Chapter 79
The flat plain outside Yanzhou City was originally the best place to travel, but now it has become a godsend opportunity for others to surround them.

Because once the besieged party is defeated, everyone in the besieged circle will have nowhere to escape.


I don't know who gave the order. Feng Xi, who was originally looking out, was wrapped in a cloak by Qi Xiao, and the only sound left in her ears was the sound of swords breaking through the wind.

Perhaps there were too many people besieging her and Qi Xiao. At one moment, a long sword even pierced her cloak and narrowly missed her neck.

"It's a pity, it's just a little bit~"

Feng Xi blinked and expressed great disappointment with the person who launched the attack just now.

If the other party was more accurate, she might be able to retire honorably.

"You're not afraid at all."

The long sword in Qi Xiao's hand swept across, and several invisible sword qi roared in the wind and snow. Almost in the blink of an eye, several killers who approached them all fell to the ground.

The wound in the throat was torn, and the ground was covered with white snow and blinked red.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid."

Feng Xi leaned lazily on Qi Xiao's body, and said in a tone that did not seem to be fake at all: "I'm afraid they will die so fast that they won't even be able to touch a single hair of my palace."

Qi Xiao laughed and didn't know how to answer her, so he listened to her serious suggestion again:

"Why don't you take pity on them and leave me here? When you get to Hanyu Pass, you will go crazy because your wife is gone and take back everything that belongs to you!"

Qi Xiao: "..."

But after killing another person, he said patiently:
"Then before you die, do you still want to help me shout out who harmed you, so that everyone present can hear it, so that I can use this as an excuse to come to collect debts?"

In response, Feng Xi immediately cleared her throat after hearing this and said very reliably:

"Small question, tell me, who do you want me to bite?"

"Bite who?"

Qi Xiaohuan's hand on Feng Xi's waist tightened instantly, and even pinched her waist like a punishment for the first time, and said in a bad tone:
"Feng Xi, I will take back what belongs to me, but the price will definitely not be sacrificing you. Just be obedient and stop thinking about dying, that will be the greatest help to me."

Although Feng Xi didn't understand, she felt it was very powerful and said:


As if pleased by Feng Xi's answer, Qi Xiao looked at these killers who wanted him and Feng Xi's life with colder eyes, and even his movements became more agile.

Not only did he respond to the assassination with ease, Yuan Song, Qin Zhui and other secret guards did not panic at all.

Yuan Song wants to protect Qi Zhuo, so he will bind his hands and feet when killing people, but Qin Zhui is different, he is a wild horse that has not been taken by anyone, and he is like a wild horse running around the entire battlefield.

As long as the killers he passes by, one or two people will be reduced in an instant, so that the pressure of the besieged is suddenly relieved.

After being unable to attack for a long time, the killers gradually realized the problem, especially Peng Huan and others who hid at the end of the team at the beginning of the attack to avoid being injured in the melee.

"Why are you working? Our people are superior, but they are no match for those personal guards!"

One fan said anxiously.

Of course, the accompanying garrison also suffered casualties, but their target was not these unknown soldiers at all, but Feng Xi and the others in front.

"Trash, those sent by Lin Guangchang are all trash!"

Peng Huan had a cold face. He is not someone who can't see the situation clearly. He naturally knows that it is unrealistic to kill everyone here today.

"Pass down the order to hunt down Feng Xi and Qi Xiao with all your strength, and discuss it later with the others!"

Soon, Qin Zhui and others discovered that those killers were no longer wandering around, and the scattered attacks were almost gathering around Qi Xiao and Feng Xi at the fastest speed.

"Master, they want to assassinate you and the princess with all their strength. What should we do now..."

Before Qin Zhui could finish speaking, Qi Xiao clamped his horse's belly and led Feng Xi forward.

In normal times, they still need to guard against bows and crossbows, and cannot leave the team at will.

But tonight's blizzard is so big, not to mention arrows, even the extremely dangerous hidden weapons on weekdays can't be used.

So as soon as Qi Xiao and Feng Xi left the team, those killers followed closely behind, their eyes glowing red with excitement.

The people above said long ago that as long as the two people in front of them are killed, they will not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives.

They no longer wanted to stay in Hanyuguan, a bitter cold place where they could die at any time.

"Qin Zhui, what should we do? Ah Xiao, Princess and the others..."

Immediately, Bai Yi, who had just escaped from danger, looked anxiously into the distance. It was not just her, but also several other imperial doctors and petty officials.

Judging from their expressions, they hoped that Qin Zhui and others would catch up and rescue them.

However, at this moment, Peng Huan, who had been hiding behind, came on horseback and stopped directly at the front of the entire team.

"Hanyuguan is plagued by plague and famine. More than [-] people are waiting for us to rescue them. If we all get lost on the road, wouldn't we be sinners forever?"

"What does Eunuch Peng mean by this?"

Qin Zhui had a cold face, obviously disagreeing with Peng Huan's words.

But Peng Huan didn't care what these people thought at all, he just said sternly:
"Everyone, now that the princess and the son-in-law are not here, the Sa family is the person with the highest official position in the team. The princess often says that the Sa family is high-minded, so the Sa family thinks that the princess and the son-in-law probably don't want to hurt everyone, so they voluntarily left the team. So what we should do now What I want is not to follow, but to set off quickly to send the imperial physician and food security to Hanyu Pass."

"Then what do you mean, we don't care about the princess and the son-in-law?"

Bai Yi gritted his teeth and scoffed at Peng Huan's words.

But what Peng Huan said was right, without Feng Xi and Qi Xiao, he would be the biggest official in the team and had the priority to take over the team.

But being interrupted by Peng Huan, they lost sight of Qi Xiao and the group of killers for a long time, and now not only can't find the princess after catching up, they may be ambushed by the killers again.

Comparing the two, it is obviously better to report directly to Hanyu Pass than to search for people aimlessly.

"Everyone, the Sa family is an imperial envoy appointed by the imperial court. Naturally, what they do is for the country and the people. You don't want to lose the princess, and you can't even complete this errand?"

Peng Huan was not anxious at all, and even turned to look at Yuan Song while speaking.

As the person sent by Hanyuguan to ask for help, he thought Yuan Song would want to go back more than anyone else.

And the fact is the same, Yuan Song quickly turned his head to Qin Zhui and Bai Yi and said:

"What Eunuch Peng said makes sense. Instead of wasting our time here, we should go back to my grandfather quickly and ask him to send people to expand the search area."

With Yuan Song's support, even though many people in the team still objected, everyone set out on the road to Hanyuguan again.

But this time the leaders were no longer Qi Xiao and Feng Xi, but the proud Peng Huan.

That's good, not only can he help Lin Guangchang and others cover up their mistakes, but he can also be famous in history for supporting Hanyu Pass.

As for Liangzhou City...

Without Feng Xi, who can stop him?
(End of this chapter)

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