You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 58 Does this palace look like a stepping stone?

Chapter 58 Does this palace look like a stepping stone?
Feng Xi couldn't understand, how could her ability to hide everything she had while walking in the last days without being killed, how could it become a good news for Qi Xiao to strengthen trust and let them set foot on the same boat?
At first, she also thought about whether Qi Xiao wanted to control her ability by controlling her, so as to achieve the purpose of making this technique work for him.

As a result, the other party not only didn't ask much about her abilities, but also reminded her that storing things was against nature, and asked her to use them as little as possible, for fear that using too much would shorten her life.

At the same time, he made up for her in front of the hidden guards, always asking her to take out the things in advance, and then making the illusion that she went out with him to find food, and then successfully picked it up.

Therefore, in just a few days, she was lucky enough to criticize the explosion, and the person who followed her and had meat to eat had already taken root in the hearts of the hidden guards.

In Qi Xiao's words, this is the auspiciousness in the snow, and the princess must have great luck.

Otherwise, why would a real dragon emperor like the Emperor insist on her coming to the North to provide disaster relief?
Feng Xi: "?"

I so believe in your evil!

In short, Qi Xiao was helping her fool her men while leading them to loot various cottages.

Those who are big in the stockade try to put medicine in the food, kill those who have lives in their hands, rescue those who have no lives, and tie up and sell those who help the tyrants.

If the village was small, they would go directly to the village. A dozen people would surround a group of people and chop off their heads like watermelons.

For a moment, the bandits who were looted didn't know whether they were bandits or whether this group of people was bandits.

Of course, they are only in charge of attacking, and Mutian will arrange people to carry out such things as harvesting food and digging gold.

During this period, a small group of people did come to Hanyuguan, but they were not here to help, but just to show off.

Because Qi Xiao and the others don't need help at all.

After working day and night like this, with occasional breaks and busy days, they and their group finally occupied the last cottage and killed those who deserved it. There were still more than a hundred prisoners in front of them.

"Princess, this is also a private soldier's village, but the training time is too short, and it is not very successful."

As the head of the Eighteen Shadow Guards, Ying Yi would always use Feng Xi as the main one in front of bandits or captives.

Qi Xiao just stood beside Feng Xi quietly, acting like a good-for-nothing consort.

It was as if it wasn't him who easily took over the cottage, but Feng Xi who "keep a low profile".

No, the private soldiers looked at Feng Xi with a little flinch, as if she was some kind of savage beast...

In this regard, a certain scourge had to sigh with emotion:
"Private soldiers are good. They are all strong and strong. They can be sold for a lot of money this time!"

Private soldiers: "..."

They have heard of those who were beheaded on the spot, who were punished as corvees, and who were tortured to extract confessions...

This is the first time I heard that these people are going to be sold.

Although they, the lower-level soldiers, don’t know anything...

And just as a group of private soldiers sighed and began to pray that they would be sold to a good place, Ying Er over there led a group of people out of the cave.

Different from these private soldiers, most of the people who came out of the cave were women, or some men whose temperament was obviously different from that of the private soldiers.

They were either kidnapped up the mountain by private soldiers, or they broke through this place by chance and were directly detained here by the people on the mountain.

In short, they are all poor people, Feng Xi and the others are not uncommon these days.

Sufferer A cried bitterly: "Thank you, thank you princess for saving us."

Feng Xi waved her hand: "No thanks, I didn't come here specially to save you, it was purely passing by."

Sufferer A: "..."

Sufferer B looked pious: "Princess's great kindness and virtue, I will never be able to repay you in this life. I can only recite sutras and pray for you every day..."

Feng Xi smiled: "I'm not dead yet, you can read it to the prince and the fourth child, they are dying soon."

Sufferer B: "!"

Sufferer B wept with joy: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ."

Feng Xi nodded: "It's so noisy, if you cry again, I won't take you away."

Sufferer C: "?"

In response to this, the shadow guards standing aside have learned to smile, showing extreme tolerance for their princess's outspoken temperament.

After all, it is difficult to see such a master who is so expressive in mood and anger in the royal family.

Seeing that Feng Xi was so confused, most of the sufferers also knew that she didn't want to hear their nagging, so they consciously stopped talking.

Just when Feng Xi felt that the day's condolences were finally coming to an end, a slender young man in green shirts slowly walked in front of her.

Although this person's body was dirty and his face was covered with dirt, he couldn't conceal his elegant and dusty body. Coupled with his fair and handsome face, he was no ordinary person at first glance.

"I raised my son Ye Qingchuan in Huaizhou, and met Princess Zhaoming."

Almost the moment Ye Qingchuan saluted Feng Xi, Qi Xiao, who had been standing behind Feng Xi, frowned.

this face...

Ye Qingchuan also seemed to have seen Qi Xiao behind Feng Xi, and hastily saluted him again.

After all, Juren, his words and deeds are different from those ordinary people who were taken into captivity.

However, no matter how different it is, what does it have to do with her, Feng Xi?

So when Ye Qingchuan tilted his head intentionally or unintentionally and showed Feng Xi his side face that was very similar to that person, Feng Xi said:

"Keep your head sideways, did you twist your neck?"

Ye Qingchuan: "?"

Ye Qingchuan wanted to explain, but Feng Xi didn't care about his expression at all and stood up directly and said:
"Let people hurry up and take stock of things. I want to go back to Liangzhou tonight and get a good night's sleep."

The village in front of them was the last stop of their trip. They could leave their things to Hanyuguan, but they had to take them all back to Liangzhou.

After all, they were going back to Liangzhou.

For this reason, Qi Xiao deliberately chose the last stop here a little closer to Liangzhou City, so that they could return to Liangzhou City on the same day.

A group of shadow guards moved very quickly, some in front, others behind, and the remaining prisoners and suffering masters walked in the middle.The group of people took advantage of the low mountains and light snow to set off in a mighty manner.

Seeing Feng Xi being led by Qi Xiao, riding a horse and walking at the front of the team, she was sluggish as if she had no bones.

Ye Qingchuan, who was walking in the crowd, finally showed a smile on his face, not only a smile, but also a hint of greed that was well hidden.

The princess is indeed a princess, even if she is just a idiot, she still has power that ordinary people cannot match.

Facing his flattery, she didn't even take a second look.

But since he, Ye Qingchuan, wanted to use her to climb up, he had plenty of patience to waste his time with her.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Feng Xi, the good-for-nothing consort who could only look down upon Feng Xi.

Just now he specially saluted the other party, just to test the other party's reaction when they saw him.

And the face of the other party's cold face told him that he could indeed become a threat to the other party, and it was enough to make the other party afraid.

The sky is noble, rich and glorious. If the trash from the Qi family can do it, so can he, Ye Qingchuan!

(End of this chapter)

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