You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 6 I'm tired, I don't want to talk anymore, what do I love

Chapter 6 I'm tired, I don't want to talk anymore, what should I do~

As the direct princess of Dazhao, Feng Xi was titled Zhaoming and was born noble.Whether it's the extravagance in the early years or the extravagance in recent years, the capital is famous for it.

The Xie family members come to Beijing every year, so they know this man very well and have heard about him.

For example, she is selfish and willful, and often runs on girls from various families, especially Xie Wanyin who bullies Xie's family.

He carried the third trash son of the Jingyuanhou family into the door, but was still attached to the young master of Qibohou's family.

As for those flattery, courtship, and beatings in the street, it is even more appalling.

Coupled with the fact that she was not allowed to go to the banquet today, the carriage blocked the road, and she finally came in and made a show of disrupting the situation. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is the plague god of the Xie family.

Therefore, when the scolding sound sounded outside the door, all of them had gloating looks on their faces.

They are so humble that they don't dare to touch the princess. There are many people in this house who can take care of her.

Then they saw that Feng Xi didn't care who the visitor was, and directed Tian Xi and the others who looked anxious to help her change the direction of the chair...

Everyone: "..."

When she sat down, the person who scolded her had already entered the hall, his eyes were full of anger that even a suit of embroidered robes couldn't hide.

It was only at this moment that Feng Xi had the time to raise her head to take a good look at this middle-aged man whose brows were seven points similar to Xie Lang, but with a more sharp and shrewd appearance.

Who did she think had such a loud voice, it turned out to be Xie Lian, the third master of the Xie family, Xie Lang's father, this unlucky uncle.

"My lord, there are so many relatives looking at this happy day! Zhaoming is a little ignorant, but we are elders after all, so we have to be tolerant, right?"

Before Feng Xi could speak, the elegantly dressed beautiful woman beside Xie Lian stepped forward, smoothing things over with a gentle tone.

But judging from the memory of the original owner, Feng Xi didn't think that this aunt would have such kindness.

Sure enough, the next second, Su Clan looked at Feng Xi with a bit of reproach and said:
"It's the same with you, Zhaoming. Even if the carriage is blocked, you are still messing around in the lobby. The old man is coming soon. We will discuss other matters after the banquet. You should hurry up and take a seat."

I have to say that the women of the big family do have two brushes. A few words not only cover up the conflict that makes people laugh, but also give themselves and Xie Lian a reputation for caring for the younger generation.

On the other hand, Feng Xi, who was always looking for faults, sat down at seven tables all the time, which seemed unreasonable.

In short, with Feng Xi's brain, Xie Lang, who was winking at her second sister to take credit, felt that she had to sit at these seven tables today or not.

Only Qi Xiao's eyes were dark, and he didn't participate and just watched the show.

Whether Feng Xi is good or not, what does it have to do with him?

At the same time, Feng Xi, who was lounging on the Grand Master's chair, was also thinking, what does the original owner's uncle, aunt, and grandfather have to do with her?

So Feng Xi lightly tapped the armrest with her fingertips, super invincible and confidently said:

"That's right, Feng Xi is ignorant, uncle and aunt are the most sensible. So Feng Xi just wants to sit in her original seat, so it's not too much for the two of you to tolerate it?"

Su Yu: "?"

Xie Lian: "?"

Everyone: "?"

They knew clearly that Feng Xi was quarreling with the elders, but they were unable to refute her for the moment.


Su Yu glanced at her husband, with a little astonishment in her eyes.But as the future mistress of the Duke's Mansion, she still said softly:

"Zhaoming, aren't they just seats? They all have the same dishes, so why don't you sit somewhere? You should be more generous and don't make your grandpa and uncle angry."

Hearing this, Feng Xi nodded in agreement and immediately said:

"Yes, yes, isn't it just a seat, please be generous and let them make room for me, so don't make me angry."

Su Yu: "..."

When she was refuted for the first time, she could still think that Feng Xi was stupid and couldn't understand people.

But now it seems that the other party is clearly choking her on purpose!
And Xie Lian, who saw his son's wife being frustrated one after another, was completely ashamed at this moment.

"Feng Xi, they are all relatives, do you have to be so fussy!"

Feng Xi smiled:

"Yes, they are all relatives, why can't you be more tolerant of me?"

Xie Lian: "..."

At this moment, Xie Lian felt that he was about to split apart.

But he couldn't break it, so he could only grit his teeth and say solemnly:

"Feng Xi, don't forget how you came in today! We can let you in, and we can also invite you out!"

As a result, Feng Xi leaned lazily on the grand teacher's chair, her smile remained unchanged and she said:

"Okay, uncle is so generous, how many people can you find to carry me out?"

I'm tired and don't want to talk anymore. Let's do whatever we want.

Seeing Feng Xi's attitude of "come up or shut up", Xie Lian became speechless...

By the time he finds someone who fits the etiquette to carry Feng Xi out, his old man and friends will have already entered the hall.

As for the old man, the most important thing is rules and reunion. If he knew that their third wife and Feng Xi were having such an ugly quarrel, he would first reprimand him as the elder.

But with so many people watching, if he doesn't drive out this idiot Feng Xi, where will his face be put?How should these collaterals look at him in the future?

Fortunately, just when he decided to grit his teeth and get scolded, and got Feng Xi out with his own hands, a familiar female voice suddenly sounded:

"Third Uncle, don't get angry about this. It's just a seat, Wan Yin can sit anywhere."

The female voice was clear and gentle, like pearls and jade, instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

And Feng Xi, who was lying flat, didn't even need to look back to imagine Xie Wanyin's appearance as a knowledgeable and considerate saint.

No, before she applauded and said yes, Xie Lang and his best friend Yu Wanwan who were beside Xie Wanyin couldn't sit still.

"Second Sister, how can I do this? This time the main seat was agreed to be given to you by the family, how could it be cheaper for Feng Xi!"

"That's right, Wan Yin, we don't owe her anything, so why spoil her!"

"Wanyin, you deserve this. How can you wrong yourself like this?"


"Okay everyone."

Xie Wanyin looked around, and finally set her eyes on Qi Xiao who was beside Feng Xi, and said firmly to Xie Lian:
"Third uncle, don't make things difficult, I am willing to go to table seven. Grandpa is coming soon, let's pack up quickly."

Compared to letting Feng Xi leave, she would rather keep him, because only in this way, she would have a chance to talk to A Xiao.

"You, Wan Yin, you are just too kind..."

Looking at Xie Wanyin who coughed lightly after helping him out of the siege, Xie Lian's eyes immediately softened.

How could he let Wanyin go to Table Seven?
"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you quickly make room for the main table?"

With Xie Lian's words, the juniors who were extremely reluctant just now immediately moved.

It stands to reason that Feng Xi should be satisfied with this, right?

But Feng Xi tilted her head, looked at the main table, and then at Qi Xiao beside her, feeling that I had the upper hand, and immediately said with emotion:
"Uncle, times have changed, now one is not enough, we need two!"

(End of this chapter)

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