"Separate the family? Mother, what do you mean by this? Our Su family can't live well? Besides, the Su family is just the Su family, how can we divide this family? Is it possible..."

When Su Quan heard that Madam Su said that the family was going to be separated, he immediately spoke impatiently.

His mother had always been devoted to him before, but as the saying goes, no dutiful son exists in bed for a long time. After he recovered from his illness, he found that her mother's attitude towards him was not as good as before.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Mrs. Su.

"Aquan, this is yours. Your father will leave it to your mother. Your mother will not touch it at all. Mother has said so, what else do you have to say?"

"Mom, that's not what I meant..."

Su Quan was a little embarrassed when he heard this. He originally thought that his mother wanted to take the initiative to distribute things to his sister and daughter, so he was naturally unhappy.

Unexpectedly, his mother did not follow common sense and actually blocked his mouth with words.

But that's okay. Since his mother doesn't give anything to her sister and her daughter, and the mother and daughter have vowed not to make a living from his Su family's secret recipe, how are these two women going to live?

So Su Quan immediately winked at Su Hua beside him, and the two began to sing in harmony and pretend to be humane:

"Dad, why do we have such a quarrel with my cousin? They have worked hard over the years even if they have no merit. It would not be fair to them to separate the family, right?"

"Su Xue, Hua'er is right, aren't our family a good family? Why are you doing this?"

Feng Xi in the dark looked at this hypocritical scene, and finally said with emotion:

"I have done many evil things in my life, so I should atone for my sins by being forced to watch such a bloody drama."

Really, Feng Xi felt that the Su family father and son had hurt her eyes.

If it wasn't for her to interfere in other people's family affairs, she would have gone crazy.

"It doesn't matter, Mrs. Su will take care of it."

Raising his hand to smooth the hair of the fried phoenix, Qi Xiao raised his eyes again and looked at the Su family. When he and Little Phoenix pacify Mingzhou, the property of Princess Protector's Mansion will only increase in number.

As a consort and a young minister of Dali Temple, he had countless things to worry about, so he definitely didn't have time to focus on business.

As for a certain Princess Zhaoming who didn't even bother to take care of her own princess mansion, it was better to count on him being free occasionally.

Therefore, Mingzhou needs business leaders, and such people must not be appointed casually. After all, not everyone can do business well.

And whenever money is involved, you must be someone you can trust.

Now Mrs. Su and Su Jing, who have passed the test several times, have caught their eyes. Although Su Xue is a bit softer, she is also soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

If they could resolve the conflicts within the Su family by themselves, then he could safely leave some matters to them.

As expected, Mrs. Su quickly interrupted the Su family father and son's pretentiousness and revealed the family separation plan that they had already thought of:

"The Su family has declined over the years, and there is only one shop in Fucheng, Qingzhou, and two small courtyards in the two counties below. Ning Gu, please give the house deeds to Aquan."


Upon hearing this, Ning Gu immediately held the box in her hand to Su Quan and motioned Su Quan to open it and check the deed.

Su Quan Su Xing had learned a lot about the Su family these days, so he naturally confirmed the authenticity at a glance, and then accepted it unceremoniously.

These are his, so he has nothing to be embarrassed about.

Unexpectedly, before he could hold the deed firmly, he heard Mrs. Su say:

"Okay, my mother has given you all your things. As your mother, I will allocate another hundred taels of silver from my private account to you and Su Hua. You can move out of this yard today." (End of Chapter) )

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