You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 471 Everyone go away! I’m going to start screaming!

The first people to ask "Who are you, beautiful lady" were obviously Song Yichun and others who had been standing on the city wall, facing the pressure of a hundred thousand troops.

Because this female voice came from behind them and was transmitted to the bottom without any hesitation.

Normally speaking, in such a large scene, the other party's voice should not be able to be heard so far, but because they were so familiar with the voice, no one thought about it that way.

And when they actually saw the person coming, they all froze in place.

The girl was seen wearing a light purple gauze dress, with long black hair like a fairy. The hairpins she wore were smooth and clear, just like her snow-white skin and eyes like distant mountains. She was so charming that one would fall in love with her at first sight and stare at her for a long time.

It wasn't the first time they saw each other, and they had always known that the other was beautiful...

They even knew that if the girl didn't look tired and had a wheat-colored complexion and even a few small spots on her face, she would definitely be more beautiful than those young ladies from wealthy families.

However, speculation is just speculation. When this scene actually appeared in front of everyone, they realized that they were still conservative.

With her charming smile and beautiful eyes, how can one look from such a beautiful woman be described in words?

Of course, if this beauty hadn’t just walked past them in shock, crossed her arms and looked down at the city wall and continued to shout:
"Feng Jing, Shen Wan, Mu Qingze, did you hear me? I am talking to you. Don't yell at me down there! Come up if you have the guts!"

Song Yichun: "..."

Everyone on the tower: "..."

No, why do you seem so familiar with those adults below?

The two words "Feng Jing" should be the name of the Crown Prince below, right?
That’s right, no matter how stupid Song Yichun and others are, they know that the surname of the Dazhao royal family is “Feng”. Who else except the royal family members dares to be called by this name?
But this man is too bold. He is the crown prince, and under normal circumstances he can decide their life or death with just one word!
What shocked Song Yichun and others even more was that a certain beauty had clearly screamed to the prince and others twice, so why was there no movement from below until now?
Shouldn't this be true?
Fortunately, when they were at a loss, not knowing what to do with a certain beauty or what to do themselves, their real backbone finally appeared.

"Why is Xi'er running so fast? Can't you just hold back and scream at them?"

Behind Song Yichun and others, Qi Xiao was wearing a black suit, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and his pair of phoenix eyes were like the bright moon in the mountains.

Likewise, he had already wiped away the blemishes on his face, and his usually calm and restrained temperament became sharp and dangerous.

If one really has to describe it, it is a poisoned flower; the more beautiful it is, the more dangerous it is.

But the way he looked at the girl was so gentle, and his tone was as affectionate as ever.

"Xiao, little brother Xiao, look at this..."

Song Yichun looked at Qi Xiao, and his eyes couldn't help but become complicated.

They have been worrying about Qingquan these days, fearing that the people in the city will die because of their decision. However, the two Xiao brothers did not seem to be worried at all.

Even today when he led his men to the city wall to meet the enemy, these two were late...

To be honest, even if he knew that they might rely on something, it would be impossible for him not to feel a little resentful.

Qi Xiao knew very well how hard the other party had worked, so he immediately raised his hand and patted Song Yichun on the shoulder, signaling with his eyes that he didn't need to worry about it.

Because the people we should worry about right now are not them, but Feng Jing and others under the city wall.

Look, the moment Feng Xi screamed to the people below, they were stunned.

Most people were curious about who the woman on the city wall was and how she dared to be so disrespectful to the crown prince, the eldest son of Qi Bohou and the mighty general.

However, the small group of people who rode their horses in front of thousands of troops could hardly believe their eyes.

Then, who is that...

That voice, that tone, that figure...

Even though they couldn't seem to see each other's faces clearly, they had a vague guess in their minds.

"Your Highness, could it be that the one on the tower is really..."

Beside Feng Jing, Shen Wan asked uncertainly.

Even though he was one of the few people here who hadn't seen that person for several years, he could still infer something from the gasps of the officials around him.

No way……

How come that person is here?

Isn't it said that the person is being held under house arrest in the palace by the emperor and is completely unable to resist what is happening now?

