You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 45 It doesn't matter, the son-in-law will take action

Chapter 45 It doesn’t matter, the prince-in-law will take action~
Walking up to Scar scar step by step, the young man's murderous intent seemed to be real, and the moment he tilted his head to look at Scar and the others, the bandits who were still holding Scar couldn't help but take a few steps back.

And the scar that was left behind by them was covered in cold sweat, lying on the ground as if kneeling, his strong body couldn't help shaking.

"Ask you, talk."

Lifting Scar's chin with the toe of his shoe, Qi Xiao hoped that he could look directly at him and answer his question seriously.

However, Scar, who usually relied on his own strength and heart and never knew what it was to bow his head, shut his mouth wisely at this moment.

He didn't know who the kid in front of him was, but he knew that he was kicked and disabled by the opponent.

Yes, he actually destroyed him...

Seeing that Scar didn't say anything, Qi Xiao's amusement at the corner of his mouth did not diminish. He directly tapped the other person's face with the toe of his shoe that raised his chin, and praised in a low voice:
"A dog that bites doesn't bark."

It was too late to say it, but the scar that didn't say a word suddenly exploded, smashing the snow that had been held in his hand to Qi Xiao's eyes, and at the same time, the other hand also picked up the big knife, and slashed at Qi Xiao without hesitation. Qi Xiao's legs.

"Abandon me, how dare you abolish me..."


Scar's curse suddenly stopped, and there was a sound of someone strangling his throat.

At the same time, a gust of wind cut off his right hand holding the broadsword, and the bright red blood instantly stained the ground with white snow.

And the young man who strangled him didn't even look at him, but his voice was calm, as if he was arranging daily cleaning, he said to the subordinates:

"Not a single one."

After saying that, he looked back at the defenders in the rear and said coldly:

"When are you going to watch the show?"

Almost at the moment when Qi Xiao gave the order, the 17 people rushed into the bandit group from different directions, the sharp sword in their hands was like the scythe of death, every time they swung it, they would ruthlessly reap lives.

Seeing the terrifying strength of Qi Xiao and his guards, the defenders also rushed out one by one with their swords in hand.

With those 17 people opening the way, everyone almost overwhelmingly killed them back.

"It's not good, sir, the boss and the others have been defeated!"

At the same time, Zhao Rong, who was standing behind, also turned pale and glared at the men beside him.

He has eyes, he can see for himself!

It's just that he never thought that the person who dragged his scar like a dead dog and stabbed each other from time to time would be the son-in-law Qi Xiao.

How could he be here?

Isn't he the most disliked by Princess Zhaoming, who tortured her all day long to the point of being bruised and bruised?

Why did he suddenly sacrifice his life for his enemy?
Zhao Rong couldn't figure it out, and as a broker of the mighty general's mansion stationed in the North, he really didn't know much about Beijing and China.

If he hadn't seen Mr. Qi San once in Hanyuguan, he might not even be able to recognize him now.

"Things have changed, let's withdraw!"

With a cold voice interrupting the chatter of his subordinates, Zhao Rong immediately turned around and ran into the night.

No matter why Qi Xiao was used by Princess Zhaoming, the strength displayed by the other party today is by no means what a waste should have.

Zhao Rong didn't even need to think about it, he knew that Qi Shuai's widely publicized posthumous letter was probably a clever move to protect his youngest son.

Such important information will definitely bring him great benefits, and it will not be a loss for Scar, a thousand mountain bandits.

However, before he had time to carefully calculate what he would exchange for this discovery, a blood man fell from the sky and landed directly on the snow in front of him.

Blood gurgled out from the opponent's severed limbs, and he, who was not in human form, still breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Zhao Rong in front of him.

In this scene, even Zhao Rong, who was used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Run so fast, don't you even want your brother?"

Qi Xiao slowly stepped out of the shadows, the long sword in his hand that should have been stained with blood was as clean as a new light.

"Win! Princess, we win!"

In the post station, Li Gelao and others who watched Qi Xiao severely injure the enemy leader, and then the commander-in-chief fought back, were very excited.

There was so much chatter that Feng Xi's eardrums were about to burst.

But Feng Xi also understood that they should be happy after the disaster.

So she rarely praised:
"Let's just talk about it, the son-in-law is wise and mighty, and the mere mountain bandits are nothing to worry about."

Mr. Li Ge: "?"

Everyone: "?"

Are you sure that's what you just said?
Wasn't it you who gave the non-serial token to others and told them to run away?

However, they didn't dare to say anything, they didn't dare to ask, they could only nod with awkward smiles, trying their best to echo Feng Xi without any trace.

This up and down harmonious look is simply not too beautiful.

"It's getting late, we'll talk about other things tomorrow, all adults go upstairs to rest."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xi didn't care whether they agreed or not, and went straight up the stairs.

Seeing this, Mr. Li Ge immediately chased after him and said:

"Princess, you must not go up to rest. If such a big incident happened tonight, who knows if there will be danger in the second half of the night?"

Feng Xi gave a hunch and was very happy:
"It's because there may be something to do in the second half of the night, so we must seize every minute and every second, and sleep for a while."

Mr. Li Ge: "..."

Finding that Feng Xi couldn't be persuaded by this, the old man immediately changed another angle and said:

"Princess, let's not talk about how long you can sleep. There is a traitor in this escort team. You need to investigate carefully and then comfort the soldiers, right?"

Feng Xi nodded:

"Elder Ge is right, then please send someone to inform the son-in-law, so that he can help me calm down the army for a while. This should be killed and rewarded. I have nothing else but money."

Mr. Li Ge: "..."

Seeing that Mr. Li Ge was speechless for a moment, Liu Wanshi, who was following behind, hurriedly said:

"Princess, then, what about counting the luggage? Several carts of the things we brought were burned, this loss is not small..."

According to the rules of the past dynasties, the court must be held accountable for this matter.

They just forgot about it because they only cared about the situation of the battle and their own lives.

Now that I think about it, this is something that will make me lose my head!
After listening to Liu Wanshi's words, the officials at the rear suddenly trembled, and dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Feng Xi, who was walking at the front.

That trusting expression, that look in the eyes asking for help, made the corners of Feng Xi's mouth twitch uncontrollably.

So after thinking carefully for two seconds, she said solemnly:
"Disaster relief is so difficult, why don't you just go back home and let me bear it alone?"

Officials: "..."

As if she could see the words on their faces, Feng Xi thought about it carefully for two seconds, and even took the time to look outside the inn and said:
"Well, why don't you let Ben Gong sleep well first, maybe when Ben Gong wakes up..."

"Do you have any idea?"

An official answered excitedly.

Then he heard Feng Xi say:
"No, maybe the prince-in-law will have figured out a way by then, and there won't be any need for this loser like me to use his brain."

Officials: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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