You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 54 How could Bengong's heart be black?

Chapter 54 How could Bengong's heart be black?

Seeing the princess and son-in-law coming and going in the lobby, Li Gelao and the others only felt that one was bigger than the other.

They now know that these two people are not afraid of trouble, but they did not expect that these two people would bluntly say that they want to deal with the crown prince and the fourth prince in front of such a large group of people...

Fortunately, their headache did not last long, and Qi Xiao brought the topic back to disaster relief.

"It would be fine if it was just food shortages and mediocre officials flattering themselves. We could quickly organize people to go north and relocate them to their respective homes. However, there have been many years of war in the North. Before my father guarded Hanyuguan, Dajin and Beidi were separated by two miles. You will enter the country once a year. So as you can see, all the government offices in the North are still crude, not to mention the shabby mud houses of the common people."

Under the hunger and cold, even the house was crushed by the snow, what else could they do but leave?

Mr. Li Ge and others were horrified...

They originally intended to take the refugees out of Liangzhou first and manage them in four separate states.

Now, according to what the Prince Consort said, just clearing the snow and rebuilding the house is a big project.

In addition, the snow will not stop for a short time, and it is unknown when it will fall again, so these refugees can only temporarily settle in Liangzhou City.

All the officials were having a headache, and the petty officials who had been sent to meet with the local officials and go out to inquire about the situation of the refugees also came back.

And their return brought a more difficult situation than Li Gelao and others expected.

"It's been seven days since the refugees entered the city. It's freezing cold, they lack clothing and food, and it's hard for the refugees to find shelter from the wind and rain... so it's inevitable that some people inside have a wrong idea and beat up the original people of Liangzhou. idea."

According to the petty official, the refugees were clamoring for food and clothing at first.

The government said no, and they had to wait for the disaster relief team to arrive, so they began to clamor for Liangzhou people to donate money and materials, or to temporarily accommodate them in the homes of ordinary people.

Liangzhou people are not fools, and it is impossible for everyone to be righteous. In addition, several conflicts broke out between locals and refugees, and even killed a local.

"In this way, these Liangzhou people and refugees don't say that water and fire are incompatible, they just ignore each other..."

The little official found that the more he talked, the more silent the adults in the hall became, and his voice unconsciously lowered.

Under such silence, it was Feng Xi who was on the main seat knocked on the table and said:

"No wonder the Liangzhou people only dared to watch secretly at home when I entered the city. It seems that they were used as a shield by others, and they dared not go out at all."

She doesn't care if other people understand her or not, she just thinks that the prince and the fourth child are so amazing.

She remembers who came to provide relief at the end in the original novel?

Oh, it seems to be the fourth child.

The fourth brother bearded the prince, and the two sides fought fiercely. Although a large number of refugees died in the end, the disaster relief was successful and brought the fourth brother back a lot of prestige.

As for the dead...

Tsk, it’s just numbers, they want these people to die.

"Damn, it's really too hateful!"

Mr. Li Ge slapped the table crazily, and Liu Wanshi and other adults also looked angry.

Before, they didn't understand why the emperor had to skip the crown prince and the fourth prince and send the unlearned Princess Zhaoming.


For the sake of reputation, those two people actually did things such as constantly publicizing the disaster relief team, not doing anything unnecessary before the team arrived, and even actively intensifying the conflict between the locals and the refugees to divert the attention of the refugees.


When they lead the disaster relief team to arrive, will it really be the magic soldiers who come to the world and save the people from the fire?

It's not their people who want to come. Once the relief supplies are exchanged, the entire relief team will be torn apart by the refugees, right?
It's obviously to provide disaster relief and to show kindness, but why is it so ugly and vicious here?

Not only Li Gelao and others, but also Qi Xiao, who had already seen the decline of Da Zhao, felt chills running down his spine.

Feng Xi, on the other hand, patted the table twice and said with a complicated look:

"Don't lament the dangers of the world. It's useless to lament. But the coffin you prepared for me was burned. Do you want to make another one? Maybe there are good craftsmen among those refugees who can make it. You guys can get some discounts."

Everyone: "..."

Okay, you know how to use refugees.

At dusk that day, thirty baggage vehicles entered the city in a mighty manner.

Looking at the piles of food and clothing, the eyes of the refugees on both sides of the street were red.

And that night, officials from the government finally came forward to organize the refugees to gather in various open spaces in Liangzhou City and set up porridge sheds and temporary medical clinics.

"No, there are too many refugees this time, and we will definitely not bring enough food to feed them like this! Given the current situation in central Beijing, it may be years before we can wait for the second batch of food."

In the early morning of the next day, Li Gelao and others gathered again in the hall of the government office. Feng Xi, as a princess, was urged to invite her four times, and she almost kowtowed to her.

It's not that she's afraid that they'll knock their heads out, it's mainly because they're loud and noisy, and if these people are sick, wouldn't she be a piece of trash?

"More than the year of the monkey and the month of the horse? With the face of Chu Xiong, the minister of household affairs, I am afraid that I will have to cry in front of the emperor for a long time and be poor."

Liu Wanshi shook his head. This Chu Xiong was the younger brother of Chu Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the second uncle of the Fourth Prince.It is said that the two ministers of the Chu family are the two of them.

The previous batch of grain emperors and son-in-laws were still able to hide the old warehouse, but now the people of the two major factions obviously know the way, and it is impossible not to trip them up.

To put it bluntly, which disaster relief by the imperial court can satisfy the refugees?

The supplies brought by honest officials are not enough, let alone after layers of exploitation?
Therefore, disaster relief usually requires death, but more people die than less people die.

However, they are currently being watched by two forces, and the problems that could have been lightly exposed may become their big faults.

However, the two sides of the family are flourishing in the court and the middle, and the food and supplies can be produced as they say...

Seeing the expressions of Li Gelao and the others, who are hard-working without rice, Qi Xiao took a sip of tea and said:
"I have counted all the materials brought out of Beijing, so I naturally know if there are enough."


Everyone immediately became interested and saw Mu Tian holding a huge map and unfolding it directly in front of them.

Looking at the mountains above, the villages, and the private treasuries of officials from the four states, the serious officials headed by Mr. Li Ge were stunned.

Son-in-law, this is...

Before they could spit out those words in their hearts, their princess said without any psychological burden:

"It's good to eat black and white. These bandits can rob us, why can't we rob them? And there are so many strong men on the mountain. No matter whether there is food or not, we can break them up and sell them!"

Qi Xiao: "!"

Officials: "!"

Good guy.

It turns out that you are the one with the darkest heart.

(End of this chapter)

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