At this moment, Shen Wan was doubting his life, and so were Feng Jing and Mu Qing.

Unlike Shen Wan, they had dealt with that person a lot in the past few days, and the other party could not leave the palace or Shengjing because they had repeatedly confirmed the strict defense.

This is impossible……

How can this be?

That’s right, even though they couldn’t see the face of the girl on the city wall clearly, two words suddenly popped up in their minds - Feng Xi.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Glancing coldly at Shen Wan and other officials beside him, the danger in Feng Jing's tone showed his attitude towards this.

As expected, Shen Wan and others almost immediately stopped discussing Feng Xi and waited for Feng Jing, the backbone, to make a decision.

Fortunately, Feng Jing, the crown prince of a country, quickly calmed down and said in a voice without any emotion:

"Who on the city wall is so bold as to call me by my name? Are you trying to save yourself? Tell me, who are you?"

This time he did not ask others to pass the message for him, but instead used his internal strength to fight back.

Because just now he had realized that the person on the city wall could not possibly be Feng Xi.

It’s fake, the one above must be a fake!
Then he heard the girl on the tower say:

"Who am I? Is there any need to ask? Of course I am electricity, I am light, I am the only myth!"

Feng Jing: “?”

Everyone: "?"

What are you?
Qi Xiao, who was beside Feng Xi, rubbed his brows helplessly, and finally reached out and tapped Feng Xi's little head and said:

"Xi'er, get to the point."


Feng Xi tilted her head, then slowly opened her mouth and said to Feng Jing below:
"I am your father!"

Feng Jing: “!”

Mu Qingze: “?”

Everyone: "..."

Who did she say she was?
Whose father is she?

Everyone was still thinking about it, and then they heard Feng Xi add kindly:

"I'm not targeting you, Feng Jing. What I mean is that I'm the father of all the dog officials under you. The big father, the greatest father. Do you understand?"

If the people below were not all ancient people, she would have asked them to call her dad.

Really, is she free?

There's always trouble for her here!
At this moment, it was not only Feng Jing who was furious. Even Mu Qingze, who was usually noble and self-respecting, could hardly hold back.

You have to know that being a father is no joke for these nobles, and the person who can say this can only be a madman.

Similar body shape, similar voice, and the same madness. Who else could it be other than Feng Xi, the madman who has been famous in Shengjing for more than a year?

One person this crazy is enough, how could there be another one so similar and even crazier?
Could this really be Feng Xi?
With his eyes slightly narrowed, Mu Qingze finally set his gaze on the young man beside Feng Xi. His figure was slender and as majestic as a pine tree. Who else could have such a temperament except Qi Xiao, who was bewitched by the crazy princess and revolved around her all day long?
If a person who looks so similar to Feng Xi is fake, then is Qi Xiao beside her also fake?

Although this possibility is not impossible, considering the manpower he has lost in the past two days and the mysterious person behind Qingquan...

At this moment, Mu Qingze didn't know how Feng Xi and Qi Xiao appeared here, but he was almost certain of their identities.


I'm afraid this is going to be really troublesome.

Of course, it's just a trouble and it hasn't reached the most difficult stage yet.

Glancing sideways at Feng Jing who was furious but obviously confused by Feng Xi's sudden appearance, Mu Qing finally gave up his position and said:
"Your Highness, the truth may be false, but falsehood may also be true. Sometimes it is better not to be too rigid in doing things."

"What do you mean..."

Feng Jing was stunned for a moment, but quickly regained his composure under Mu Qingze's heavy gaze.

When the truth is false, the false is true...

Yes, why should he care whether the Feng Xi on the city wall is the real Feng Xi?

He is the prince!

He is the prince who is second only to one man and above everyone else!

He is the commander of the 100,000-strong army that is suppressing the rebellion. As long as he says Feng Xi is not Feng Xi, then she is not!

As long as he kills it here, who can stop him from ascending to the throne?
Thinking of this, Feng Jing couldn't help but look at Mu Qingze with gratitude.

