After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 139 What?You want to dig the graves of eight generations of my ancestors?

Chapter 139 What?You want to dig the graves of eighteen generations of my ancestors?
Lingmeng climbed up from Tantai Luosheng's back, patted the pebbles in her palms, and teased, "Why else? Of course you are unlucky. Do you believe it or not, Bai Yun will be unluckier than you in a while?" "

According to the heartthrob system, the person whose luck is sucked will determine the degree of bad luck and the number of days based on the share of luck sucked.

Smoking below 50, there is no particularly obvious sign of bad luck.

More than 50 and below 200, that is, I almost tripped when walking, sprained my feet, etc., and it passed in two or three days. The 200-500 range is the kind where nothing goes well, and drinking cold water can get stuck between the teeth. 500-1000 is great, you will experience all the bad things, the shortest time is 7 days, and the longest time is 3 months.

As for those with more than 1000, in the next 10 years, there will be disasters such as serious illness and disability, and in serious cases, death.

And she heard from the heartthrob system that Ling Yu absorbed more than 3000 luck points from Bai Yun and Tantai Luosheng each, and their senior brothers all had around 4500 luck points.

For most people, a luck value of 4500 is already a dragon and a phoenix.

But after being sucked up to 3000 luck points, their luck is no longer as good as before. Not only are they unable to encounter all kinds of high-quality opportunities, they are even in danger of death at any time.

"Oh, arrogance!"

Bai Yun relied on his 10-year-old fox clan golden elixir and did not take Lingmeng seriously.

After all, he just waved his sleeves lightly and threw Lingmeng away.

Now, it's time to start his game of torturing Lingmeng.

Lingmeng watched Bai Yun set up a barrier to prevent anyone from coming to rescue her, her eyes were deep.

"Gouzi, activate the dark night realm."

In the fight with the two of them, and in the fight with Tantai Luosheng just now, she did not use these two cheating tricks.

But not now.

Bai Yun also used to hang up.

In the original book, Ling Yu took this elixir and became a half-step immortal, charming and charming. Even without the 3-point filter of the heartthrob system, she can charm a lot of men, and at the same time make her body Developed to the highest point, regardless of race issues.

It can make a monk directly become a half-step immortal. The power of this golden elixir should not be underestimated.

Ye Lan was a little helpless.

He didn't say his real name before, so she just called him Gouzi. Why did she still call him Gouzi after he said it?


Although very helpless, Yelan still obediently activated the Dark Night Domain.

"what's the situation?"

When the Dark Night Realm opened, Tantai Luosheng was dumbfounded immediately: "Why is it dark? Isn't it broad daylight now?"

Bai Yun didn't care at first.

He now has 10 years of skill.

What he was thinking was that while communicating with Tantai Luosheng, he would finish torturing Lingmeng.

But soon he found something was wrong.

His speed actually slowed down!
Bai Yun tried to run, but the speed was still very slow!

In the dark night, the speed slows down...

Bai Yun quickly realized something, and suddenly realized, "Dark Night Realm! It's actually Dark Night Realm!"

Lingmeng was a little surprised.

"Yo, Second Senior Brother, you actually know this."

"Of course I know!"

Bai Yun looked around, fearing that Lingmeng would sneak attack him if he wasn't careful.

"This dark night realm belongs to the God Realm. Why do you have it?"

Spirit world?


Her true form indeed comes from the divine realm.

She also told the two senior brothers frankly that she was a god.

But the two of them didn’t believe it!
Because Tantai Luosheng was injured and suppressed by the Dark Night Domain, he didn't make a sound except for saying "Impossible".

It was Bai Yun who spoke emotionally.

"Immortal? Heh! Lingmeng, you are a vicious woman who has repeatedly killed her sister, but you actually say that you are an immortal? If you are an immortal, I am still the way of heaven!"


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit Bai Yun directly.

Lingmeng smiled.

"Boy, you will be punished by God for lying."

Bai Yun's face finally became handsome, but because of this thunder, it once again turned black, like coal, without any trace of handsomeness.

He pointed at Lingmeng angrily: "Obviously you are lying, why didn't God punish you, but punish me?"

Is Lingmeng really a god in the sky?
But don't the gods always take the common people in the world as their own responsibility?

Why does a vicious woman like Lingmeng exist who is jealous of her sister?

Lingmeng took out the little Suzaku and said playfully, "Look, I just said that you will be more unlucky than the big brother, don't you believe me. Of course, you will have more unlucky moments later."

"You crow mouth! Shut up!"

Bai Yun was irritable, and he used his spiritual power to turn into gas balls with pink light one after another, attacking Lingmeng.

The Dark Night Domain has three major characteristics.

One is that the enemy can be plunged into darkness instantly, and the vision is limited, but the owner is unimpeded inside.

The second is that other than the master, anyone, including gods, will slow down the speed.

The third is that the master's attack speed will be increased by 20%.

So Lingmeng easily dodged all of Bai Yun's attacks, and even merged with the Dark Night Realm, watching Bai Yun consume his spiritual power.

Five days later.

When all the spiritual power of the golden core in Bai Yun's body was exhausted, and he was about to replenish his physical strength with the spiritual stones in the mustard bag, Ling Meng rushed to Bai Yun at a speed like a rocket launch, and kicked Bai Yun hard. face.


Bai Yun vomited blood.

When he was struggling to get up, he was suddenly pressed down hard by Lingmeng, and immediately after that, a puff of medicine powder was stuffed into his mouth.

Bai Yun instantly changed from human form to nine-tailed fox form.

Lingmeng sat on the fox's back, grabbing the fox fur around its neck and asking.

"Second senior brother, do you want to experience what it's like to be a bald man?"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Bai Yun panicked.

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to shave off the flawless white fox fur of Second Senior Brother and make him into a fox fur."

"you dare!"

Bai Yun grinned, wanting to bite Lingmeng with his mouth.

But Lingmeng's strength is too strong, and when she bullies him for being weak, she can't resist at all.

He could only say harshly: "You little turtle, a piece of trash who only knows how to attack sneakily, do you dare to fight me openly? You don't dare, because you can't beat me. I'm warning you, today If you dare to shave a hair from me, I will dig up the graves of eighteen generations of your ancestors!"

But obviously you and Tantai Luosheng lost to me first.

Later, in Siguo Cliff, I was the first to use the Fox Clan Golden Pill, and then I used the Dark Night Realm.

I know I can't beat you, why should I confront you head-on?
Am I stupid?
But now is not the time to talk about it.

Lingmeng was overjoyed, "Dig the graves of eighteen generations of ancestors! There is such a good thing! Then I must shave your hair today."

Tantai Luosheng on the side couldn't help but said with a bit of resentment: "Second Junior Brother, you are so stupid! Her ancestors are eighteen generations old, aren't they the eighteenth generation ancestors of the Holy Maiden Lingyu?"

Bai Yun: ...

Oh too.

He just wanted to take revenge on Lingmeng, but he didn't know that he accidentally hurt Lingmeng.

"Okay, Lingmeng, let me put it another way. If you dare to touch me, I will fight you forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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