"This kid, he, how could he..."

Song Yichun couldn't help but open his mouth wide. His eyes were no longer in disbelief, but rather he didn't know where he was.

He found that as a civil servant, he was still narrow-minded. Who said that civil servants could not produce military generals?

Even in the Wenchen family, not all of them are noble sons. For example, Xiao Xiao...

Song Yichun here is trying hard to comfort himself, but Wen Xing and others over there have big heads.

No, a person who directly destroyed one of their people's hands in a face-to-face meeting and now asked them to join him without being polite, could this really be a small-time catcher of the county government?
It's not that they insist on being too big or arrogant, it's just that they have never seen the world. I really don't know that there can be such masters in this poor county government.

I think that when they went to their county government office to kill the magistrate and a group of evil servants, begging grandpa and grandma, they never saw such a hard fight!
And that Song Yichun, doesn’t your dignified county magistrate know the level of his subordinates?

If you give me a fright, you look like someone is going to lose, who are you going to play here?

However, their complaints could only remain in their hearts, because after all, they were the ones who made the mistake.

"Boss, here we are..."

Due to Qi Xiao's laissez-faire, the few men still standing started to wink at him. Even the man who had temporarily lost one of his hands stood up and asked firmly.

Although their judgment of the boy in front of them was wrong, they might not be their opponents.

But what is the most important thing for a man?
Of course it’s this bloody thing!
If you can't fight and run away, you're a coward. This group of people even dared to break into the county government and rebel, so there was no way they could stop at this moment.

Wen Xing certainly understands his brothers, and he also understands himself better.

Think about the people who secretly contacted me in the Green Forest Army before, and then think about the letters and messages sent through those people...

Obviously, the reason why he dared to take the risk of bringing people to Qingquan, in addition to his own judgment and self-confidence, also lies in the confidence given by the mysterious people opposite.

He had a hunch that everything in front of him might be a test given to them by the people behind it. If they don't rise to the challenge, this opportunity may be given to others.

So after hearing this, he immediately said:
"Let's all come together, don't hold anything back."

"it is good!"

After getting the accurate information, several men immediately dispersed around, and surrounded Qi Xiao with almost no blind spots.

Because they have realized one thing, that is, they are no match for each other when fighting alone. If they want to succeed, they must attack in groups.

But if they attack in groups but have little effect, they will really have no place to put their face.

So they directly chose to outflank him, and after Wen Xing gave the order, they all pounced on Qi Xiao.

Logically speaking, the man with the injured hand was Qi Xiao's best breakthrough point. Even layman Song Yichun and the onlookers felt that he should break out of the encirclement from there first.

However, what is surprising is that Qi Xiao, who was surrounded by them, had no intention of breaking out.

He took the fist of one of the men with one hand, leaned back to avoid Wen Xing in front of him, and then restrained the man who punched to attack the person opposite him.

With just one mask, three attacks failed, not to mention that he hit the person behind him in the abdomen with a backhand punch.

What seemed like a light punch actually weighed a thousand kilograms when it landed on the opponent, so much so that the opponent fell straight to the ground. Qi Zhuo, who was responsible for rescuing people on the sidelines, looked speechless.

And when someone asked him why he didn't save others, a good aunt finally answered for him:

"Why are you so anxious? You have to lie down immediately. You won't die anyway. Wouldn't it be easier to save them together when they are all lying down?"

Everyone: "?" (End of chapter)

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