan, that it is better not to fight for some of the credit. Look, if he stays honest today and doesn't want to avenge his useless son, Don’t you guys have to die?”

Having said this, Ding Xiang thrust the dagger in her hand into the leader's belly, and watched helplessly as the leader fell in front of her.

Seeing that it was over on her side, one of her men worked hard and quickly defeated the opponent who was distracted by the death of their leader.

For a time, only one of the three people on Zhou Zhiyuan's side was left. Seeing that the situation was one-sided, the remaining person obviously couldn't hold on anymore.

After all, Ding Xiang and another subordinate, who had come back, were already actively approaching him.

Among them, the subordinate rushed forward the fastest, so much so that the knife that the secret guard was supposed to land on his opponent was blocked by that subordinate.

It’s over.

I'm afraid he will die here too today.

However, at this moment, a long sword penetrated from the opponent's abdomen, making his eyes widen in an instant.

What did he see?

He actually saw Sanqi rushing out of the tent on the side and stabbing his opponent's vital part with a knife...

Not only Sanqi, but four other people also filed out and attacked Ding Xiang, who was playing with a dagger at the fastest speed. "Okay, Commander, there are still little mice like you in this tent."

Although Ding Xiang was shocked by the appearance of Sanqi and others, she quickly entered a fighting state.

She was someone who hid her strength, otherwise she wouldn't have killed the secret guard leader by surprise.

She also knew the identity of Sanqi and others, but they were just the lowest-ranking mute guards in the organization. She wouldn't be afraid of ten such people.

What can only five people do to her?

It was a pity to lose a good subordinate she had carefully trained.

Thinking of this, the short knife in Ding Xiang's hand became faster, killing the four people on the opposite side.

Finally, Sanqi over there, after helping his companions to deal with an opponent, immediately pulled away and came to Dingxiang.

"Kill her. If you don't kill her, she will kill you. The fight for your life today is just for the glorious future."

Qi Xiao's voice sounded in Sanqi's ears again, and Sanqi was indeed inspired by these words.

Not because this sentence is so exciting, but because it is true enough.

If Lilac doesn't die today, he and his brothers will die.

So Sanqi went up without hesitation. Maybe his martial arts skills were not as good as Ding Xiang's, but his figure was really flexible.

Tossing and turning, he harasses wantonly and constantly creates opportunities for his companions around him.

What his companions thought was secondary. At least Ding Xiang, an extremely annoyed opponent, wanted to kill him.

So when Sanqi stepped forward to harass Dingxiang again, Dingxiang was stabbed directly in the hand and stabbed Sanqi's chest with the short knife.

"Die, you damn little mouse!"


Even though Sanqi reacted quickly enough and immediately blocked with the long sword in his hand, it can be seen that the other four people, who had seen Ding Xiang's domineering internal power and the sharpness of the short knife in his hand, still foresaw Sanqi's sad ending.

Not only them, Sanqi himself also felt that he was finished.

The long sword he carries with him is no match for the short sword in Ding Xiang's hand...

He can't stop it.

However, a miracle happened again. The moment the short sword in Ding Xiang's hand came into contact with the Sanqi sword, it was like tofu meeting a bamboo sword, and was blocked by the long sword.

"How can it be!"

Ding Xiang exclaimed, and the four secret guards next to her were dumbfounded. Even the other two who were fighting over there looked over in unison.


Only Sanqi heard Qi Xiao's voice again. Not only did he recover as quickly as possible and attack Ding Xiang, he also gained unprecedented confidence in the long sword in his hand.

On the contrary, Ding Xiang, who had just lost her weapon, was not only in a daze, but she also really had no dick in her hand.

"Come here, Commander, stop them!"

Finally, she awkwardly took out a dagger, and after being cut off by Sanqi again, she began to retreat.

Seeing that Sanqi had such a magic weapon in hand, she began to wonder if the other party was an ordinary dumb guard and whether he had a strong backing in the organization.

But how could Sanqi and others give her a chance to escape? (End of chapter)

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