You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 60 Bengong is not some cute little girl!

Chapter 60 Bengong is not some cute little girl!

This disaster relief matter is difficult to say, but it is really simple to say simple.

At least from the perspective of Feng Xi, who has experienced countless natural and man-made disasters, this snowstorm is really sprinkling, and she doesn't even feel cold at all.

And the fact is the same. When the people have enough food, wooden houses for winter shelter, and simple medical treatment, this kind of freezing to death is basically eliminated.

After the basic food and clothing were settled, Li Gelao and others further reformed the work-for-relief work-point system, allowing refugees to exchange work points for other items besides food and medical treatment.

Such as winter clothes, meat, wood, cloth, furniture...

Now the refugees are not only able to fight for their current lives, but also have the motivation to work hard to save some money for themselves and live a new life after the disaster.

As a result, the disaster relief positions have already left Liangzhou City, and courageous refugees have already formed a group to take over the tasks of Liaozhou Prefecture and Quzhou Prefecture, and followed the garrison to clean up the ruins there, or carry out some simple tasks. search and rescue.

Li Gelao and the others saw all this and were delighted in their hearts.

They are pure ministers who are down-to-earth and hard-working. Most of them come from rural areas. All they want in their lives is to serve the people and realize their life ambitions.

Now that I have followed the princess and the son-in-law through this experience, I have no regrets in this life.

"Mr. Ge, look at what the officials of the four states look like. The son-in-law just made the decision to release them, and before he even had any real power, he started thinking about going up the ranks!"

In the government office of Liangzhou, Liu Wanshi, who was recently in charge of supervising the reconstruction of Liaozhou and Quzhou, looked livid and angry when he saw the documents in his hand.

They naturally knew that most of these officials were derelict in their duties and were all aligned with the prince. However, let alone the fact that their crimes would not lead to death, the prince was still in power.

So although they wanted the princess to take off these people's hats directly, just like she did to Liu Quanping, the magistrate of Liangzhou, they knew that they couldn't do it.

After all, the princess not only picked off a few black gauze hats, but also led people to carry out the village that the mighty general's mansion had worked hard to manage. Even if she offended people, she couldn't offend them all at once, right?
Anyway, it's not time for the fish to die and the net to break!

"Look at what they are saying. At the celebration banquet, the disaster relief has not yet been completed, and they are thinking about those arrogant and extravagant things again! They even called it the princess who likes it. I think our princess is being simple. Other ladies and ladies can no longer bear to go out so far away, but the princess doesn’t even have a maid with her!”

Seeing that Liu Wanshi was full of anger, Mr. Li Ge and others were dumbfounded.

But I have to say that they have been here in Liangzhou for almost a month, and except for the first few days when they went out to suppress bandits, the princess has not even been taken out of the house.

Except for occasionally roasting things in the yard, cooking soup, and sharing some with them when they are happy, it is really simple.

If it weren't for the fairy-like appearance, and the gorgeous palace dress, she really didn't look like the pampered princess of the Tian family.

No, just as they were talking, Mu Tian's voice came from outside:

"My lords, the princess and the son-in-law are cooking pot in the backyard, let me invite some of you over to eat together."

"Well, what's the point of this..."

"That is, if you can't make it, you can do it once or twice, how can you do it three times?"

"Brother Mu, help us go back, let's go to the front yard and eat something casually."


It has to be said that with regard to food and sex, even pure ministers are sometimes greedy.

Especially after eating the things baked by her own princess and the occasional fruits.

But they also know the rules and know that people and princesses are approachable, but they can't push their noses.

"My lords, don't refuse. The princess said that if you don't invite you back, you will be beaten!"

Mu Tian rubbed his nose, looking like he was also in a dilemma.

Ever since, Li Gelao and the others were disrespectful and followed him into the backyard logically.

From a distance, they saw their own princess in a snow-colored palace dress, holding a snowball the size of an ordinary person's head, and chasing after a half-grown child.

And that child is none other than Qi Zhuo, the son-in-law's little nephew.

Although the pressure on the temporary hospital has gradually eased since the wooden house was built and the cotton clothes were distributed, there are still many common frostbite, animal bites, and some diseases caused by cold and corpse.

And Bai Yi was born in the North, and had been a military doctor in Hanyu Pass for six years. Even the old court judges who accompanied him would often ask her for advice.

So Bai Yi was very busy, so busy that he could only live in the clothing store, and the matter of taking care of the children was left to the princess's personal guards.

After all, the mother and son of the Bai family are equally simple, and they didn't bring any maids and servants.

This kid is so clever, he follows the princess as his personal guard, isn't he just following the princess?
Anyway, the princess just stays in the yard every day, so he can be regarded as watching others for my uncle!
What's even more strange is that Princess Ren didn't chase him away. Not only did she not chase him away, she often ordered him to run errands for her by rewarding her with fruits and vegetables.

After going back and forth, even Mr. Li Ge and others became familiar with this child.

"Grandpa Li, why did you come here? If you don't come here, the pot will be cold..."

Before Qi Zhuo finished speaking, the snowball the size of a human head hit him on the face first.

Qi Zhuo: "..."

If it weren't for his princess aunt not rubbing it tightly enough, the snowball would have smashed his head off.

"Snowball fights are snowball fights, why are you still distracted? Let me tell you, I am not that delicate little girl, and some have the strength to hit you."

Feng Xi patted the snow on her hands and walked straight to her seat.

On the contrary, Qi Xiao, who had been sitting in the same place, watching Feng Xi and Qi Zhuo messing around, stretched out his hand and patted the snow on her body, playing with the taste:
"What you told me before, isn't it more about strength and means?"

Feng Xi didn't think there was any problem with him patting snow for her, she even cooked something for him, but she gave him a skillful glance and said:

"To deal with children, I only need strength, but to deal with you, I must use more methods and strength. What kind of fox are you, don't you know it yourself?"

Qi Xiao: "..."

He really wanted to ask what kind of fox he was, but Li Gelao and the others had already approached, and Qi Zhuo, who didn't remember to eat or beat, also ran up in two or three steps and sat in his original position.

After briefly saluting Feng Xi and Qi Xiao, Mr. Li Ge and others quickly sat down in front of the pot.

But after all, it was a group of veterans, many of them felt that Emperor Shengde had been in poor health for the past few years, and they felt that their ambitions could not be rewarded for being a hero, so this time they took the opportunity to speak to Feng Xi, they really didn't even sit in the back seat for dinner.

So before the beef in Fengxi's bowl was picked up, Liu Wanshi, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, howled:

"Princess, look, you just sorted out the matter of disaster relief, and some people want to share a piece of your pie!"

The wailing sound was loud, the tone was sad, and the expression was so sad...

Those who didn't know thought she, Feng Xi, was dead.

(End of this chapter)

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