No matter what kind of turmoil Qingzhou City would cause due to the Su family's incident, Feng Xi and Qi Xiao both returned to Qingquan smoothly after purchasing the necessary supplies.

The night before their return, a small-scale war between the Green Forest Rebels and Mingzhou Fucheng had already broken out.

"At first, the rebels came in force and vowed to capture Mingzhou's capital city in one fell swoop. You all know what happened to the Mingzhou defenders. Even though Zhou Zhiyuan urgently recruited troops to defend the city wall, they were still almost torn open by the rebels."

In the Qingquan County government office, Song Yichun was like an old storyteller, describing the ups and downs of the battlefield the night before.

He didn't just come out of nowhere, but he personally asked the detectives to escort him to each other, and quietly ran to the border between Qingquan and Fucheng to explore.

In Feng Xi's words, this little old man was very courageous. If the rebels and defenders were not busy fighting among themselves, they would have had to capture him secretly.

However, Song Yi Chun Gao devoted everything to the people of Qingquan, and his life and death did not matter at all in the face of the disaster.

So he quickly said excitedly:

"This county thought that Fucheng was really going to fall this time, and we were all wondering if we could stop the rebels with the few soldiers we had after Zhou Zhiyuan and others fell! Who would have thought that this happened by such a coincidence, then There is actually a young general under Zhou Zhiyuan..."

Junior general?

Or is he an enigmatic, silent, and lightning-fast young general who killed two rebel generals with one strike?

"Is there a possibility that the fact that he doesn't speak is not because he is inscrutable, but because he doesn't know how to speak at all?"

Feng Xi tilted her head. She knew that the young general was Sanqi without even thinking about it. Sanqi didn't take the medicine she gave him in order to carry out the mission, and he was still mute now.

Fortunately, Song Yichun was embarrassed for a moment after hearing this, and quickly adjusted his mentality and said:

"We don't care about this young general. After all, he is very powerful, but the decisive factor is the civil strife of the rebels!"

Speaking of the civil strife among the rebels, Song Yichun's face suddenly turned red. You must know that since the Mingzhou rebellion, what he was most worried about was not Zhou Zhiyuan and others in Mingzhou Fucheng, but the group of rebels who were blinded by hatred and fame.

After all, no matter how clumsy the Fucheng defenders were, they would never kill civilians indiscriminately. Although they were Zhou Zhiyuan's swords, they could at most kill officials like him who did not obey orders.

But the rebels are different. They burn, kill, loot, and are greedy for money. As long as they are given the opportunity to completely occupy Mingzhou, they will definitely pounce on it with ferocity.

It’s not that these people are extremely evil, it’s just that they have been forced by life these years...

I would like to ask the common people who are almost out of stuttering, can they spare no effort to resist?

With the current number of rebels, it would be extremely difficult for even the capital city to deal with it, let alone their Qingquan.

"Fortunately, the road is boundless. First, a young general defeated the rebels, and then a rebel commander led his army to defect. What is this? This is simply a God-given opportunity!"

"Master Song is saying that if we can seize this opportunity to recruit talents, perhaps we will soon become a third party force in the chaos in Mingzhou."

Qi Xiao did not try to make trouble like Feng Xi, but was very sure of Song Yichun's idea.

Song Yichun originally thought that this was his overestimation, and that the defecting Green Forest Army might have their own ideas.

Unexpectedly, before the discussion between the three of them was over, someone rushed into the county office door quickly:

"Sir, Mr. Song, Mr. Xiao, a large group of people came from outside our county. The general at the head said that he was Wen Xing, the second commander of the Green Forest Army. He specially brought his cronies and a group of people to defect to our Qingquan! "

Song Yichun: "?" (End of chapter)

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