At this point, he and Mu Qingze are in the same boat. They both believe that everyone in Qingquan County is a rebel. If Feng Xi overturns Qingquan's case, wouldn't they become criminals?
Feng Jing instantly felt confident when he thought that he had such a powerful ally.

Shen Wan quickly understood Feng Jing's meaning and said to Feng Xi on the tower:

"Who is this evil woman who is misleading people with her lies? How dare you call the prince by his name and openly insult the officials of the imperial court? Today, I, Shen Wanding, will capture you. Let's see if you dare to go crazy again!"

"Stop yelling at me! I'm crazy! I'm crazy! If you have the guts, come up and catch me!"

Feng Xi rolled her eyes and didn't feel like she was in any danger at all.

After all, Shen Wanneng started to slander her, so was there no one on her side who would speak up for her?
As expected, the next moment You Long and You Jiao led their 20,000 soldiers to bow to Feng Xi on the tower, and their voices came like an overwhelming wave:
"We have greeted Her Royal Highness the Princess Protector of the Nation. May Her Royal Highness live a thousand years and a thousand thousand years!"

Although they had already guessed Feng Xi's identity, Song Yichun and others couldn't help but stare wide-eyed.

Because they really didn't expect that the other party was actually a princess and the ruler of Mingzhou.

If Feng Xi had dropped into Qingquan today, they might not have been so surprised. But he had been here for several days and had lived and eaten with the people in the city. He had even saved many people with his mysterious medical skills.


This is the princess... So everyone on the tower, including the militiamen behind the city who heard the shouts of the soldiers below, all leaned over under the leadership of Song Yichun and shouted to the girl on the wall:

"Your humble servant greets Her Royal Highness, the Princess Protector of the Nation. May Her Royal Highness live a thousand years and a thousand thousand years!"

"I have met Her Royal Highness, the Princess Protector of the Nation. May Her Royal Highness live a thousand years and a thousand thousand years!"

The voices grew louder and louder, especially when the people in Qingquan City heard the militiamen's salute, they also prostrated themselves, as if they had been waiting for real hope.

Under such loud cheers, the 100,000 troops behind Feng Jing and others seemed to be not enough.

And when these 100,000 soldiers heard the name Feng Xi and knew that the girl on the city wall was most likely the crazy princess, their morale began to waver.

The soldiers were not fools. They came here to obey the prince's orders. The prince said that there were rebels in Qingquan City, so they treated them as rebels.

But now the rebels are protecting the Princess Protector of the Nation. Mingzhou was originally the fiefdom of the Princess Protector of the Nation. Are these rebels really rebels?

More importantly, if it was just the "rebels" protecting the princess, they might have to think carefully to avoid being deceived by the rebels, but they had heard of the names of You Long and You Jiao.

Especially the 20,000 soldiers behind Shen Wan. Although some of them are Shen Wan’s confidants, there are also many ordinary soldiers.

If the person on the city wall was not the princess, were the You family and the 20,000 people behind them crazy?
Listening to the murmurings of the army behind them, Feng Jing and the others' faces turned completely black.

However, before Shen Wan could discredit Feng Xi again at Feng Jing's suggestion, Feng Xi on the tower took the initiative and said:

"Don't play dead down there, Feng Jing, Shen Wan, Mu Qingze, say something! I'm tired of standing on the city wall, are you going to fight or not? If you want to, do it quickly. Our Qi Xiao said he can't wait to have a showdown with you old guys!"

Qi Xiao: "?"

Feng Jing, Shen Wan, and Mu Qingze: "?"

Qi Xiao wanted to say that he didn't say it, while Feng Jing and the other two wanted to say that they were not old guys, and even if they were, only Shen Wan was one.

But Feng Xi didn't care about that, and immediately continued:
"Aren't you just afraid that I'm not Feng Xi? This is easy. Immediately submit a petition to the capital and ask the emperor to come over in person. If it's not him, Feng Jing, I'll stand upside down and eat shit on the spot!"

Feng Jing: “!”

Why does he eat shit while standing upside down?

