You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 63 Asking is reckless, let's see who is upset and go directly!

Chapter 63 Asking is reckless, let's see who is upset and go directly!

In the Warm Pavilion, all the ministers stared at Feng Xi in astonishment, they couldn't believe that this was said by a princess to an imperial envoy.

Putting aside the fact that the imperial envoys are here to monitor you, just saying "Damn" is just a polite remark!

What's wrong with the princess, why is she...

"Princess, look at this New Year's Eve. We are welcoming Peng Qin's envoy. Don't make such jokes with everyone! Right, everyone."

Shi Songgao, the Maitreya Buddha, hurriedly got up to laugh with him, but Feng Xi gave him a straight glance and said:

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Shi Songgao: "?"

Is this, is this the same Princess Zhaoming who just listened to him talking about the garden and showed great respect to him?

"Don't dare, dare not, how dare I teach the princess how to do things..."

"Don't you dare? Don't you dare who interrupted it just now? What about the big black dog watching the garden?"

Old God Feng Xi looked at Shi Songgao intently, completely throwing away the royal push-pull checks and balances.

Do not ask.

Asking is reckless!

If anyone is unhappy, just come on!
No, Shi Songgao, who just now was complacent about his tact and sophistication, and wanted to be a peacemaker, suddenly turned pale.

But the officials from Beidi who were about to follow his words and speak for Peng Huan kept their mouths shut.

Seeing that they were not getting involved anymore, Feng Xi turned her attention to Peng Huan again and said:

"Didn't you say you should die? The dagger is all for you, you should hurry up."

Feng Xi said these words with a smile, those clear and lingling eyes resembled a lake under the moon, and suddenly made people taste a touch of innocence.

If what she said was not to let people die.

After all, Peng Huan is a servant, and they have to learn the thing of slavish and obsequious observation since they were young. If they don't learn it, they will die, so he just stooped down and smiled:
"Princess, the servant was just joking. When I walked with you in the palace, when did the servant not mention the word damn it?"

"Really? Forgot."

Feng Xi folded her hands on her chest, the original owner was either cheated or bullied all day long, the idiot who lacked memory was speechless.

Anyway, she didn't look at it if she could.

"You are a noble person who forgets things too much, it's normal, normal."

Peng Huan still maintained a smile on his face, he thought that he had praised this idiot so much, the other party should have exposed this matter, right?
As a result, the next second he heard Feng Xi say:
"Since you've said it so many times, what's the matter with asking you to honor it once?"

Peng Huan: "?"

Does this princess not understand human language?
The hand holding the whisk was shaking with anger, seeing that Peng Huan was about to tear his face apart with Feng Xi, Qi Xiao who was sitting beside Feng Xi finally picked up a piece of crystal tofu, put it directly into Feng Xi's mouth and said:
"Eunuch Peng is getting old, so it's inevitable that he's mentally weak. Prefect Shi is a talker, so he definitely likes to make friends. Seeing that they all have flaws, princess, don't bother with them."

Peng Huan: "?"

Shi Songgao: "?"

Shi Songgao is fine, but when Peng Huan heard the word "defect", he felt blood rushing up all over his body, and he wanted to let the people behind him chop up Qi Xiao.

Who doesn't know that their eunuchs are lacking?
How dare Qi Xiao?
How dare he, a waste that anyone can step on?
After finally suppressing his anger, Peng Huan was about to explode, but Feng Xi had already swallowed the crystal tofu and said:

"Okay, for the sake of the son-in-law, I won't pursue the two of you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Tian, ​​who was standing beside her, went down a few steps to pick up the dagger, and put it back into the sheath around her waist.

For a time, both the officials from the DPRK and China, headed by Mr. Li Ge, and the officials from the North, headed by Shi Songgao, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Gelao and the others looked at Qi Xiao gratefully, becoming more and more sure of the fact that the son-in-law is not a waste but a talent.

After all, Peng Huan is an imperial envoy, the princess can use him to take advantage of Qiao to make him lose face, but she can't really kill him.

Even though their disaster relief went smoothly, once those old foxes in the court pick out a big mistake, it's not just one head and two big ones.

Staring fixedly at Qi Xiao, Peng Huan was silent for a while before he gritted his teeth and said:
"Peng Huan thanks the princess for showing mercy, and thanks the consort for rescuing the siege."

Feng Xi waved her hand:

"Small things, no thanks, no thanks."

Peng Huan: "..."

Well, things related to his life are said to be trivial matters.

Ever since, Peng Huan, who originally wanted to force a smile on his face, just flicked his sleeves, sat down in his seat after a few steps, and stopped talking.

Not only him, but Shi Songgao, who was just like a fish in water, also quickly put his tail between his legs, and ordered the dancers who had been prepared to come in quickly to liven up the atmosphere.

It is said that this reckless punch killed the old master, Zhaoming's reckless energy is indeed a headache.

But it was precisely because Zhaoming became more and more reckless and more difficult to control, they became more determined to make that happen for a while.

To deal with such a mad dog, don't you have to put her on a chain?
No matter how despicable Ye Qingchuan is, he is better than Qi Xiao, that trash who holds chicken feathers as arrows.

Taking another cold look at Qi Xiao, Peng Huan immediately waved to a fan next to him, who quietly left the Nuan Pavilion after hearing the words.

"Master, Peng Huan and Shi Songgao are not honest. You provoked them so much just now. They might jump over the wall in a hurry."

Mu Tian's gaze inadvertently swept across the sneaking Fanzi, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Qi Xiao.

He didn't believe that their master didn't see what he had seen.

Besides, among the people that the princess and master brought back from the mountain that day, there was one person who was not pure in heart.

Hearing the words, Qi Xiao's expression remained unchanged, he just looked sideways at Feng Xi who was eating food with her head down, obviously not interested in singing and dancing below.

The young girl's skin is white and her eyes are picturesque. Unlike when she was angry with others, she was always very quiet when she ate, obediently like a snow-colored cat.

Sure enough, they are different.

Tapping the table lightly with his fingers, Qi Xiao answered in a very soft voice, but Mu Tian felt the obvious killing intent in the words.

"What are you afraid of? What I want is for them to jump over the wall in a hurry."

Soon, several songs and dances ended with applause from all the officials.

Even Li Ge, who is as diligent as old man, unknowingly relaxes his nerves.

It's all here, let's treat it as a new year.

And a zither sound came at this time, like the fairy music of Xue Ye, sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, sometimes light and sometimes crisp, it almost caught the hearts of everyone present at once.

When everyone was looking for the sound, there was a maid outside the pavilion lighting a branch candle, the moonlight was shining, the snow was emptiness, and even the night was dyed with mist, making the person who played the piano feel like a ghost in the world. Foreign visitors.

Everyone in Shengjing knows that Princess Zhaoming, Fengxi, traveled with the third princess, Fengyuan.

The two traveled to the back mountain of Huangjue Temple, where there was a young man playing the piano in the mist.

He was none other than Mu Qingze, the grandson of the Grand Master, the son of Qi Bohou, and the young marquis of the Mu family.

Slowly raising his eyes, at this moment, Ye Qingchuan was looking at Feng Xi with those eyes that were [-]% similar to Mu Qing's, looking at his overwhelming wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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