You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 81 Is This Princess Surely She Wasn't Swapped?

Chapter 81 Is This Princess Surely She Wasn't Swapped?
It was night, Hanyu turned off the lights and brightly lit.

The three generals who commanded the [-] troops in the pass gathered in the Martial Arts Hall, each of them looked more dignified than the other.

Especially Yuan Xingzhi, the oldest and most prestigious Yuan, his eyes were as cold as ice.

"The princess and the prince-in-law both disappeared. If you didn't go look for it at that time, you could send someone to Hanyuguan in advance to report the news, right? Eunuch Peng acted like this, so I have to suspect that you have ulterior motives!"

"Old Yuan, what you said is wrong. As an imperial envoy serving the country and the people, Eunuch Peng must give priority to the officers and soldiers in the pass. Besides, the bandits are fierce. I am afraid that the messenger will be gone before the letter is received." ”

Lin Guangchang smiled, his tone was calm, his eyes were teasing, and his attitude of speaking for Peng Huan was not too obvious.

"Really? Is this really a bandit?"

Yuan Xingzhi gritted his teeth and almost punched the table in front of him.

Seeing that Yuan and Lin were at war with each other, Sun Wenzhong, the general of the Seven Star Camp, finally said:

"Old Yuan, Guangchang, both of you should say a few words less. The most important thing right now is not to argue about right and wrong, but to send people to find the princess and consort, so as to give an explanation to the emperor and the court."

"General Sun is right. The Sa family has asked themselves to go out of seclusion to look for someone. We hope that all the generals will do the same."

Peng Huan held the fly whisk with a righteous look, as if he was really worried about the safety of Feng Xi and Feng Xi.

"Mr. Peng is exhausted, I think it's better not to trouble you."

With a cold face, Yuan Xingzhi pointed directly at his grandson and said:
"Yuan Song, you go, don't come back if you can't find the princess and son-in-law!"


Yuan Song took the order and was about to go down, but Lin Guangchang stood up again and said:
"It's not big outside Yanzhou City, but it's not small either. Xiaosong can't lead the team alone. In this case, I, the general, will also lead people to go out and search with you!"

"It's not necessary..."

Yuan Song looked at Lin Guangchang complicatedly, feeling that General Lin had evil intentions.

"Yes, how can we deal with such a big thing as the disappearance of the princess if we don't have a general in the pass?"

As Lin Guangchang said, he winked at Sun Wenzhong again.

Sun Wenzhong wouldn't speak up if it was a big matter, but he would still be willing to help with a small matter like finding someone to make a name for himself.

"Guangchang is right, how powerful are these people?"

Yuan Song immediately looked at his grandfather when he heard the words, but saw the old man walk away directly, not intending to entangle with the two people in the hall.

Hence, it was decided that Lin Guangchang and Yuan Song would go out to find someone.

It's just that compared with Yuan Song's strict preparation, Lin Guangchang seemed much more relaxed.

After all, he was not out to find someone, but to destroy evidence and earn a good reputation by showing that he had tried his best to find the princess.

At that time, if you kill a few "rogue bandits" casually, the emperor will reward him in turn.

As for the people inside the pass, with Peng Huan and Sun Wenzhong suppressing him, even that old guy named Yuan can't make any trouble!
The door was opened wide, and the search team of nearly a thousand people was already rushing towards Yanzhou like an arrow.

Such a battle instantly attracted the attention of all the refugees in Hanyu Town, so that no one noticed that a small team sneaked in quietly and headed straight for the Zhuren Village on the outskirts of the town.

"Who? Who's out there?"

Ma Wu walked to the door with difficulty, and said to the outsider with a puzzled tone.

Since the snowstorm came, disabled veterans like them have become a drag on Hanyu Pass, and no one except Chixiao Camp cares about them.

When the plague broke out from them and they were forced to move to this village outside the town, no one dared to come to the house except for the patients who were brought in and the soldiers from Chixiao Camp who were delivering things.

General Yuan even sent someone to tell them that the Tiger Roaring Camp had the intention to harm them, and the Seven-Star Battalion could not be trusted. Although he sent people to keep an eye on the movements of the two parties, he could not guarantee that they would not jump over the wall to infiltrate Chen Cang.

Therefore, except for the Chixiao camp soldiers who came to the door at fixed times, they would not open the door easily.

Let alone in the middle of the night?

"It's getting late. No matter who you are, please come back early tomorrow morning."

Ma Wu spoke to the people outside the door as loudly as possible, hoping that they would leave quickly.

The wind and snow were raging around him, and he, who was wearing only a shabby coat stuffed with withered grass, could no longer stand.

So, when he heard the somewhat familiar voice outside the door, he almost thought he was dreaming.

"Uncle Ma, it's me, Qi Xiao, I'm back."

"Small, young master..."

Ma Wu's voice trembled, and he immediately wanted to open the door, but when his hand touched the door bolt, he stopped tremblingly.

"Young Master, it's not safe here. You, you'd better go... go to Hanyuguan. Old General Yuan is where you should go."

They are full of patients here, and even he doesn't know how long he can last...

It doesn't matter if old people like them die, but not the young master. That is the hope of the Qi family and the future of Chixiao Camp...

"Uncle Ma, please open the door."

Qi Xiao outside the door felt uncomfortable. He knew that Uncle Ma was doing it for his own good, so he still negotiated with him patiently.

Unexpectedly, before Ma Wu could answer, he heard the girl behind him say:

"People inside, listen, I count to three, if you don't open the door, I will climb over the wall!"

Qi Xiao: "..."

Ma Wu: "..."

Although he didn't know why the person outside could say the word "climb over the wall" so powerfully, but just by the word "this palace", Ma Wu knew that someone great was coming from outside.

After careful consideration, he finally gritted his teeth and opened the door in front of him.

Sure enough, there was not only their handsome young man standing outside the door, who was obviously no longer as flamboyant as before, but also a very beautiful girl in snow clothes.

In the past, he thought that the imperial concubine and the daughter of the Sun family were the best, but when compared with the girl in front of him, he actually felt dejected.

"Young master, this is..."

Ma Wu opened his mouth, but still didn't dare to say that.

Because in the rumors they heard, that person is not a good person to get along with.

I'm afraid that in the eyes of the other party, he is such a useless person with a disability and rags, even standing in front of her is dirtying her eyes.

But what he didn't expect was that the first thing the girl did was not to dislike him, but to give him a red apple and said:
"Old man, if you had told us that you were wearing too little, we would have climbed over the wall. Why is it so complicated to ask Qi Xiao to put some effort into it?"

Ma Wu: "?"

This is the princess?

That spoiled Princess Zhaoming?
Ma Wu didn't believe it, but Qi Xiao nodded helplessly to him, indicating to him to stop standing outside the door and take them in to talk quickly.

Although he found that the princess seemed to be different from what he thought, Ma Wu still did not dare to neglect and tried to make his difficult steps faster to avoid causing the other party's displeasure.

As a result, before Qi Xiao persuaded him to slow down, Feng Xi couldn't stand it anymore:

"Old man, isn't she just a princess? They are all human, why are you so nervous?"

Ma Wu: "?"

Young Master, you can't stand the real princess, so you switched people over, right...

(End of this chapter)

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