Chapter 83 Use magic to defeat magic!

"No food? How could there be no food? All those bags are fake?"

In the early morning of the next day, Yuan Xingzhi brought the soldiers from Chixiao Battalion to collect the food, and Yuan Xingzhi, who wanted to send it to the old guys earlier, was so red that he almost chopped off Peng Huan's head without drawing a knife.

What have they waited for for so long?
It's the disappearance of the princess and the young prince, the adulteration of the food that should have been supplied to the disabled veterans, and the suffocating vicious face of some dog.

"Old General Yuan, this fake food supply is the intention of the princess, and the Sa family doesn't know either~"

Peng Huan was almost beheaded by Yuan Xingzhi, and Peng Huan was angry, so his words were naturally quite eccentric.

"Or it's because the son-in-law didn't do his job well and got the princess's food wrong. Anyway, it's definitely not the Sa family's problem~"

"you you……"

Yuan Xingzhi is over sixty years old, and his hair is already gray.Now that Peng Huan was so angry, his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

He knew that this villain was messing around, but he couldn't prove that what the other party said was a lie.

In desperation, he had no choice but to look at Sun Wenzhong again. This man was in charge of the Seven Star Camp, had almost been married to the Qi family, and could be regarded as his most valued descendant.

"Wenzhong, what did you say?"

When Sun Wenzhong heard this, his expression seemed to be struggling.

But at this moment, a soldier from the Seven Star Battalion came quickly outside the door, bowed and reported to Sun Wenzhong:

"General, my wife said that she is feeling unwell in her abdomen. She is afraid that something is wrong with the child in her belly. Please go back and take a look quickly..."

When Sun Wenzhong heard this, he couldn't care less about his friendship with Yuan Xingzhi, and he immediately said:

"Mr. Yuan, Meijiao is getting older, and she can't live without her. The food matter is already like this. No matter how hard we fight, we can't turn the fake into real, right? Or..."

"All right."

Yuan Xingzhi nodded, and he seemed to be getting older again.

"Lin Guangchang, Lin Meijiao, Sun Wenzhong, you are determined to stand opposite me, right?"

Sun Wenzhong: "Old Yuan..."

"No need to say any more."

Yuan Xingzhi nodded and staggered out of the door. If it were not for the support of the soldiers beside him, he would have almost fallen to the ground.

"You will be punished, you will be punished..."

"Old Yuan!"

Sun Wenzhong wanted to catch up, but was grabbed by Peng Huan who was standing beside him.

"General Sun, the Qi family is gone, and the princess is also dead. Even if you don't want to think about the child in Mrs. Sun's womb, you have to think about yourself, right?"

Sun Wenzhong looked at Peng Huan, with an obvious look of struggle in his eyes, until Peng Huan smiled and said:

"Since ancient times, both sides of this wall have been irreconcilable. General Sun listened to the Sajia's advice, let's make a choice early, and don't hesitate any longer."

After that, Peng Huan didn't care about Sun Wenzhong's face and left the yard.

It wasn't until Peng Huan left that a beautiful figure in a fine attire came slowly.

The woman was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with good looks and a tall and straight figure. Her hair was covered with black hair tied up by a maple-colored hairband. She looked heroic and looked forward to the flight of God.

And she is none other than Sun Qingzhi, the only daughter of Sun Wenzhong and his original wife, who had a marriage contract with the second son of the Qi family.

"Father, have you thought about it?"


Sun Wenzhong looked at his daughter with complicated eyes, and said after a while:
"If your father abandons the Qi family from now on, will you hate your father?"

"how could be?"

Faced with Sun Wenzhong's scrutiny, Sun Qingzhi smiled.

"The marriage contract was made between you and your mother. None of you have ever asked me, have you? Now that Qi Hong is dead and I am not married, what does the Qi family have to do with me?"

"You really think so?"


Sun Wenzhong looked deeply after hearing this. He was afraid that his daughter would make a mistake in this matter and cause unnecessary trouble to him.

Now it seems that his daughter is more transparent than him.

"It's good. Now my father has finally broken up with Mr. Yuan. Even without your second mother and the child in her belly, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to the past."

Raising his hand and patting Sun Qingzhi's shoulder, Sun Wenzhong put aside his worries, turned around, and hurried to see his beautiful wife.

Only Sun Qingzhi stood still, looking at her father's back with cold eyes.

At the same time, in the Zhuren Manor, several disabled veterans who had not yet contracted the disease and were even relatively strong were blocking Feng Xi.

"No, the princess must never! There are sick people inside, how can you go in?"

"That is, we are already very grateful that you can bring food to us old things, how can we burden you again?"

"If you have something to do, how will we explain to Lord Hou, his wife, and the young master..."


Feng Xi and others rested all night at the gatehouse. Qi Xiao took people out to carry food early in the morning, while Feng Xi planned to take a walk in the village above.

But these old people let the secret guards in, but they refused to let her in.

Feng Xi: "?"

So she cleared her throat and said:
"I am the princess and you are the princess?"

Then these veterans knelt down for her with a plop, and that was fine. They wiped their tears and said all kinds of grateful words.

Feng Xi: "!"

Good guy, magic beats magic, right?
But she, Feng Xi, was rebellious, so she took an onion from the space, crushed it and applied it directly to her eyes.

The next second, all the disabled veterans saw the princess's eyes turned red, holding a handkerchief and "crying" very loudly.

While "crying" he said:

"As long as I have no morals, morality cannot hold me hostage."

Veterans: "?"

Although they don't know what "morality" is and what "kidnapping" is, the princess is already crying, so it would be inappropriate for them to stop her.

Unexpectedly, just as they got out of the way, Feng Xi immediately wiped away the tears from her face, and entered the room in a very arrogant manner.

However, this scene, which can be called a face-changing scene in Sichuan Opera, made the veterans in Zhuang Nai look at him with a look of death and feeling that their time was numbered.

Go ahead to dangers.

In the current epidemic, such a princess may be stupid, but she can never be bad.

If there were veterans who were crying and refusing to let her in just now, it was because they were afraid that something would happen to her, which would implicate their young master.

So now, everyone is really red-eyed, feeling that the emperor has not given up on them, and that they are still a living person in the eyes of the princess.

So I don't know who started it first, maybe Ma Wu or another veteran.

Soon, those who could still stand up in the village walked out of the room and saluted Feng Xi with difficulty as she entered.

That "Princess Thousand Years" is not only a respect to Feng Xi, but also each of them's expectation for life.

It stands to reason that at this moment Feng Xi should also be red-eyed, raised her hand to help one of them, and then said a few words to everyone affectionately.

After this, won’t the people’s hearts be stabilized?
As a result, Feng Xi opened her mouth and said:

"Hey, a thousand-year-old king and an 8-year-old tortoise, I think it's almost enough for me to live another year, and the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine should be left as an inheritance to Qi Xiao, that bastard."

Qi Xiao, who just walked to the door carrying food, said, "?"

(End of this chapter)

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