After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 119: The heartthrob system comes to Lingmeng and asks for binding

Chapter 119: The heartthrob system comes to Lingmeng and asks for binding

After asking this sentence, Lingmeng felt that her brain just had a twitch.

How could she ask such an idiotic question?

The power of the book can bring him back to life, so it must be able to heal the wound on his neck!

[It wasn't the power of the book that saved him, but the Tianpin Resurrection Pill that Yan Jiayue gave Pei Yu earlier cured him.As for the wound on his neck, Ye Xuan healed it with spiritual power. 】

Lingmeng: ...

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"So my fucking work is wasted again?"

She set up an emperor-level puppet to implicate Chi Ruixing, just to use up the power of the book, but it turned out that the power of the book did not save him, but Yan Jiayue's Tianpin Resurrection Pill saved him!
[The host is not too busy, at least, there is a spirit feather in your secret realm. 】

"You're right. Let's go, let's go see Ling Yu now."

Before leaving, Lingmeng took another look at the live broadcast on the virtual screen.

Standing in front of Ran Fanghui, Pei Yu stabbed the sword into Ran Fanghui's chest.

Ye Xuan stood behind Ran Fanghui, dug out Ran Fanghui's sword bone, and gave him another palm.


Before Ran Fanghui could finish his screams in pain, his whole body was shattered into meat and scattered all over the place.

It's not over yet, Ye Xuan threw out another talisman.

Soon, Ran Fanghui's soul was torn to pieces by the talisman.

Seeing this, Lingmeng was shocked, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.


Ye Xuan's strength is too terrifying!

Originally, she underestimated Ye Xuan's strength because she had hated Ye Xuan several times.

Seeing this scene, she suddenly felt that she really shouldn't look down on anyone!

Especially the masters in the Mahayana stage!
Lingmeng flashed into the secret realm, and asked the system with lingering fear: "Gouzi, is there any possibility of that Ran Fanghui being resurrected?"

[Not to mention that his body has been turned into flesh, even the 'Hun Flying Soul Scattered' talisman in Ye Xuan's hand, Ran Fanghui can't be revived.Moreover, Ran Fanghui didn't have too much pen and ink in the original work, and there was no crucial plot. The power of the book would not waste so much energy to save a supporting role that had nothing to do with promoting the plot. 】

Lingmeng was silent.

She put Ran Fanghui there, in fact, to deliberately cause conflicts between Pei Yu and Gu Jianzong, and then use Pei Yu or Ye Xuan's hands to avenge the original body by torturing or killing Ran Fanghui.

The last purpose is to consider that Ran Fanghui will survive to the finale, thinking that he should be one of the protagonists, and the power of books should also consume mana to save Ran Fanghui.

Three protagonists in a row died at the same time, the power of the book should consume a huge amount of energy.

Unexpectedly, Pei Yu was useless, and neither was Ran Fanghui.

Now that Ling Yu is born, I don’t know if the power of books can save her.

But after arriving at the secret realm, Lingmeng was stunned.

"What about people?"

She clearly threw the spirit feather where the fifth-level monster was!

After Lingmeng looked around and couldn't find it, her small mouth was like a machine gun, "The power of the book rescued me? Am I not the master of the secret realm? Whoever wants to come in and who wants to go out, doesn't it depend on my will? Can I ignore the rules of my secret realm?"

[This system has not detected traces of Ling Yu leaving the secret realm. She should still be in the secret realm. The host should search carefully. 】

Lingmeng whistled.

Soon Dahong flew to her side, speaking with some pride.

"Little Lemon, do you want to find a woman who looks the same as you?"

It seems that Da Hong has already seen Ling Yu.

"Yes, where is she?"

"She was taken back by the spider spirits and wrapped in a web."

Lingmeng raised her eyebrows, "Tangled with a net, what's going on?"

Dahong said with a special air.

"In the beginning, the group of silly birds saw the person with a broken forehead and thought it was you, so they rescued him back. They also used their spiritual power to work together to restore the broken forehead! When I arrived, I I found that something was wrong. There is no scar on your face, and there is no trace of my contract. I guessed that you threw this woman in. It is definitely not as simple as saving her. So I let the spider spirit tie her up and wait for you Fall."

"Good job."

Lingmeng rubbed Dahong's head: "I'll take you out to eat delicious food later."

"Oh yeah!"

Dahong spread her wings excitedly and flew up, jumping up and down.

But in the blink of an eye, Dahong flew onto Lingmeng's shoulder again and spoke.

"I almost forgot to tell you, that woman's physique is a bit weird, and the wound on her forehead is healing by itself. Every time the spider spirits hit her head with stones when her wound is about to heal, it will heal again soon. This is the first time the spider spirits encountered such a situation, and thought it was fun, so the whole family lined up to throw stones at her head."


Lingmeng laughed heartlessly.

It seems that the power of books that she didn't consume was made up by these spider spirits!

Lingmeng really wanted to see Lingyu's miserable situation, so she asked Dahong to take her there quickly.

in the cave.

The spider spirits are standing in a long line, waiting to throw stones by themselves.

Those who had been smashed and those who had not been smashed were all sighing.

"This woman's life is really tough!"

"This can't die?"

"Why don't we make smashing this woman's forehead a fee? One Lingshi once, let other monsters try it too, and see how hard this woman is?"

When Lingmeng came in, she just heard this, and she laughed again.

"You guys are so wicked, but I like it!"

Hearing the sound, all the spider spirits turned their heads, and saw a Suzaku queen flying beside the visitor.

All the monsters knew that this was the owner of this secret realm, and they took the initiative to stand in two rows to make way for Lingmeng.

Lingmeng walked over to look at Lingyu, probably because the spider spirit kept hitting her head, so there were bloodstains all over her face and neck, and she couldn't see what she looked like.

[Ling Meng——]

At this time, a particularly weak voice of a vicissitudes man came from Lingmeng's ear.

She looked around, but found no one talking.

The voice sounded again.

[I am a heartthrob system. Ling Yu has been so popular for so many years because she bound me.If you bind me and follow the tasks I said, soon, I will also make men all over the world admire you and worship you under your pomegranate skirt. 】

Because those spider spirits kept smashing Ling Yu's forehead, and it was bound to Ling Yu.

The power on it was about to be sucked dry by Ling Yu for resurrection, it didn't want to consume it like this anymore, it would die!

It needs to find a new carrier urgently, so that it can be reborn and start all over again!
The heartthrob system feels that women in this world are all vain, and no woman can refuse to be loved by men all over the world.

It only needs to reveal his ability, and no one can refuse it.

Who would have thought that Lingmeng sneered after hearing this.

"I'm not RMB, why should everyone like me?"

(End of this chapter)

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