You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 67 You are so smart, I appreciate you so much!

Chapter 67 You are so smart, I appreciate you so much!
The Liangzhou government office was tightly guarded, and the disaster relief officials were even tougher. However, it was difficult to bribe these officials, but it was not difficult for them to serve as servants.

Therefore, except when Ye Qingchuan entered Feng Xi's courtyard, everything he did in the government office could not be hidden from Peng Huan's eyes.

Therefore, Mu Tian's several visits, Liu Wanshi's unreasonable retreat, and his son-in-law Qi Xiao's failure to return for several days, made Peng Huan and others feel that Ye Qingchuan's event has been accomplished.

He may not have established a firm foothold beside Feng Xi, but he must be able to say a few words.

And it would be extremely simple to ask Feng Xi to give him a little favor as an imperial envoy, arrange for him a position where he can sneak in, or ask a few words in front of the surnamed Li.

After all, it is justifiable for imperial envoys to participate in disaster relief, and it is not an excessive requirement anywhere.

So Peng Huan felt that Ye Qingchuan would definitely be able to do it.

Of course, Ye Qingchuan felt the same way when he saw this note.

So in the afternoon of the next day, not long after Ye Qingchuan entered the courtyard, Mu Tian hurried in and told Feng Xi that Peng Huan and Liu Wanshi were quarreling and insisted that Mr. Li Ge and the others arrange a position for him in the mansion. .

"Well, then what?"

Feng Xi leaned lazily under the eaves. It was snowing heavily outside, but she didn't even use a charcoal basin, as if she didn't know how cold it was.

"Eunuch Peng said that as an imperial envoy of the imperial court, he should follow Mr. Li Ge and others and supervise all the actions of the disaster relief officials at all times. He also said that Mr. Li Ge and others must have some shady secrets, so he was blocked at the door. outside."

Mu Tian told the truth, but Feng Xi hit the nail on the head:

"He didn't even want to lose his face in order to grab credit. Doesn't he know how annoying he is?"

Mu Tian: "..."

Ye Qingchuan: "..."

Probably not.

"Princess, how do we deal with this matter..."

Seeing Mu Tian ask this question, Ye Qingchuan realized that his chance had come.

"Princess, Caomin has something to say, don't know if it should be said or not?"

"It's inappropriate, please stop talking about it."

Ye Qingchuan: "?"

Fortunately, this was not the first time that he was criticized by Feng Xi, so he immediately said bravely:
"Although this Peng Huan is an eunuch and is suspected of taking credit and greed, he is an imperial envoy after all and represents the attitude of the imperial court. If you and your lords block him blindly, there is no guarantee that he will not jump over the wall in a hurry. "

As someone who was openly at odds with Peng Huan, what he said was quite rude.

"Well, you go on."

Feng Xi didn't nod or shake her head. She just watched Qi Zhuo running circles in the yard and felt that the Qi family was really very diligent.

And when she asked him to continue, Ye Qingchuan could hardly suppress the joy in his eyes:
"As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse. If the grassroots want to see it, you might as well give this Peng Huan a chance. Anyway, with Mr. Li Ge and Lord Liu watching, he can't make any trouble. On the contrary, you gave the court face, and they are I want to pick your fault, but I'm afraid I can't."

All he needed to do was make this idiot relent. As for where Peng Huan would go after joining the government office, it was none of Ye Qingchuan's business.

Apart from the fact that he wanted to help Peng Huan find a position, his words of sharing the Lord's worries were also sincere. He was telling the people in front of him that he was very capable.

Shouldn't she reuse such a capable person who looks exactly like the person she admires?

He may not be as good as the first son Mu Qingze, but who is the consort Qi Xiao?
"well said."

As Ye Qingchuan wished, Feng Xi nodded and said:

"It's better to be silent than to be blocked. It not only gives face to the people in the court, but also makes Peng Huan unrecognizable. Ye Qingchuan, you are so smart. This palace really appreciates you."

Ye Qingchuan was startled, and almost immediately raised his head, looking at Feng Xi with burning eyes.

Then Feng Xi smiled and said:
"There are so many pigweeds in my mind, it must be a good seedling for pigs!"

Ye Qingchuan: "?"

"Otherwise, I will arrange for you to feed the pigs today. This imperial examination will really bury you."

Feed the pigs?

Ye Qingchuan panicked instantly when he heard the words, what kind of official career would he have if he went to such dirty things done by inferior people?
"Princess, the princess is wrong, I shouldn't make you angry with nonsense, you..."

"Oh, since you know you are wrong, why don't you pack your things and leave quickly so that you can go down and feed the pigs early?"

Ye Qingchuan: "..."

Seeing that the oil and salt did not enter, it seemed that Feng Xi who really wanted to drive him away, Ye Qingchuan was also a little dumb for a while.

how could be?

He had liked women since he was a child, but he had never met such a moody woman as Feng Xi.

Does she not like herself?

Why would she bring him back if she didn't wash him?And why do you always ask him to be on duty in the yard and ask Commander Mu to give him things?
This is a temptation, yes, it is a temptation!
Ye Qingchuan looked at Feng Xi, suddenly raised his head boldly, looked directly into her eyes and said:

"Princess, Qingchuan's life was saved by you. Qingchuan is grateful to you and loves you. As long as you ask, Qingchuan is willing to do anything for you."

"Go through fire and water, and do whatever you want."

The sky is full of nobility, glory, wealth, and power...

In front of these, Ye Qingchuan felt that his face was not worth mentioning at all.

Since euphemism and aloofness could not impress Feng Xi, he would try another way to impress her.

He is willing to start from the position of serving the king. As long as he is given a chance, he believes that sooner or later he can...

Feng Xi: "Didn't I just say it? Raise pigs! How suitable it is to raise pigs with pig grass!"

Ye Qingchuan: "?"

After all he said, this crazy woman still wanted him to raise pigs?

Ye Qingchuan was trembling with anger, but he was also worried about his future.

Fortunately, just when he didn't know how to reply, a figure came slowly outside the door.

He is dressed in a black robe and jade belt, with a striking face, Ye Qingchuan recognizes him, he is Qi Xiao, the son-in-law of this crazy woman.

He has always regarded it as a stumbling block on his road to Qingyun, except for this moment.

Following Mu Tian slowly leaving the main courtyard, Ye Qingchuan was relieved once again when he heard that Feng Xi was not only attacking him, but also Qi Xiao.

He kept telling himself that he still had a chance, that he was better than anyone.

And when he didn't know it, all his words to Feng Xi were placed on Peng Huan's desk.

A eunuch, a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry, unable to make any waves...

"Okay, good on you Ye Qingchuan!"

Peng Huan was furious, Shi Songgao hurried forward to comfort him:
"Eunuch, Ye Qingchuan definitely didn't insult you on purpose. He did it to gain Princess Zhaoming's trust!"

After all, Ye Qingchuan was recommended to Peng Huan by him, so his words and deeds will naturally affect him.

Hearing this, Peng Huan did not express his position, but the prefect of Liaozhou, who had been flattering Shi Songgao and followed his lead, suddenly stood up:
"Brother Song Gao's words are wrong. Eunuch Peng, one of the officials under my command has a master whose ancestral home is in Huaizhou. He once heard a secret story that Ye Qingchuan, the son of Huaizhou, not only has no enmity with the Chu family, but is very likely to belong to the Chu family. The second master's own flesh and blood."

(End of this chapter)

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