You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 427 A talented man and a beautiful woman are a match made in heaven?

By the time the battle report from the capital arrived in Mingzhou, it was already the early morning of the second day.

At this time, Feng Xi and Qi Xiao were being summoned by Song Yichun to talk about the rebellion between the Green Forest Army and Fucheng.

Because of Feng Xi's strong support, Qingquan, which has seen a surge in population, not only operates properly, but is also more prosperous than before, and the entire county has been renovated and given a brand new look.

However, behind the prosperity of Qingquan is the restlessness and turmoil of the entire Mingzhou.

"Once Mr. Xiao leaves, this county can only talk to you two to discuss important matters. Nowadays, the conflict between Fucheng and the Green Forest Army is sharp. The Green Forest Army has even sent two teams to sit outside Fucheng. This county is afraid that this battle will really happen. Woke up……"

After all, Song Yichun was a civil servant, so he was still a little worried about the war.

It's not that he's afraid of death, but there are so many people under Qingquan's rule behind him, and he can't ignore the lives and fortunes of these people.

"Don't you two think that the Green Forest Army only wants to attack Fucheng right now, but once Fucheng is captured, won't we just be meat on the chopping block?"

There are at least tens of thousands of rebels today, and many people in the four counties under their rule stay at home. By then, the rebel team will only get bigger and bigger.

Qingquan has only trained 1,500 militiamen. How can they be the opponent of so many rebels?

It's not that he doesn't trust Mr. Xiao in front of him, it's just that the disparity in numbers between the two sides is too great. If they don't make preparations early, they will definitely suffer in the future.

Unexpectedly, he was so anxious. Feng Xi, who had been tired for several days and felt that her CPU was about to burn out, said:

"What are you afraid of? Our numbers are not as large as those of the rebels, but we can behead them! If that doesn't work, we can burn incense and pray to Buddha, praying for meteorites to fall from the sky and kill them, or for magic soldiers to descend from the sky..."

Raising his hand to cover Feng Xi's little mouth, Qi Xiao finally said to Song Yichun, who looked constipated:

"Don't worry, Mr. Song. The matter between Fucheng and the Green Forest Army was facilitated by my wife and I. With the grudge between them, I'm afraid this matter will not end too early."

After hearing what Qi Xiao said, Song Yichun felt relieved and went to arrange other things in the county.

But he didn't know that just after he left, Qi Xiao and Feng Xi discussed the internal situation of the Green Forest Army.

"The second commander, Wen Xing, was quite bloody. He was able to kill corrupt officials after being wronged by his fellow villagers and his family. At the same time, he was also smart enough to know that the rebels alone could not compete with the imperial court."

"So? He finally abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side to join my righteous master?"

Feng Xi lay lazily on the table, as if she was about to close her eyes in the next second.

Using two long-distance air breaks in a short period of time was ultimately too much for her broken body.

After all, the princess of a country is different from her previous life, where she always crawled among zombies and her skin was thicker than zombies.

If things that were not in Mingzhou were her body's debt, and this debt was related to the life and death of countless people in Mingzhou, she would definitely not waste her energy following Qi Xiao every day.


Qi Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at her with a pair of deep peach blossom eyes, slightly worried. For a moment, Feng Xi felt that she was a fragile treasure, which made him speak so gently and carefully.

It stands to reason that for a person like her, she shouldn't be tired every time she bites, or maybe she's just a little tired, so it's not a big problem...

But when Qi Xiao looked at her like this, she unexpectedly lowered her tone and said:

"Tired, so tired, I'm so tired."

It was rare to see a certain phoenix really showing weakness. Qi Xiao squatted down at that time, reached out and patted his shoulder and said:

"I was negligent. I shouldn't have brought you out for such a trivial matter. Come up here and I'll carry you back to rest?"

"Oh." Feng Xi was not polite to Qi Xiao, because Qi Xiao had carried her on his back not once or twice.

As a salty fish who has lost his dream and just wants to go crazy and retire, it would be best if he doesn't have to walk on his own.

But is she some kind of national treasure giant panda? Why did these people have to look up at her along the way?

"The relationship between Capt. Xiao and Madam Xiao is really good. They are not like the one in my family who knows how to order me around all day long!"

"Isn't that true? They say that this handsome man and this beautiful woman are a match made in heaven. When I look at these two, we can't envy them."

"Stop being so careless here and go to work. People from Zhao San's family have received work points rewards again!"


Listening to the chatter of the older girls and younger wives around her, Feng Xi rarely had any intention to refute, she just lay on Qi Xiao's back and fell asleep.

And she really fell asleep like this.

Only Qi Xiao smiled at those who wished them well, and his steps became slower and slower, as if he was afraid of disturbing the girl on his back.

A talented man and a beautiful woman are a match made in heaven?

Do you think that if you let a certain little phoenix listen to these words more often, she will get enlightened?

At the same time, in Mingzhou Prefecture City, Zhou Zhiyuan turned pale when he learned that two teams of the Green Forest Army were stationed on the outskirts of the city, and that their number exceeded 5,000.

"Okay, okay, Wu Kui, you Wu Kui! What? Does he want to go to war with me directly, and even give up his face to grab credit?"

"Lord Magistrate, please calm down. This Green Forest Army is unkind, but you can't get angry because of it. Otherwise, wouldn't you be playing into the enemy's hands?"

Seeing Zhou Zhiyuan's ugly face, the second leader of the secret guards immediately spoke out to comfort him.

Today, the mansion has just finished the funeral for Young Master Zhou. In order not to make Zhou Zhiyuan, a father, sad, and because the situation in Mingzhou is really chaotic now, they decided to do it quickly.

But Zhou Xun was Zhou Zhiyuan's only son after all. No matter how quickly the funeral was arranged, Zhou Zhiyuan would not feel better. Now he looked a bit older.

"Yes, you are right, I can't fall down yet, at least I must stand here properly before killing Wu Kui!"

Having said that, Zhou Zhiyuan immediately ordered people to mobilize troops to the Mingzhou camp, and at the same time sent people to organize the young men in the city to enlist in the army to expand the number of Mingzhou defenders.

Who cares whether his arbitrary recruitment is legal or not? What kind of chaos has Mingzhou become?

Does he, Wu Kui, think that the ragtag group of people under him are very strong?


The news that Zhou Zhiyuan had begun to reorganize the army was quickly spread to Qingquan by Sanqi. After reading it, Qi Xiao also ordered someone to bring a copy to the Green Forest Army.

The person who got the information was none other than Wen Xing, who had been waiting for an opportunity to escape from the Green Forest Army. Now that the two armies were fighting in front, he could finally take advantage of the chaos and leave with his brothers.

"Go, secretly gather people, not only our people, but also the leaders who are responsible for contacting the people. When we find a chance to go to Qingquan, the people they summoned can also go with us."

At this point Wen Xing warned again:

"But it's good if a few of them know about this. We can gather as many people as we can to leave. Don't let the news leak in advance, otherwise none of us will be able to leave."

"Yes!" (End of this chapter)

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