You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 48 Princess, Where Are You On?

Chapter 48 Princess, Where Are You On?
It was nearly the twelfth lunar month, and the city was covered with snow.

Elderly people living in the Northland said that this snowstorm was the worst they had ever seen, and it was also the least likely to give people a way to survive.

Cold wind, hail, heavy snow...

Starting from Yanzhou, the northernmost of the four states, the refugees had moved south with their families more than half a month ago, heading all the way to Quzhou, Liaozhou and Liangzhou.

However, even if these people ran fast enough, many people in Yanzhou City still froze to death...

This person froze to death, not to mention those food in the field?

I thought that the situation would improve if we went to Yanzhou, but after Yanzhou, the snow in Quzhou and Liaozhou also became heavier and heavier, forcing the refugees from Yanzhou and the people from the other two states to continue going south.

As a result, the pressure on Liangzhou City, which already has a large population, has increased dramatically...

No, as soon as Feng Xi's disaster relief team entered the city, they saw countless people watching on both sides of the road. However, what was different from other places was that these people were unkempt and dirty, and their coats were torn, and they looked like they were fleeing.

In contrast, there were very few clean-clothed people in the crowd, and both sides of the street looked very depressed.

Only on the second floor of the store were people constantly opening windows and looking down with curious and sophisticated eyes.

Finally, when nine trucks slowly drove into the city gate and appeared in front of the refugees little by little, the whole street erupted in warm cheers.

"Here we come, the court disaster relief team has finally arrived, we are finally saved!"

"Hey, I don't know which adult is here to help the disaster. We don't ask for food, as long as we have something to eat, it's good."

"I heard from my relatives in the city that she is the emperor's fifth princess, with the title Zhaoming."



The onlookers were discussing and followed the baggage truck with their eyes, and there were constant grunts in some people's stomachs.

Xu Shi finally saw the hope of life, they didn't even care about the flying snow and the biting cold wind.

However, at this moment, some discordant voices appeared in the crowd.

"Princess Zhaoming? Are you sure it's the little Phoenix?"

"Yes what's the matter……"

Seeing a thick-armed man with a complicated expression, the refugees around him immediately looked over.

Under the catastrophe, people's survival is a problem, so it is natural that the grass and trees are all soldiers.

"Everyone, to be honest, I was born as a dart, and I have been traveling all over the world these years. The reputation of Princess Zhaoming in Shengjing City is really too bad..."

At the same time, there were people similar to this man on both sides of the street. They were tall or short, dark or thin, and they were all talking about the same topic to the refugees in a very embarrassed tone.

"This princess has a violent temper. She even beats her son-in-law, and the money is like flowing water. From time to time, she has to enter the palace to beat the autumn wind."

"By the way, do you know who her consort is? It's Qi Shuai's youngest son - Qi Xiao."

"I hope I'm being too careless. She is a princess after all, so she shouldn't be colluding with those corrupt officials..."


Under the explicit or implicit words of these people, the expressions of many refugees changed significantly.

They are in the Northland, how could they not know the former Marquis of Jingyuan, Qi Shuai who kept their Northland peaceful for many years.

It can be said that under the baptism of cruel wars, the respect for the Qi family by the people of the North has even almost caught up with the fear of the court.

Therefore, when they heard that Princess Zhaoming beat her son-in-law, who was the third son of the Qi family, their impression of a certain princess instantly changed.

Although the Qi family's outstanding military exploits are Qi Shuai, the eldest son and the second young master, the third young master is also a member of the Qi family, and is naturally one of their own in the hearts of the people in the north.

Of course, although some people have put on colored glasses towards the princess, most of the refugees are still sensible.

Before this person did anything to harm them, they were still willing to believe the court.

"Mediocre people! Liu Quanping and Chao Chaoyong are really mediocre people! If the previous prefect was still there, how could this city be like this!"

On the carriage in the center of the team, Mr. Li Ge sat with Feng Xi on the carriage of the princess mansion in order to communicate with Feng Xi at any time.

As the first auxiliary minister, no matter whether they have disaster relief supplies or not, the first thing he has to do is to observe the situation of the people in the city.

If you don’t see it, you don’t know, refugees, the streets are full of refugees!
Moreover, each of these people's faces were blue from the cold, and they couldn't take their eyes off the trucks for a long time, wishing they could run after the trucks. It seemed that they had not been properly accommodated.

He even saw some people spreading tattered quilts in front of some big houses, and several people huddled together to keep warm. When he saw the convoy, some people put quilts on their backs and followed behind.

And as they got closer and closer to the Liangzhou government office, they realized that there were more and more refugees in front of them, and there was a faint tendency to surround the entire government office...

But even under such severe circumstances, Liu Quanping and Wang Chaoyong still dared to leave the city arrogantly.

"Princess, princess, we're afraid something big is going to happen this time..."

Not only Li Ge was lamenting, but Liu Wanshi and others in the car behind also had heavy eyes, feeling once again the confusion of the road ahead.

So many refugees are waiting for their food and goods...

But their food was wheat straw and fine sand, and most of their belongings had been burned by the bandits. Even if they were not destroyed, they were filled with straw and rags, which looked like they had been thrown out of their bags.

But what about the bag that has been dropped, even straw and rags, I’m afraid it’s better than nothing, right?
Once they entered the government office but couldn't deliver anything, it was hard for Mr. Li Ge and others to imagine what would happen to them and his group.


If not riots, there will be bloodshed.

"Hey! At this point, we can only hope that we can enter the government office safely, and then tightly block the news. At least after entering, we still have a place to block these poor refugees..."

Before Li Ge finished speaking, Feng Xi on the side said calmly:
"Tianzhen, if we can go in safely, there will be ghosts."

Mr. Li Ge: "?"

No, where are you on?
However, what Mr. Li Ge didn't expect was that as soon as Feng Xi finished speaking, there was a burst of noise outside.

Before Mr. Li Ge could lean out to take a look, Mu Tian, ​​who had been protecting Feng Xi's car, said:
"Princess, it's bad, a bag of things in the car is broken!"

Both Mu Tian and Qin Zhui are smart people who follow Qi Xiao.

Therefore, one of them reported to Feng Xi, and the other immediately led people to the baggage truck, trying to block the missing bag of things as quickly as possible.

However, the crowd of extremely hungry refugees had been staring at the truck, no matter how fast they blocked it, some people in the crowd still saw it.

What's worse is that these people who saw it seemed to come from all directions, and almost screamed as soon as something was missed.

"Fake! The food on the cart is all fake! I saw it, it's full of straw and sand!"

(End of this chapter)

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