If he hadn't been unwilling to acknowledge Feng Xi's identity until this moment, he would have been unable to resist cursing at Feng Xi, saying that she was a slut who was talking nonsense and that a dog could not spit out ivory.

But now he could only hold it in, because the current situation seemed to be out of their control.

There's nothing we can do. Feng Xi is just too crazy. He's so crazy that he doesn't play by the rules at all!

It just so happened that they couldn't respond to Feng Xi's words, or they couldn't respond to Feng Xi's words casually, but Feng Xi had Qi Xiao by her side who could agree with her.

Everyone saw the young man beside Feng Xi put one hand around the girl's shoulders, and his voice mixed with internal strength instantly spread throughout the audience:
"As Xi'er's consort and the Minister of the Dazhao Dali Temple, I have a plan that I would like to invite you to share."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Qi Xiao said slowly:
"Since His Royal Highness, Prince Mu, and General Shen doubt Xi'er's identity, we also suspect that the three of you are deliberately discrediting Qingquan and failing to act impartially. Why don't both parties call a truce and wait for the decision of our father, the emperor?"

All the soldiers of Da Zhao had heard of the name of the Qi family, especially Qi Xiao, who had made military achievements not long ago and easily reorganized the increasingly declining Hanyu Pass.

Most of the soldiers are simple and honest, and their feelings for the God of War are incomparable to those of ordinary officials.

Similarly, the people of Dazhao also have an indescribable feeling for the Qi family.

In this way, Qi Xiao's words almost immediately made them quiet down, and Qi Xiao immediately said:

"You have an army of 100,000, and we also have 20,000 soldiers, a number of militias, and tens of thousands of Mingzhou citizens behind us. Once the two sides go to war, Mingzhou will be devastated. Instead of drawing swords, we might as well wait for the imperial decree from the capital. Who knows, it may be a happy outcome for everyone."

As soon as Qi Xiao finished speaking, You Long and You Jiao below echoed:
"Your Majesty, what you said is very true. War is a waste of money and manpower. Moreover, Mingzhou is already in ruins and people's livelihood is in decline. Continuing the war will only make Mingzhou even poorer and the people homeless."

"I also think your words are very true. If we can quell the rebellion in Mingzhou without fighting, why don't we give it a try?"

With You Long and You Jiao's words at the beginning, Song Yichun immediately spoke on behalf of Qingquan:

"What the two generals said is absolutely right. I, Song Yichun, believe that I have never done anything to offend Dazhao, and the people of Qingquan are even more innocent. I beg the princess and her husband to write a letter on our behalf to clear the name of the people of Qingquan!"

As Song Yichun knelt down again, overwhelming cheers rang out from behind Qingquan.

If the Princess Protector of the Nation was someone else, the people of Qingquan would inevitably speculate and fear that they would be used and harmed by the other party.

But now, looking at this princess whom they could see almost every day at Qingquan, who often worked with them and treated these poor people, what else did they have to worry about?
If even she was lying to them, then there would probably be very few genuine people in this world.

While Qingquan was responding actively, the 100,000-strong army on the opposite side also made some unusual movements.

No one likes to fight, even the soldiers who are about to go to the battlefield.

Even though their 100,000-strong army seems to have the advantage and can crush the so-called rebels on the opposite side, it does not mean that they can win without any suspense.

Even if they really win in the end, can each of them guarantee that they can leave the battlefield alive?

Not to mention that on the opposite side is Prince Zhaoming Qi Xiao, who is the son of the Qi family's god of war. How can he not have some family heirlooms?

And how many battles did the Renqi family win with a smaller force?
There were more than ten famous battles alone.

No soldier wanted to face such an opponent, especially when the opponent had clearly expressed his desire for reconciliation and wanted to write a letter to the emperor for a decision.

Then, a certain princess immediately added fuel to the fire and said in a mad way:
"Why do you want to die if you can avoid it? It's not like you have any serious illness. What's the matter? You also think that life is precious, but love is more precious. If it's for freedom, you can give up both? Do you want to fight and die for freedom?"

All the soldiers: "..."

No, we want to live.

