The night in late spring is cool and comfortable, and the chirping of insects in the suburbs is accompanied by the clanging of horse hooves and soldiers' armor, giving people an unreasonable fear of the road ahead.

"Are we, are we really going to attack Qingquan County? We are all ordinary people, and they have suffered the same hardships we have endured..."

"Eat what you want! They are so stubborn! If they can join us obediently, we will really be able to live a good life in the future!"

A marching man just said a few words when he was interrupted by a wink from his friend on the side.


"Brother, think about your sister-in-law and children..."

The man wanted to say something else, but was completely silenced by the people around him.

Yes, his wife and son are still under the jurisdiction of the Green Forest Army, so what if he retreats? He still had to bite the bullet and move forward.

The commander-in-chief said he wanted to capture Qingquan, how could they say no?

This scene didn't just happen here, but Hou Jun, who was riding his horse in front, didn't care.

Because these rough guys he brought out have families, and as long as they dare to disobey his orders, their families will pay the price for them.

"The dense forest is ahead. Let's recuperate in the forest for half an hour. After midnight, we will go out to attack the city."

Pang Tieniu had no objection to Hou Jun's arrangement, so he immediately ordered someone to pass on, and then led a group of people into the forest to open a way.

There was no need for him to be the leader in this matter, but he was born as a slave to a wealthy family, and he had often been punished by his master because of his stubborn temper.

Although things are different now, I am still used to doing everything myself to avoid being taken advantage of like before.

"One group of people is going east, and the other group is going west. Each of them holds up a torch to show me carefully. If there is any mistake that shouldn't be made in a while, I, Pang Tieniu, will be the first to take your heads!"

"Yes!" Although Pang Tieniu brought only a small team into the woods, there were still hundreds of people.

So when the hundreds of people dispersed, lit torches and began to explore around the forest, the hearts of Wen Xing and others almost stopped.

It's over, with this detection method, these people will definitely be discovered!

When the two parties directly faced each other, not only were their numbers twice as many as theirs, but one-third of them were riding horses to attack. They had little chance of winning against each other.

How to do?
What should they do?
At this moment, Wen Xing wished he could get up and take several of his good brothers out to fight to lure the people investigating in front of them away from their large army.

After all, as long as their vitality is still there, they are not afraid of Qingquan's complete fall.

However, when he turned his head to look at Qi Xiao, he found that the other party was still indifferent, not even interested in looking at Pang Tieniu and others.

On the contrary, the girl who had been leaning against him had been drowsy, as if a girl who had gone out for an outing suddenly opened her eyes, and looked out meaningfully with a pair of bright eyes.

At this moment, several Green Forest Army soldiers were walking towards them holding torches.

If those people walked a few meters further, they would find that there was a huge secret hidden in the dense forest here.

And they really obeyed Pang Tieniu's order, looking for every blade of grass on the ground as they walked.

Finally, the light from the torches in their hands shone on the innocent faces of Feng Xi and Qi Xiao at the front of the team.

But what Wen Xing and others who were about to take action didn't expect was that these people would scan their direction so carefully with torches, without even a trace of surprise on their faces.

what happened……

Couldn't they see the two people in front of them? (End of chapter)

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