You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 466: I just love to talk nonsense!

Inside the Mingzhou government office, Zhou Zhiyuan was sitting beside the bed of his old enemy Wu Kui, his face gloomy yet pleased.

The gloomy thing is that both of them have been reprimanded by the boss in recent days. Not to mention getting a promotion because of the Mingzhou incident, they are afraid that they can't even keep their current positions.

Moreover, he and Wu Kui had already become mortal enemies. One had lost his son and the other had lost his daughter. Not raising his hand to strangle the other to death was already an act of restraint.

As for his pleasure, it was probably that Wu Kui in front of him had been deposed, and as a military commander, his life in the future would be even more difficult than Zhou Zhiyuan's.

"Sir, Sanqi and I have almost spread the news brought by Commander Wu. Not only our Mingzhou City, but even Qingquan should have known about it by now."

The master and Sanqi walked quickly into the room and bowed to Zhou Zhiyuan who was standing beside the bed.

"Well, you and Sanqi have done a good job. I will reward you handsomely when this matter is over."

"Thank you, sir!"

After saying this, the lawyer left to deal with other matters in the yamen, while Sanqi was left by Zhou Zhiyuan to wait by his side.

It was not until Sanqi, the mute guard, was the only one left by his side that Zhou Zhiyuan said to Wu Kui:

"You and I have gotten into a big trouble this time. If the young master hadn't been alert and sent someone to rescue you in time, it would have been difficult for us to label Qingquan's group as rebels."

Upon hearing this, Wu Kui just glanced at Zhou Zhiyuan and said with a frown:

"When can the young master arrive in Mingzhou?"

"Three days later."

Zhou Zhiyuan didn't bother to care about Wu Kui's attitude and quickly explained the arrangements from his superiors to Wu Kui.

However, neither Zhou Zhiyuan nor Wu Kui expected that their bedside conspiracy would soon appear on the desks of Qi Xiao and Feng Xi.

"What a great way to divert the blame. They want us to be labeled as rebels so that the army above can directly encircle and suppress us!"

In the Qingquan government office, Song Yichun and Wen Xing, who were accused of collusion, had tears in their eyes.

Especially Song Yichun, who was wholeheartedly serving the people, he really didn't understand. He didn't understand why there were always villains who hinder Mingzhou, a good city with a bunch of good people who just wanted to live?

Is the struggle within the DPRK really so important that so many innocent people in Mingzhou would become victims?
Feng Xi was frank about this:

"You are nothing but piglets in their eyes."

Feng Xi's words are always hurtful, but he is also truly cold and calm.

Having seen the end of the world where people eat each other, having seen relatives turn against each other and friends stab each other in the back, and having experienced cities being abandoned one after another, she said almost unceremoniously:

"Just wait and see. When the army arrives to quell the rebellion, you, me, and him will all be killed by the prince. This is the foundation for his achievements in quelling the rebellion. Is innocence important? It is not important at all in the face of overwhelming power."

The atmosphere in the lobby hit rock bottom after Feng Xi's words, but Qi Xiao had no intention of stopping him.

He just stared at Feng Xi beside him with his deep eyes without blinking.

Feng Xi is crazy, but he really understands.

Crown Prince Feng Jing needs credit for quelling a rebellion. How can he ask for credit without the heads of the rebels?
Just like a general who is suppressing bandits would chop off the heads of civilians and hand them over as evil bandits, all of them here could be traitors to be killed by the prince.

As for the maggot that had been lurking in the anti-rebellion army, ready to target their princess's lineage at any time, wasn't the current situation caused by them?

"Then what should we do? Brother Xiao, Miss Liu, are we just going to sit there and wait for death, letting them treat us like piglets?"

After all, Wen Xing was not a senior official, so naturally he would not be as heartbroken as Song Yichun.

He wanted to live, to live with his brothers and the people of Qingquan.

But he was a rough man, he had some cleverness, but he didn't have the real way to turn the tide of the battle. So he immediately looked at Feng Xi and Qi Xiao, and placed his hopes on them.

With his reminder, others also looked at the two of them, with undisguised hope in their eyes.

However, this time both Qi Xiao and Feng Xi remained silent in front of everyone.

Qi Xiao didn't want to say more, and Feng Xi was covered by Qi Xiao's mouth, not allowing her to speak.

There is no other way. What they want is this depressed atmosphere and the determination that rises when everyone is at their wits' end.

If a little phoenix were to say a few more words at this time, this determination might turn into a comedian.

Song Yichun even visited the two of them privately about this, but the message Qi Xiao gave was only one word - wait.

Is Song Yichun anxious?

Don't be too hasty.

He even wanted to question Qi Xiao and the other princess?

Where were her instructions at such a critical moment?
But he didn't in the end.

Because after the news spread that he colluded with Wen Xing and they were labeled as the new Green Forest Army by the government, the people of Qingquan had already begun to waver.

Two days later, the vanguard of the rebellion-suppressing army drawn from Hezhou and Yaozhou by the imperial court arrived at Mingzhou City under the personal leadership of the mighty general Shen Wan.

Mingzhou prefect Zhou Zhiyuan personally went outside the city to greet them, which was considered to be a great honor to the 20,000-strong army.

"General Shen, you are finally here. The number of rebels in Mingzhou has reached 100,000. If we don't quell them, there will be a big chaos!"

Beside Zhou Zhiyuan, a burly man in armor was walking forward with his hands behind his back.

Although he is already middle-aged, one can still see the heroic spirit between his brows. I believe that when he was young, his appearance was no less than that of the third son-in-law Shen Ge.

And this Shen Wan was none other than the father of Shen Ge and Shen Qingyue, the ruthless and heartless ex-husband who favored his concubine and killed his wife in the eyes of Madam You Jiao.

However, in the eyes of the Shen family's current supporters, the You family is already in decline. Without the relationship of in-laws, they cannot even participate in the suppression of the rebellion.

That’s right, even though this mighty general brought 20,000 men to perform meritorious service, none of the generals among them was from the You family.

It’s not that old man You Long didn’t come to beg with a shameless face, but the Shen family didn’t give them any face at all.

On the contrary, many people came from the families of the new Madam Shen and Concubine Lin, and they are definitely going to ascend to heaven this time.

"Don't worry, Governor Zhou. Not to mention that I have already arrived, it will take His Royal Highness the Crown Prince two days at most. Although you Mingzhou rebels are numerous, they are nothing but chickens and dogs in the eyes of the imperial court."

Shen Wan said this with contempt, but no one questioned it.

After all, this mob is no match for the imperial army.

Zhou Zhiyuan nodded and agreed:
"What Lord Shen said is true. These Qingquan rebels are really despicable. Why do they have to be outlaws? Come on, spread the news that General Shen is coming, so that those rebels will know that there are always people better than you!"

On the night when Shen Wan and his party arrived at Mingzhou City, a large number of cowardly people in Qingquan packed up their bags and headed for Mingzhou City under the cover of night.

Their idea was simple. The imperial army had arrived, so it would be a good idea for them to go to the provincial capital now.

Why continue to stay in Qingquan?

Are you waiting to be eliminated as a rebel? (End of this chapter)

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