You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 90 Look, princess, the princess said she didn't want to read it!

Chapter 90 Look, princess, the princess said she didn't want to read it!

The cold wind howled and heavy snow swept across.

In front of the gate of Xiongguan, all the generals in the pass who had received the news in advance were dispatched. Some had smiles on their brows, while others had faces as frosty as snow.

Among them, four people stood at the front, namely Fang Can, the deputy general of the Tiger Xiao Battalion, Sun Qingzhi, the deputy general of the Qixing Battalion, Yuan Song, the deputy general of the Chi Xiao Battalion, and Cheng Cheng, the grain cao officer.

They are not necessarily the highest official positions among this group of people, but they are extremely representative.

"Master Cheng, didn't you say that the general and the others went out to look for soldiers? Why did they find the princess?"

Fang Can smiled and looked at Cheng Cheng beside him. He was not as powerful as other generals. On the contrary, he was thin and lean, more like a literati than a military general, and usually regarded himself as a Confucian general.

But despite the fact that his official position is only Lin Guangchang's deputy general, in fact he is the cousin of Fang Chief Assistant and Fang Guifei. Not to mention Lin Guangchang and Peng Huan, even the others in Hanyuguan have to give him three points of thin noodles.

Some people are like this, useless is useless, but they can't hold back that they were born rich.

No, when Fang Can asked, Cheng Cheng had no choice but to answer:

"Perhaps the princess has her own auspiciousness, and even the most dangerous things can be turned into good luck."

"Is it?"

Fang Can sneered, thinking in his heart that the results of this process were indeed hypocritical.

To be honest, since the news that the princess and her son-in-law were in distress came, except for the generals of the Chixiao camp, there were not many people in Hanyuguan who hoped that the princess would come back alive.

Because she is alive, it means that the emperor has the opportunity to reshuffle Han Yuguan.

It has not been easy for anyone to climb to the current position in the past two years. This is true for most of the generals of Qixing and Huxiao, and naturally it is also true for Cheng Cheng.

So Fang Can immediately said with a half-smile:
"If His Royal Highness Zhaoming is easy to get along with, it's fine, but Chan often goes back to Beijing. What about this guy's temper, tsk..."

He didn't suppress his voice, so many upstarts who were close to him listened.

For a while, these people who were calm at first had a more or less worried expression on their faces.

But Yuan Song immediately retorted:
"You know how to pretend to be a ghost and confuse people with your lies. If you have the ability, you can say it in front of the princess!"

Fang Can had a cold face, and was about to confront Yuan Song at that time, but Sun Qingzhi suddenly stood between the two of them and said:
"Please stop saying a few words. I have already heard the sound of horse hooves."

Looking sideways at Sun Qingzhi, Yuan Song's expression was indescribably angry.

If he hadn't cared about the second young master's care at the beginning, he might have directly called this woman a traitor.

On the other hand, Fang Can smiled, looking at Sun Qingzhi with warm eyes, admiring, coveting, and even greedy...

"Okay, for Qingzhi's sake, I won't argue with you, a big boss, today."


Yuan Song wanted to say more, but suddenly saw dozens of fine horses approaching on the snow, the leading black horse neighed, and suddenly stopped in front of the generals.

Everyone raised their heads. They may not know the girl in the snow skirt on the horse, but they must recognize the tall and handsome Qi Xiao who is holding the girl tightly in his arms.

One must know that Qi Xiao is famous for his good looks in this Hanyu Pass.

Well, notoriously hateful, hindering others from finding a wife!
However, after two years, the first thing they did when they saw Qi Xiao again was not emotion, but knelt down and kowtowed to the princess.

Regarding this, Feng Xi, who was tired of hearing Qiantui, just raised her hand, and Qi Xiao lightly clamped the horse's belly, and took her straight to the pass.

Even though he hasn't returned for two years, Qi Xiao still takes Feng Xi to the Martial Arts Hall with ease. This is the place where Feng Xi will receive pilgrimage one by one and get a brief understanding of the situation in the pass.

In response to this, Feng Xi straightened her face and said:
"You told me that there are so many things to do today. Even if I starve to death today, even if I jump from here, I won't be able to follow you here!"

Qi Xiao chuckled: "But you didn't even ask."

Seeing that Feng Xi was about to start talking nonsense again, Qi Xiao hurriedly brushed his hair and said:
"Sorry, I was wrong."

Feng Xi nodded:

"Well, I was wrong. You dare to do it next time, right?"

Qi Xiao: "?"

Although he didn't know how the little phoenix heard his voice, it didn't stop him from thinking that the furry little phoenix was really cute.

So Feng.Zhaomao.Xi was forced to work overtime, and her face was ruined the whole time. She was in the main position, but her heart was under the quilt...

"The princess is knowledgeable and talented, and she is extremely brave. Now that she is suffering from snow, she comes to Hanyu Pass to deliver food in person. It is really the blessing of Hanyu Pass, and the luck of the officers and soldiers of Hanyu Pass!"

The generals of the Tiger Roaring Battalion boasted impassionedly, Feng Xi smiled:

"Lin Guangchang is mentally retarded. You are twice as good as him. I just want to ask, is there anyone in your camp who is normal?"

Lin Guangchang: "..."

The generals of the Tiger Roaring Battalion: "..."

Realizing that flattery won't bring any good results, the Seven Star Camp, which came in after the Tiger Roar Camp, immediately followed suit and began to take stock of its two years of achievements:
"Princess, look, this map was drawn by my Seven Star Battalion after two years of painstaking efforts! This mace dagger was taken from the hands of the nobles of the Great Gold after we ran thousands of miles away! This formation is..."

Feng Xi nodded:

"Look, princess, the princess said she didn't want to watch."

Sun Wenzhong: "..."

The generals of the Seven Star Battalion: "..."

And when all the generals of the Chixiao Camp followed Yuan Xingzhi into the room and knelt down in front of Feng Xi and kowtowed, Feng Xi directly raised her hand and said:
"That's very good, I am very pleased!"

Yuan Xingzhi: "?"

The generals of Chixiao camp: "?"

No, they haven't said anything yet...

Qi Xiao, who was accustomed to this, had already taken the initiative and attracted the attention of everyone in Chixiao Camp.

As for the Liang Cao Guan surnamed Cheng and others, he directly refused on behalf of Feng Xi.

However, Bai Yi heard the news and immediately took Qi Zhuo and others to the Martial Arts Hall. Seeing that Feng Xi and the others were really fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yi's trip was not just to confirm the safety of Feng Xi and the others, but years of military life and the past two years of being dependent on others had taught her to be careful in everything.

Therefore, Bai Yi followed Feng Xi all the way back to the residence, and then said to Feng Xi a little embarrassedly:

"Princess, the fruits you gave me are not ordinary fruits, but precious medicinal materials that can be used as medicine..."

At first, she was not sure, until she mixed the juice with several types of herbs in the past few days, successfully produced a medicine to treat the plague, and completely cured a person today...



Bai Yi's face was full of excitement, Feng Xi tilted her head, conjured up several more fruits with her backhand, and stuffed them all at the opponent:
"Very well, Bengong is lying down, and from today onwards you are the light of hope in Hanyu Pass."

Bai Yi: "?"

Seeing Bai Yi's embarrassed face, obviously she had something to say, Feng Xi immediately acted preemptively and said:

"I have been released from prison today. If you have any questions, please wait until you visit the prison tomorrow."

Bai Yi: "..."

Well, this, okay...

(End of this chapter)

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