You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 92 Parade the army on behalf of the sky?No, I just want to lie down with pay!

Chapter 92 Parade the army on behalf of the sky?No, I just want to lie down with pay!
The next morning, the heavy snow stopped for a while.

Under the leadership of their own generals, the elites of the three armies gathered on the huge martial arts arena in Hanyu Pass, waiting for Princess Zhaoming's review.

Chi Xiao is in the center, Qixing is on the left, and Hu Xiao, who has just integrated in the past two years, is on the right.

As we all know, Qijia Xuanjia was founded by Qi Commander Qi Yuanming. An army of 15 soldiers has been guarding the border of Jokhang for nearly 30 years. In the eyes of Jokhang and the surrounding foreigners, it is a real tiger and wolf army.

However, two years ago when Dajin and Beidi joined forces, Tatar responded from the side, and due to some unknown reasons within Dazhao, Hanyu Pass experienced the most tragic battle in history.

The Qi family took the lead, and the second son Qi Hong, who led the Jian Dao camp, spilled his blood outside the territory, leaving no trace of his body.Thousands of his men vowed to fight to the death, but no one survived.

The eldest son of the Qi family, Qi Shen, the eldest son of the Marquis of Jingyuan at that time, defied all opinions and used himself as bait to lead his troops to execute a beheading plan against the enemy. In the end, he exchanged lives for lives and beheaded the two enemy generals. Get off your horse.

The eldest son and the second son died in battle one after another, and some of his old friends had their heads and bones removed and were sent to Qi Yuanming's case.

Even in such a critical situation, the god of war who has stood on the border of Jokhang for more than [-] years still has not fallen.

Iron-blooded, calm, sincere...

In the next 20 days and nights, Qi Shuai frequently made strange moves, changing his original fighting style again and again, catching Dajin Beidi off guard.

After three months of bloody battle, the clouds will finally clear.

In the final battle, Qi Shuai rode his horse ahead of the Wanjun, and took the head of the big Jinxiong lord Geertu.

From then on, the enemy army ran away with their heads in their arms, Qi Shuai couldn't afford to be sick, and more than half of the 15 Qi family's Xuanjia was lost, and among the remaining 6 people, half were veterans and half were recruits.

That is today's Chixiao Camp and Seven Star Camp.

Of course, even though the Qixing Battalion belonged to the recruits in the Xuanjia of the Qi family, they are still veterans in the current Hanyu Pass.

After all, there are still 4 people under Lin Guangchang at the bottom.

This point became clear when Feng Xi followed Qi Xiao onto the military parade platform and looked down.

Before coming, Feng Xi said:
"On behalf of the sky to review the army? Qi Xiao, do you think I understand the way of reviewing the army? What I am after is to lie down with a salary!"

After arriving, Feng Xi said:
"They are all soldiers from the same level. How did you manage to make it so that there are tigers and wolves in the middle, average soldiers on the left, and chickens and dogs on the right?"

It's not that she has sharp eyes, it's that the three armies are clearly distinct and their temperaments are so clear that she can't understand them.

Yuan Xingzhi laughed heartily at this, but Sun Wenzhong could still control himself. Lin Guangchang was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick. After enduring it for a long time, he still couldn't hold it back and said:
"Princess, you are insulting my soldiers!"

Feng Xi shook her head:

"If you can talk, just talk, if you can't talk, just sit at the children's table. Is this palace insulting them? This palace is clearly insulting you, okay?"

Lin Guangchang: "?"

"Heh, in the three-army competition, you don't need to compare your own soldiers' training. I will determine the winner with a glance. You are also very strong."


Lin Guangchang wanted to say more, but Fang Can grabbed him and said:
"Princess, General Lin's subordinates are recruits after all. It's not easy for him to practice like this in two years."

Feng Xi nodded:

"Well, when you take them to the battlefield and find that no one of them can beat them, it's up to you to come forward and tell the opponent's coach so."

Fang Can: "..."