"So, listen to the Prince Consort. He is very shrewd and considerate of you soldiers. Unlike some people who only know how to be arrogant and disregard human lives. They are really bad people."

Feng Jing: “?”

Okay, okay, you'll put eye drops in front of me, right?
However, Feng Jing was obviously extremely angry, but he could only grit his teeth and swallow his anger.

Because Feng Xi was clearly trying to put the accusation on him, saying that he didn't care about the lives of the 100,000 soldiers behind him.

It’s not impossible for him to say that he came here on orders and his mission was to wipe out the rebels.

But now the "rebels" are not much different from them in strength, and have provided a reasonable solution. More importantly, they have Feng Xi...

In this way, if anyone among these 100,000 troops has ulterior motives, they may lose to Qi Xiao.

It is true that Feng Jing is conceited, but he really doesn't think that he and Shen Wan can defeat Qi Xiao in deploying troops.

If he loses then...

He didn't dare to gamble.

What if Feng Xi agrees with him and plans to kill him on the battlefield?
Or will he die together with him?

Feng Jing gritted his teeth. He had to say that he was scared and uncertain.

If he didn't fight this battle, he would at most be accused of dereliction of duty when he returned to Beijing, which meant that all his previous efforts had come to naught. But if he lost, he would really be finished...

So he couldn't help but look at Mu Qingze beside him, obviously seeking his help.

Who knew that the sharp-eyed Feng Xi saw this again:
"Why are you looking at Mu Qingze? No way, no way, have you two become a team behind my back?"

"Please be careful with your words, young lady."

Mu Qingze's eyes darkened slightly. He did not directly call Feng Xi "Princess" because that would be a slap in their own faces.

But if he doesn't fight, Feng Xi will help him fight:

"Tsk tsk tsk, you used to call me Your Highness Princess, but now you call me Miss. Mu Qingze, oh Mu Qingze, you are still as fake as ever."

Mu Qing remained silent. He did not refute Feng Xi's words because he knew that the more he responded, the more fiercely Feng Xi would mock him.

I have to say, he really wanted to see this golden phoenix crawling in front of him, being as humble and fawning as before.

Of course, this incident also made him realize that Feng Xi and Qi Xiao in front of him were not simple.

They really seemed worthy of being his rivals.


Hearing Jia Li calling him, Mu Qingze came back to his senses and looked at Feng Jing who had been questioning him with his eyes.

"Your Highness, this matter is of great importance. I'm afraid it is not something you can decide casually."

At this point, his meaning was already very clear.

If you want to deal with Qi Xiao and Feng Xi, you probably can't rely on the 100,000 troops behind them.

Even if they were unwilling, they could only bear it in silence. It was their people's fault for not doing their job well and putting these two people here.

"Damn it!"

Unable to hold back a curse, Feng Jing finally regained his dignity as a prince and said:
"In that case, I will submit a letter to the emperor and let him make the decision."

Before he could announce the withdrawal of troops, Feng Xi on the tower said with a smile:


Feng Jing: “…”

The fist is hard.

The fist is hard!

Seeing the 100,000-strong army retreating like a tide, Song Yichun and others realized that even their backs were soaked with sweat.

It was almost possible that all of them would have died in Qingquan today.

Thinking of this, Song Yichun almost immediately walked up to Feng Xi and Qi Xiao and knelt down without saying a word.

He didn't know what to say, so he could only shout "Long live the princess!", while Wen Xing and others followed closely behind him.

Feng Xi just rubbed the back of his neck helplessly and said in a very serious tone:

"A thousand-year-old turtle is as old as a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise. Although a turtle may live long, it is as cowardly as a dog. And who am I? It's not an exaggeration to say that I'm a wolf warrior!"

Song Yichun and others were speechless. It was not that they didn't want to answer the call, but that they simply didn't know how to answer it.

Fortunately, Qi Xiao had taken over Feng Xi's action of massaging the back of her neck, and was carrying her down the city wall like a big cat carrying a kitten.

Of course, I can only take care of my own phoenix. (End of this chapter)

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