You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 85: Do you think I have a big problem with my consort?

Chapter 85: Do you think I have a big problem with my consort?
Regarding the issue of Bai Yi's ownership, the three major military battalions had been arguing for a whole afternoon.

There is no way, it stands to reason that Bai Yi was sent out on behalf of the hospital, and she can be regarded as half a member of the hospital, so she is now under the management of Peng Huan, the highest official in the team.

But no matter whether it was Bai Yi's own wishes or her position, she was always facing the Chixiao camp.

And the Scarlet Xiao Battalion is full of battle-tested veterans, whether it is Qixing or Huxiao, in fact, they don't dare to confront them head-on, because they are afraid that they will lose face if they steal the chicken.

No, facing Peng Huan's threat, Bai Yi directly put forward his own conditions:

"If you two battalions agree to provide food to the people in Pianrenzhuang, I will promise you to send the sick to the Chixiao camp. How I treat the soldiers of Chixiao, I will naturally treat your people."

As soon as these words came out, Peng Huan immediately became silent.

Not to mention that Qixing and Huxiao have taken in a large number of refugees, and the food in their hands is already tight. Because of the harsh treatment of disabled veterans by Lin Guangchang and others, so that the epidemic broke out in Hanyuguan, they can't keep those veteran.

This is evidence, enough evidence to make Lin Guangchang behead and change the owner of Huxiao camp.

Even if Feng Xi is gone, they cannot avoid these hidden dangers.

After all, their party has worked hard for two years and is about to encroach on Hanyuguan. They cannot let these losers ruin their good deeds.

"Eunuch Peng, my brothers have followed me through life and death, and I can't say anything. If you want, the Seven Star Camp is willing to pay half of the food."

Although Sun Wenzhong was displeased with Bai Yi's threat, he still wanted to bite the bullet and agree.

He had already made some of his subordinates dissatisfied with helping the Tiger Roaring Camp before, if he couldn't deal with the epidemic, the Seven Stars Camp might lose their morale.

Peng Huan also knew Sun Wenzhong's difficulties, and compared to Qixing Camp, which only accepted a small number of refugees, Hu Xiaoke, who tried every means to win over the people's support for the prince, accepted most of them.

There are many people, and naturally there are many patients.

It’s okay to say that everyone couldn’t be cured before, but now that those in Chixiao Camp have been cured, but those on their side can’t be cured. Wouldn’t the popular support gained by sacrificing those useless people be in vain again?

Therefore, it is imperative to do this medical treatment, but they cannot be led by the nose by Bai Yi.

"General Sun, if you steal needles this small time, you can steal gold sometimes. That woman asked for food today and we gave it to her. But if she wants anything else tomorrow, will you give it to her?"

Peng Huan smiled, threw Fuchen on the table and said:

"As long as we still need that woman to treat illnesses, she can dominate us. General Sun, do you think this is what you want to see?"

Sun Wenzhong was silent, but Peng Huan took advantage of the victory and pursued:

"You don't want to, and neither does the Sa family. So what we should do is not agree to her, but force her to submit!"


Hearing this, Sun Wenzhong became interested instantly, and Peng Huan's smile deepened a little deeper. It was not until Sun Wenzhong became impatient with the waiting that he said:
"Didn't Lin Guangchang take a lot of people out to look for the princess? This night, a group of people secretly went to the Zhuren Village. Who knows what happened?"

"Eunuch means..."

"At that time, let's say that the gangster jumped over the wall in a hurry to kill some useless people after being chased. After seeing the blood, maybe some people will be obedient~"

The old god Peng Huan sat down on the grand teacher's chair, and couldn't wait to see Yuan Xingzhi lose his temper, and Bai Yi kneel down and beg him to use her.

This man won’t shed tears until he sees the coffin~
The night was getting darker and the snow was getting heavier again.

Feng Xi didn't have much appetite, she only drank some hot soup tonight and wanted to go back to her room.

In this regard, Ma Wu, the old military doctor and others still suggested that she and Qi Xiao live in the concierge, and try to separate them from the patients, but Feng Xi refused without thinking:

"It's all a Zhuangzi. It's the same for people who are going to be sick to live on the bottom. Besides, Bengong has thin arms and legs, do you have the heart to let Bengong run up and down?"

Ma Wu and others had not yet spoken, but Qi Xiao rarely interrupted:
"It's okay, I can carry you."

To be honest, he didn't want anything to happen to Feng Xi, let alone he brought Feng Xi here.

As a result, Feng Xi gave him an awkward yet polite smile:
"If you have more strength than you can use up, you can go blacksmithing. There is a shortage of people outside to clear snow and move bricks. Do you want to consider it?"

Qi Xiao: "..."

After all, Feng Xi didn't care about other people's thoughts at all, and directly walked to the room where she temporarily rested during the day.

This was specially set aside by Ma Wu and others. There were only two rooms, one for the ten secret guards and one for her and Qi Xiao.

In the spirit of such pitiful roommate friendship, Feng Xi kindly reminded Qi Xiao before closing the door:
"Come in or not, this palace will be closed if you don't come in."

She said this without giving any face, but for some reason, Qi Xiao felt that the depression of being criticized just now disappeared instantly, leaving only a trace of interest that even he could not explain.

The conditions of Furen Village were limited, so the two of them simply took care of the water boiled by Qi Xiao.

There is a bed in the room, um, three benches to form a door panel, and some old washed quilts or something, rounded up, it is also called a bed.

If it had been any other princess, she would have been full of disgust and even got angry and threw things...

But Feng Xi lay down in almost a second. When Qi Xiao asked to find a mattress for her elsewhere so that she could sleep more comfortably, she gave him an indifferent look on her back, saying, "You are the only one with too many things to do."

Qi Xiao: "..."

It's obviously a little phoenix, why is it so easy to feed?
Qi Xiao was puzzled, so those peach blossom eyes fixedly stared at Feng Xi, and there was a faint gleam in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl with her back to him suddenly turned over and could hear his breath on the small, broken bed made of door panels.

Her skin is whiter than snow, and her eyebrows are like distant mountains. Under the long snowy night, all details seem to be magnified. Especially at this moment when the girl slightly raises her head and her red lips are very close, Qi Xiao can clearly hear her sudden sudden movements. Rapid heartbeat.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Qi Xiao turned around with difficulty, and the moment he turned around, Feng Xi, who had been sleeping soundly just now, suddenly opened her eyes.

Strange, what was this man doing who stayed up all night and kept staring at her?
Could it be that he finally had bad thoughts and decided to kill her?

For a moment, Feng Xi felt that she was at a big loss, she shouldn't have turned around out of curiosity.

She closed her eyes again, but before she could wake up from sleep, the sound of swords suddenly came from outside the door.

She thought that she would be awakened by Qi Xiao soon and taken to a safe place for refuge.

As a result, the next second, a pair of calloused hands gently covered her ears, blocking out the outside world in some unknown way.

Before going to sleep, she could only vaguely hear one sentence:

"Anyone who disturbs my little phoenix's sleep - deserves to die."

(End of this chapter)

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