Although he had received news from the capital a long time ago, it was said that Zhao Ming was somehow stimulated, and now he was talking like crazy.

But when he really confronted him, he still couldn't hold back...

Fortunately, Qi Xiao took the initiative to grab Feng Xi's wrist, and led her to sit on the main seat of the parade platform.

After she sat down, he nodded to Yuan Xingzhi and others beside him. The generals of the three armies immediately stood up and left, and began to lead their troops one by one to demonstrate the formation in front of Feng Xi.

For a moment, flags were flying and drums were beating like thunder, and the whole martial arts arena was changing. Even Feng Xi, who had always lacked interest, took a second look.

After the formation deduction and weapons display, it was the competition that everyone loved to see.

Ten elite men from each camp will compete in the four skills of wrestling, riding and shooting, spear throwing, and chariot fighting. The top three in each category will be received by the princess and rewarded.

Among the three camps, the one with the largest number of rewards will be given a banquet by the princess tonight and will drink with the consort.

Feng Xi tilted her head, her eyes full of wisdom:

"I'm giving you a banquet, and you're going to have a drink. Rounding things off, does that mean that you just go and drink, and I don't have to go?"

Qi Xiao chuckled:

"Can you bear to let me go by myself?"

Feng Xi did not hesitate:

"A dead fellow is not a poor fellow, don't ask, just ask!"

Qi Xiao shook his head helplessly:

"You can't bear it? You can't bear it! You hunt on behalf of the sky, and the banquet you give is a banquet given by the emperor. A banquet without your presence is completely meaningless."

Feng Xi who heard the words suddenly stopped talking, so Qi Xiao said softly for this reason:
"What are you thinking about?"

Feng Xi is serious: "I was thinking about whether you can dress up as a girl and drink while being a princess."

Qi Xiao: "?"

I'm crazy you're crazy!

Qi Xiao was at a loss as to how to answer the words of his ancestors, when he saw Sun Wenzhong walking up to them slowly, leaning over and saluting:
"His Royal Highness Zhaoming, I heard that you travel lightly, and you didn't even bring a maidservant with you. No, I am afraid that you will be bored, so I specially brought my wife and daughter to talk to you."

With that said, Sun Wenzhong stood up and stepped back, letting Lin Meijiao and Sun Qingzhi behind him.

Then, he saw Feng Xi look at Lin Meijiao, then at Sun Qingzhi, and said bluntly:
"They're all about the same age. Which one is your daughter and which one is your wife? I don't think they look alike?"

Sun Wenzhong: "..."

Lin Meijiao: "..."

Sun Qingzhi: "..."

Seeing Qi Xiao bowed his head and smiled, Sun Wenzhong bit the bullet and said:
"Returning to the princess, this is the wife of the minister, Lin Meijiao, the younger sister of General Lin Guangchang. This is the daughter of the minister. You met that day, Sun Qingzhi, the deputy general of the Seven Star Battalion. Qingzhi was given by the deceased former wife of the minister. It's not like Meijiao."

"That's it."

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows, turned her head and said to Qi Xiao:

"See, getting promoted and making a fortune, killing a woman, making progress and abandoning the dross, role model, learn from it!"

Qi Xiao: "..."

Sun Wenzhong: "..."

I have to say that Sun Wenzhong felt that Princess Zhaoming was really good at talking.

But Feng Xi felt that she had to mention everything about Qi Xiao, so she simply ignored him and let Lin Meijiao and Sun Qingzhi stay.

As soon as Lin Meijiao sat down, she smiled and said to Feng Xi:

"Princess, I heard that the prince-in-law grew up in a military camp since he was a child. Not only is he proficient in chariot combat and spear throwing, but he is also capable of wrestling and mounted archery. Why don't you let him compete with those soldiers? Think of it as a lucky draw."

Unexpectedly, Feng Xi said:

"How much hatred is there? Are you sure you want to bring good fortune to the soldiers, rather than humiliate them?"

Lin Meijiao: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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